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Thread: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash

Created on: 05/08/13 10:23 AM

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/17/13 1:12 PM

This now causes the abstract to... Set the table at a 9.6% drop is the percentage you see as how it's possible to set the map in this style increment do you mean?

Yup yup yup! I bet my extrapolation factor is gonna be 4.3-5.3 in there, but won't know till dyno proof. Makin that factor larger makes richer, applied on THAT side.

* Last updated by: Cblast on 8/17/2013 @ 2:31 PM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/18/13 9:12 AM

Any you guys having any trouble withe the Mitsubishi Interface ? I can't seem to read anymore and takes 4 or 5 tries to write ???? All connection perfect, Voltage Perfect, Com Port correct.

What this means is my current Map is lost if I don't save each and every time. Ask me how I found out,,,, Maybe I wore it out lol ?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/18/13 9:30 AM

Yup! I think we gots some of the same stuff going on Romes! I been pulling my hair out one at a fing time with needlenose pliers.

Disciple of the 14R
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jkwool's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/18/13 4:45 PM

After you complete a read or write operation you should cycle the interface into the centre position before attempting another read/write operation . I find that it is also useful to cycle the ignition as well to reset the ECU after a read/write operation.

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/18/13 5:48 PM

After you complete a read or write operation you should cycle the interface into the centre position

yep tried that.

I find that it is also useful to cycle the ignition as well to reset the ECU after a read/write operation.

this is default as we have no choice dash on bike flashes. Off On = All Good

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/18/13 5:49 PM

Wait,,, cycle ?????,,,describe in detail please.

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gobrian77's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/18/13 5:58 PM

Every time I've tried to read or write with the Mitsubishi interface, I've gotten the 'no connection' message at first (initially this was due to my not using the 12V power supply, but that's no longer the case)- while the first few times I immediately disconnected it and tried again until it worked, I found that waiting a short time (10-15 seconds) resolves the issue and it starts working properly.

I should mention that Romans set me up to flash my ECU from the other side of he Earth without my having to physically send him the actual unit- very cool stuff, and he's a great guy to deal with (so's Justin at Woolich).

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/18/13 6:13 PM

at first (initially this was due to my not using the 12V power supply, but that's no longer the case

At first ???? What does this mean,, do tell ???? If this a current issue I need to know ????

but that's no longer the case)-

go, what are you using now for a power supply ?

I should mention that Romans set me up to flash my ECU from the other side of he Earth without my having to physically send him the actual unit- very cool stuff, and he's a great guy to deal with (so's Justin at Woolich).

Very cool indeed. On pins and needles as to your ride report. I'm sure you have heard the term what works for some does not work for others. You are very close to sea level, for you going to be wow,,,do tell.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/18/13 8:19 PM

'At first' means when I first tried reading my ECU last month (this is before I contacted you), I didn't realize I had to plug in the AC outlet if the ECU was still in the bike with the ignition turned on (I thought the second plug would supply enough power, and that the adaptor was only necessary if the ECU was physically removed from the bike- my mistake;))- after realizing what I did wrong (and after pestering a very patient Justin), I hooked up the 12V adaptor (just a few bucks off eBay) and my problem was solved.

You're probably going to run into similar issues over the next few months- like many, I'm a complete newb at this, and I'm worried about damaging something or screwing something up- now that I've used the harness and understand how it works, I'm not worried anymore- the first time you flash your ECU when you live on a tiny island 14 hours ride from the nearest mechanic (who has seen maybe one other 14R and has never messed with an ECU) and half a world away from a decent parts supply, you tend to tread carefully.:)

I'm gonna get on the bike Wednesday if the weather holds up and I'll let you know how it goes.

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jkwool's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/19/13 6:34 AM

Hi Romans, cycle the ignition just means turn it off then back on again ;)

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/19/13 7:45 AM

Hi Romans, cycle the ignition just means turn it off then back on again ;)

Ya figured that. Had to be sure you were not talking about cycling the Mits interface.

