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Thread: idle adjust went berzerk.

Created on: 10/07/16 09:25 PM

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Rook's Gravatar

Joined: 03/28/09

Posts: 20652

idle adjust went berzerk.
10/07/16 9:25 PM

I was riding the 14 and came to a stop when i noticed the engine was not slowing down as it normally does. I pulled the clutch and saw it was idling at 2000 rpm. It started normally and idled normally but after a couple miles, it idled fast. So, I turned my idle adjust nob down and it was a good 1/2~3/4 turn before i got it to 1100 rpm. I rode the bike until thoroughly warmed up. Came to a stop again and it just died! Started again and it died after a few seconds. Started again and immediately was on the idle adjust nob now increasing the idle speed. I set it to 1100 rpm and all has been just dandy ever since.

Only thing I can imagine is there was some crud in the injectors or t bodies that got cleared out by a fuel treatment. I have run no Seafoam at all this season because i have been tuning. Decided to run a strong dose through before storage.

Could it be the fuel treatment combined with a little heat of running the motor dislodged some gunk?

I believe this has happened one time i the distant past. It's running great now so no worries but i am confused as to why it would run fast and then go back to where it was after I adjusted it. Cooler weather, maybe?



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