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Thread: adding water wetter to overflow tank?

Created on: 04/06/09 10:05 AM

Replies: 7


gumbybob's Gravatar

Location: Litchfield, NH

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adding water wetter to overflow tank?
04/06/09 10:05 AM

Quick question.
I wanted to add water wetter to the radiator yesterday and found that the radiator was so full that I could NOT add anything without all the watter wetter just spilling out. So I added it to the overflow tank.
Will this be as effective?
Will the water wetter find its way to the radiator and through the engine where it belongs?

Thanks for your advise.


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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: adding water wetter to overflow tank?
04/06/09 11:45 AM

Yo Gumby-I did the same thing!!!HA!But I didn't put ANY in the radiator itself-only in the res.I guess it's working?Can't tell yet-not hot enough here-it's running cooler anyway with the front fender mod-Soooo....(at least my reservoir's full ...well not quite.)

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Nightmare's Gravatar

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RE: adding water wetter to overflow tank?
04/07/09 1:04 PM

It is okay to add directly to the overflow tank, as the engine heats up coolant is foreced into the overflow and when the engine/rad cools back down the coolent is sucked back into the rad from the overflow. This will (overtime) result in the addative mixing evenly into the entire cooling system.

2 things to consider however, 1: if you add too much to the overflow it will spill out when the engine is hot & 2: it is more difficult to add the proper ratio, unless you happen to know how much water is in the system right now, you have enough room and you know there isn't any other additatives already in the coolant.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: adding water wetter to overflow tank?
04/07/09 9:28 PM

I see no reason why you couldn't put additives in the resivour. It will circulate as you mentioned.

I have not needed to use Water Wetter though I heard it is an excellent product. I added a couple ounces of coolent/water to the resivour and I am not ever coming close to an overflow. If your coolent level looks high, you can siphon some out of the resivour and replace with Water Wetter. You just need to find the fluid capacity of the cooling system and add the corect ratio of WW. As I mentioned, I have never used WW but I doubt you need more than a few ounces.

If you have a spill over, it will probabley happen when you shut the bike down. You could have a pan ready to place under the overflow hose. You don't want that stuff on the farings as I believe it's bad for paint.


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gumbybob's Gravatar

Location: Litchfield, NH

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RE: adding water wetter to overflow tank?
04/08/09 5:38 AM

Coolant capacity is 3.6 quarts.
Water wetter suggests 3-4 capfulls per oz so I put in 15 caps full.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: adding water wetter to overflow tank?
04/08/09 1:06 PM

It does claim"will not harm" the system.So I dumped the whole bottle into my reservoir-

* Last updated by: blue07 on 4/8/2009 @ 1:08 PM *

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CoolWhip's Gravatar


Brewtown Metropolis

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RE: adding water wetter to overflow tank?
04/08/09 2:04 PM

...just a side note, I recently flushed my radiator. Don’t forget to put on a new (copper) drain plug gasket. Here’s the OEM # 92200-0498. Fits all years.

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Nightmare's Gravatar

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RE: adding water wetter to overflow tank?
04/10/09 8:57 PM

I know the use of anti-freeze is highly recommended (even in climates that don't get freezing temperatures) as the anti-freeze contains anti-corrosion (& anti-scaling?) additives, but I don't know if water wetter has them as well... I always thought it was more of a race application as a lot of tracks won't allow anti-freeze on the track.

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