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Thread: Pulls to the right

Created on: 09/28/21 05:55 PM

Replies: 14


ginccs's Gravatar

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Pulls to the right
09/28/21 5:55 PM

When I let go of the handlebars, the bike tilts slightly to the right and then runs off to the right.
It has never been overturned - I have it from new.
Geometry checked - approx.
The third set of tires - the same on each.
Interestingly, up to 60 km / h - it goes straight, from 80 km / h it starts to pull.
If I stand on the footrests and let go of the steering wheel, it also goes straight.
If I move slightly to the left on the seat, it also goes straight.
Bike 2018y.
Does anyone have a similar problem?
Is it typical for this model?
Somewhere I read that the Z750 had such a problem and it helped to replace the exhaust with a sports one - it was about balancing.

I am from Poland and my English may be poor - sorry

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/28/21 7:07 PM

Your English is fine :) Has this problem always been there or did it start recently?

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/28/21 7:59 PM

1. Tire pressures?
2. Fork seals leak? One low of fluid level can walk the bike off center.
3. Front steering bearings relube every 4660km and inspect for divots. Divots can center the steering and then walk to either side per seating angle, etc.
4. Front fork axle holes horizontal to the triple tree? That means you measured at the top for fork distance out the top crown, but at the bottom, the axle kind of binds into the threaded receiver on the other fork and it is not dead horizontal to the other fork and that pull to one side, meaning, the one fork is raised higher or lower than the other fork and is not square to the triple to the neck to the rear swingarm.
5. Rear wheel is cocked to one side and the bike steers the opposite... is I think is the direction we for every action, the opposite.
6. Accessories mounted at the most rear of the bike and up high.
7. Wire harness mounts on the lower fork pinch bolts of the triple tree. Holds the forks from moving to center.

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ginccs's Gravatar

Location: Krakow Poland

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/29/21 7:55 AM

it has always been like this, but only now I had the opportunity to switch bikes and two riders confirmed my opinion.

1. check = OK
2. check = Ok
3. check = OK Checked for play, nicks and lubricated.
4. check = OK 4. The geometry of the bike was checked by a specialized company - I do not know how they did it. They measured the frame and rocker without disassembling, and they disassembled the front fork for measurements. Everything's fine. I also measured my own way
5. check = OK I will try to draw as I checked, because the marks on the arm do not match R / L 0,5mm the difference.
6. check = OK Everything was dismantled, only the inner frame of the central trunk remained on the bag.
7. I haven't checked that thoroughly - I was lifting the front of the bike while adjusting the head tube bearing. The fork was not pulling in either direction, but I will check it carefully.

X - are equal
Y - are equal

* Last updated by: ginccs on 9/29/2021 @ 7:56 AM *

I am from Poland and my English may be poor - sorry

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/29/21 9:00 AM

4. check = OK.... and they disassembled the front fork for measurements.

I'm assuming you had this 'pull' before showing up for their inspection. I'm just wondering if they setup the front end like this?

Another trick is to mark a flat on the swingarm's adjust bolt, run it all the way into the swingarm, make your mark on the flat, then count each full turn and equal the same turns on the other side. Then it's flat for flat dialing in the chain slack. You figure the casting of the swingarm is pretty much squared on the X to Y drawing as will be the 3rd dimension [Z'd] to the flats.

Here is where I am locking the one fork in position, then I float the other fork so there is the least amount of friction on the axle entering the other fork. Maybe not for pull, but say going into a turn it feels normal, then traverse to the other side and it feels sketchy or off in the transition. Forks have to be way off [out the top] of the top triple tree for that to happen.

What I can't explain is how a tire's wear pattern is looking fine on one side of the tire, then the other side, the rain grooves are more worn on the one side that is directly on the opposite side of the tire. Someone brings up the road's crown and for rain to wash away? How does the steamroller crown the road if you are riding on that flat road... seems like.

Whereas, I have a long level with the center bubble showing how steep to one side the road is? So the question is, are we looking at even tire wear at the back tire's side to side from center?

Where now I just thought... I'd have the front wheel off the ground, pull one caliper, shim the pads so they don't walk out too far, spin the wheel, stop the tire with the one caliper and check for drag on the disc. Then swap calipers and see if a 'pull' is happening on the one disc?

* Last updated by: Hub on 9/29/2021 @ 9:01 AM *

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david5525's Gravatar

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/29/21 9:02 AM

What side of the road do you drive on? On the roads you travel do they slope from the center for drainage? Look at tire wear. If there is wear from riding strait on a side slope road this off center wear could cause the bike to tip and turn in the direction of the wear.
Might not be the problem but I have heard this before.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/29/21 9:29 AM

When I let go of the handlebars, the bike tilts...

Here is the inducement to the imbalance.

Interestingly, up to 60 km / h - it goes straight...

Nope. Bike is bent, it goes tilt hands on or off no matter the speed. Clue #2 but I'll cancel out the hands off and begin with this as clue #1.

... from 80 km / h it starts to pull.

Sounds like physics and speed times gyroscopic effect divided by bags... is the guess.

If I stand on the footrests... it also goes straight.

Clue #2. Bike is not bent, swing out of blueprint, front end problem from brakes on back.

If I move slightly to the left on the seat, it also goes straight.

Clue #3. Body in motion is the commotion.

NO PROBLEM FOUND... Ass factor found however. Bullet is the proof.

The bags in the photo, the hands off, the rear luggage rack... are we on the same page?