With my 2010 I remove the ECU and work of the desk top,, just can Not get a ECU read. Write only. I can get a serial # read but nothing else.

I can still read and write with the 14R ECU so Mits interface must be ok. Ideas ? Thinking bench harness has gone NFG

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jkwool's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/19/13 7:52 AM

after a read/write attempt try the following

Turn ECU power off
Move Mitsubishi Interface to center position
Turn ECU power on
Move mitsubishi interface to flashing mode (red led on)
Try to read again

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/19/13 8:32 AM

Justin, Im mapping again today will repeat all tests. Thing is I'm doing nothing different from before yet something has changed. Not giving up.

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jkwool's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/19/13 8:35 AM

ok, seems strange as its still working ok for the ZX14R, drop me an email if your issues continue.


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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/20/13 10:49 PM

Yesterday I received Justin's beauty box. Here is my breakdown done an hour or so ago.

1. Found it fairly simple [after a few hits and misses] how the bin downloads upon sign-in steps.
2. Found the files loading on the one computer, but forgot how the default is set for 10 min. for standby. I did see the popup notice being sent to Woolich about the aborted glitch, but I figured I'd try signing back on, watched the current loaded files rip by: we were back on track and all files loaded once again. Ignore the message, Justin.
3. Found in the confusion, I cannot figure out how to thumb-drive the files to the garage computer, so I'll just swap towers or hard drives, reload the same bin file again, then bring that out for the garage computer.
4. Found a wall socket charger with an output of 11.1v/1-amp in values. Needless to say it worked fine.
5. Found my eyes bug out to see the 3-D, map piss flap piss in my pants the shit you can do in this puppy!
6. Found my way back to the bike, plugged her back in without altering anything: she started.

Question for you, Justin. Is this what is written in the ECU by Mitsu, or is this one of them there standard windows platform operating systems for the auto industry you can buy and then write in all the radio clicks and drill down boxes as you go? Because, seems like you are finding things how, what? Shouldn't this be as a full program you don't need to find things? Shouldn't it pop up once you have that computer reading computer?

Nice unit btw. I was on the outside. Now I'm on the inside and now I have to get my head around whom? The map cells or the 3-D my grid? I haven't gone thru enough videos, Justin, but can you drag the 3-D color map so the the pull of the mouse you made to one line moves? Understand that [doable] to the 3-D map? I forgot to try it when I was in there.

Thanks, Justin

This other tether, is this one where we can see the maps or 3-D run in real time as the bike revs and all that?

* Last updated by: Hub on 8/20/2013 @ 10:54 PM *

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jkwool's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/21/13 4:12 AM

Hi Hub, the bin file is a compiled RISC executable, it is custom written to run on the processor in the ECU, when we look at the bin file we are basically looking at raw assembly language, so processor level instructions and raw data, very difficult to understand even with years of experience. I wish it was as you describe but it is far far from this :)

No need to copy the bin files to the other computer, you can sign into your account from the computer in there and download the bin files.

If you hold down the ctrl key and then left mouse click and hold on a node in the 3d chart you can change the value as required.

As mentioned previously, the engine data for the later models is not available yet.

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/21/13 9:04 AM

5. Found my eyes bug out to see the 3-D, map piss flap piss in my pants the shit you can do in this puppy!

ROFL,,, No P in Pants,,,, Glad your on board,,,finally. Now lets play

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jkwool's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/21/13 9:09 AM

Yeah I agree, welcome Hub, I will have to get the Woolich Racing MapShare up and running soon as i know you guys are going to produce some good stuff to share with other guys using our products ;) This is the cool part of what we do, the community that builds around getting the most out of our bikes :)

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/21/13 11:33 AM

Thanks, guys. Like I said, I have to wrap my head around the 3-D map or cells? Now, did you see the 5-6 map in 3-D as opposed to the default 1 map? And how do I read the red? Are we rich-red or caution-lean? Freak'inn learning curve here we go! If I read red in the higher rpm, sure seems rich, correct? So maybe catching that rpm to red seems to say that is how I concluded that.

