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Thread: 2 riders killed at SB

Created on: 07/20/15 01:05 AM

Replies: 5


OpenRoad's Gravatar

Location: Santa Cruz, CA

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2 riders killed at SB
07/20/15 1:05 AM

I backed out at the last minute to go with some friends... glad I did so.

Tragedy at Laguna Seca

* Last updated by: OpenRoad on 7/20/2015 @ 1:06 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: 2 riders killed at SB
07/20/15 7:39 AM

Goes with the sport. Lots of gimps, lost limbs, in wheelchairs, and those are the survivors. The shit that tumbles in your head before that flag drops. But before that, is the fear of death you left behind once they begin to let you out onto the grid.

We were discussing how to get roadracing back to filling the seats like europe does today. I said, make it a blood sport, big purse money for the winner take all, one page rule book; 'You ain't cheat'inn, you ain't win'inn.' No preinspection check, no oil dry, no ambulance--bring your own band-aids.

And now you come along and fuck up my plan. Well, so much for filling the seats. Oh come on, be a "SPORT!" Do as the romans do/did/do it to it... old school.

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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RE: 2 riders killed at SB
07/20/15 12:56 PM

Uh, Hub...not that funny considering. My friend Cory Call is one of the guys who hit the fallen rider. He feels like shit, couldn't avoid him. Apparently on the start, one guys bike lost power , he put his hand up but someone hit him. Then carnage. It happens sometimes. Had nothing to do with track safety. Godpseed to both riders.


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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: 2 riders killed at SB
07/22/15 7:48 AM

Yeah Madd, I got the inside info sorta like you. Trouble with that ECU during the session or from the day of practice, I don't know? But the issue was the ECU dropped out, hand up, and the speed of the backmarkers coming from that grid distance to the front... Not a good scenario.

Let's just say that [what the grapevine said], someone rode over one of the guy's neck and that's what took him out. I knew it had to be bike on rider. Rider alone is maybe knocked out, holding a body part, or gets up. But when the bike enters the fray, it's lights out if not total retirement from the sport, it busted you up as both were collected in that tight of a group.

So if Cory was a post-run over, the Spaniard was dead already. If Cory rode over his neck, not a thing you can do, or will you ever forget it. The time slows down, but the speed is a reactionless move. A too late of an aim looking for a hole.

I would halt anyone having that kind of issue is pack it up, or bring a spare. And if that did not solve it, it's parked... just for that reason. So the issue was way back in the pits with that ECU and before the race, etc. Now it's hindsight.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: 2 riders killed at SB
07/22/15 8:25 AM

not that funny considering.

No it's not. I broke someone's ankle and always wonder about that stupid move I made. He was right in the line, me coming off a banking and the slingshot to the apex. He was slowing down with bike problems, or nursing it around, but I came too close, my peg may have caught his ankle. I stayed up, came around again, saw he was still laying there not moving. Come around again, I'm thinking I killed the guy. So I still have some of that vision of that incident still lingering at anytime. It just pops in your head. Again, goes with the sport in all sorts of ways.

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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RE: 2 riders killed at SB
07/22/15 9:13 AM

I got ya Hub. Cory posted and said it was the worst day of his life. Had nowhere to go and hit the guy squarely, knew he was hurt bad. Very sad day for all around.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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