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/29/21 9:48 AM

Somewhere I read that the Z750 had such a problem and it helped to replace the exhaust with a sports one - it was about balancing.

Kind of answering your own question? I think one would be relieved of bulletproof not having a problem but a bag-balancing-act.

As snowflake as it sounds, I'd uncrate the same bike model, same year, road test it, and they'd all have something different about themselves. My brew bet is... if you took apart the whole bike, reassembled it, I'd say it would ride different than before. Or say if we could someway, somehow, all swap bikes, you'd know what I mean.

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ginccs's Gravatar

Location: Krakow Poland

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/29/21 4:49 PM

4. check = OK.... and they disassembled the front fork for measurements.

After checking the geometry by specialists, I personally checked how the fork is folded, whether the lags are even in the shelves and whether the axis goes evenly into the holes. Everything is fine.
I am so slightly obsessed - in my case, even the hexagons of the bolts must be aligned on the right and left lags.
Today I went a bit without holding with the throttle blocked and I found out that it is enough to literally touch the left handlebars gently, but by pushing to the right and the bike will straighten straight away, because it does not so much pull but tilt to the right.

7. Wire harness mounts on the lower fork pinch bolts of the triple tree. Holds the forks from moving to center.

I suspect the ABS hydraulic lines may push the fork to the left. They are two next to each other - tomorrow I will check if they can push like that.

I am from Poland and my English may be poor - sorry

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Pulls to the right
09/29/21 9:14 PM

I'll just say,when removing hands off bars,the bike will naturally tilt to one side or the other depending on lots of things.Wind direction,wind speed(relative or blowing)and the weight distribution of the bike itself.I ride without hands sometimes.I usually have to compensate for angling off center by shifting in the seat.There's nothing wrong with the bike or anything.All my bikes have done this.If conditions are just right...speed and such,they did ride straight without any correcting at times.Other times,I was needing to constantly move around to get them to balance vertical.But no big deal.

How's the front tire looking?Like a pyramid shape from cornering?It will wander if it's like that cause the contact patch is smaller from wear on the side.

If I use my arms extended both sides,and use my hands as paddles to block the wind,I can turn the bike and make adjustments while cruising.Just for the heck of it.Interesting to see how a small hand sized wind brake will steer the bike sometimes

"When I let go of the handlebars, the bike tilts slightly to the right and then runs off to the right." you have a throttle lock on there?If you're letting off the gas to have it do this,that's a very small time window to actually try leaning your body to correct it.Try also weighting the pegs with your body weight.Push down on the opposite peg.If the throttle was locked,you could experiment much more going in a straight line and constant speed.I don't think anything's wrong with your bike honestly.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 9/29/2021 @ 9:22 PM *

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/29/21 9:27 PM

There's also a difference between 'pulling' and 'drifting'.Sounds like it's drifting to me.Which is fine.They all do this sometimes.So many road conditions and speed variables.I wouldn't worry about it.Next time you put new tires on there check it on a flat level road again.You COULD tape the throttle with some duct tape(a small strip)and lock your throttle,then see how she does.

My bikes almost always drift to the right at first,then I shift my weight,and they come right back...and stay there for a few seconds,then drift to the left.then back again.Normal.Probably the longest I've been able to ride with hands off has been say,1 minute.That's with light light body moves.Or tyhe hand method.If I rest my hands on the tank,and concentrate on relaxing everything,the bike will straighten out nicely and hold that the more I relax.Considering there's no crosswind or anything.I can steer aound curves that way also.Kinda fun to try it once in a while.i'm usually pressing with my knees in the tank when doing it.

Anyone saying their bike doesn't drift off vertical at times isn't paying attention.Especially if they're correcting with light countersteering which they may not even be aware of.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 9/29/2021 @ 9:33 PM *

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Pulls to the right
09/29/21 9:36 PM

"Does anyone have a similar problem?"'s not a problem.It's inherent being a two wheeled vehicle that weighs hundreds of lbs and distributed between those two wheels.Then add rider input.And weight.And contact patch.

HONDA created a bike that walks itself around at parking lot speeds and also VERY slow manuvering speeds around 2-3 mph without falling.It doesn't need a kickstand.It will follow the owner around without physical help.Navigate doors,the whole nine yards.Pretty trick.

It will stop and remain perfectly stable vertically.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 9/29/2021 @ 9:49 PM *

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/29/21 9:47 PM

Tire wear on the front can be more noticeable if one corners faster or brakes harder cornering to either side.Are you trailbraking at speed?Favoring the right radius' more?It's gonna create a side flatness(profile) doing that.Or powering out leaned to the right.You may not even visually see it much.Eventually it will show up very noticeable.

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RE: Pulls to the right
09/29/21 9:53 PM

If you go on youtube and watch certain crash videos you'll see none of the riderless bikes go perfectly straight down the road.And stay that way.

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ginccs's Gravatar

Location: Krakow Poland

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RE: Pulls to the right
10/01/21 5:29 PM

Thanks guys for your help.
The culprit turned out to be the brake hose, hydraulic, leading from the ABS pump to the brake caliper, flexible, between the frame and the lower shelf of the fork.
I unscrewed the cord fastening, from the shelf and went to the test - hit at 10.
Then I bent it as much as it bent itself.
Now the bike runs like a string - without tilting by itself.

Thanks to HUB for your tips, this "7" led me to solve the problem.
This is my first bike with ABS. Before that, the wire went from the handle directly to the clamp - I didn't think about it.

I close the topic

I am from Poland and my English may be poor - sorry

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