Which sends me to 'best torque' aiming for more red in the green/yellow zones and that low an rpm. See where I'm headed for low grunt, just touch the throttle open and the back wheel lights up? LOL!!!

I'm going to give up how all this works part for part, c++ and all that language. I'm just going to concentrate on this program and learn the curve from there. Care to state what exactly did you radio click an burn, Romes? I can see the rev limiters, and man, you miss a shift, I can blow that gear I missed in a 6,000 rpm spark limit instead, not 9,500 or whatever that default is? Less rpm spin once it catches back into gear. Make sense on that move?

Pretty slick if that does. Crap, you know what I also forgot? I never clicked over to the open toggle. I assume that's just to write over things so you are in the: 'write mode' call it? 'Center toggle: 'saves,' toggle to flash: 'burns it' in. Something like that? Okay, say this is basically what the toggle does: I would assume? And being in the center just lets you look around without writing things, sans, click a 'no' when you remove the hardware, and it says on the monitor, 'do you want to save changes?'

This new computer already froze on me, so I had to wipe the drive and start all over. I'm going to try to download the bin on this new tower so I can study the Wooly on this bigger screen.

* Last updated by: Hub on 8/21/2013 @ 11:34 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/21/13 12:43 PM

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 8/21/2013 @ 12:47 PM *

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jkwool's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/23/13 9:19 PM

Hub, red in the map screens indicates that you have removed fuel (leaner) blue indicates that you have added fuel (richer). You need to put the interface in Flashing mode (red led on) to both read and write, centre position disconnects the interface from the ECU so you are able to start the engine with the interface still connected.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/23/13 10:13 PM

Thanks. What I'm trying to figure out is how to save the stock map, or do I toggle to the other map and burn from there? Then, If I switch back to stock map, no harm, no foul, correct?

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jkwool's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/23/13 10:49 PM

To flash back to stock , just go to "File" => "New Bin File" and select your Bike make model and part number, this will create a new stock bin file, then flash to the ECU and you will be back to stock.

* Last updated by: jkwool on 8/23/2013 @ 10:52 PM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/23/13 11:47 PM

Sounds simple. Where it says tools, the drill down says to erase the ECU. Is it first erase the [flashed] ecu, now reload the OE map, then begin changing the cells again? Or is this erase back to the OE numbers, no need to reinstall your ECU number/yr and all that, just begin a new round of changing the OE numbers again, yes? Make sense in that way?

When would I use unlock?' What am I unlocking from where? The degrees speak to me in the ignition map. The fuel numbers don't. Reading that 3-D map, I'm going to assume you want the 1800 rpm to 3100 rpm about where it is, but the rest is one robbing set of numbers.

I have a feeling I'm going to reversengineer the same basics as running down Ivan and that limp'd ignition is how I found myself knocking on the outside, now I'm on the inside and what did we say those fuel numbers represent? Pascal?


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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
08/24/13 12:46 AM

Hub, ignition is degrees from TDC, no brainer there.

Fuel is microseconds of injector pulse time and from my work on 2009 model it adds the IAP vaule to the TPS value for a given condition. I'll let you think about that for a moment....ready...boom.. your mind just melted!!

Yes that means that the fuel map can be treated as relative numbers - 300 is half of 600.
But because it adds the IAP cell value (which has nothing to do with TPS) there can be quite a range of values calculated for any given TPS/RPM. Thing of the vacuum pulling fuel up/down relative to the TPS value.

I also found, that there is a scaling factor somewhere that you can't see with the woolich tools. If you add two typical cells you get an injector pulse time that doesn't make sense. So it is.

Fuel( TPS, RPM ) + Fuel ( IAP, RPM)
Injector Pulse = -----------------------------------
constant ( GEAR )

On the 2009 I believe, but Justin will hopefully find, that the constant above actually changes based on what gear you select. There are no gear maps, and we all know the bike behaves different in different gears - unless the TRE only affects ignition (it might, but I doubt it).

'09 ZX14 - SOLD

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