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Thread: Safe mode

Created on: 04/06/14 12:32 AM

Replies: 32


Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Safe mode
04/09/14 7:07 AM

Yessir, canbus connectors. We know for a fact that the relay pin for the pair valve also has an abs signal (and another function). Shut off the pair valve via an ecu number and you have essentially also affected the abs, now bike throws code. Didn't do a single thing to the abs, changed a pair valve actuation number. Abs code. Go back, re-set the pair valve numbers, no codes. Now is where the juggling comes in and the difference in flashes. If due diligence is not applied, whom knows what they are changing where. If they don't check what sub-systems they are affecting, mathematical gremlins creep up and bite, right in the ABS. :)) lol

* Last updated by: Cblast on 4/9/2014 @ 7:08 AM *

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Safe mode
04/09/14 8:05 AM

CAN COM are a bunch of train tracks like one on the ground and one build above the ground and on a platform. In other words, hi/lo signals can travel on their own track so a lo is not on the tracks of a hi and they crash into each other. There is no train derailment because all systems are traveling. Only difference is, one gate is down and the RR crossing bell is ringing.

Train is not off track = Wire out of connector. Not this
Nor crashed into each other = Burnt sensor as in crash&burn. Not this
Or can't get thru, meaning, Signal up at the crossing = Signal out of range. This one.

So we can now say, a hi and a lo and a hi tie in. Same as saying, analog in from the sensor, digital compute is the RR depot, and back out to analog. Same as saying, fuel/sp/comp are tied in as analog/dig/ana, then hi/lo/hi in CAN COM and that protocol.

We are way out in left field with the CAM CON. We see this as a black box filling the blanks of the numbers in the mileage/speedo/clock/temp/gas level/etc. This has nothing to do with CAN. It's were the octal number in the cell did not match up with that 2nd/3rd tie in of the next popup map you cut and pasted to. So between 2 maps, one number flew off the map and now codes.

Here's the thing. Internally the code is doing what it can do outside as it is doing now on the inside. It's internally coding itself thru a cut and paste layer over some other map, and say some cells were not covered. That bump next to the cell that was not layered is now going to be corralled to compute with the next cell block next to it. It takes the X to Y approach. It takes a North to South Corral of two numbers, meaning, the next cell number is the next number to compute with and BOOM! Computing number in the next cell is a non-compute. Table a code.

Did you sort of see that computation?

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Safe mode
04/09/14 8:31 AM

I am not disagreeing with ya, I more than sort of see it. I see it from every angle. These maps are all digital. These connectors are running many pathways, some of those digital pathways are spliced together like a highway with an HOV lane (motorcycles ok / lol), parts of the digital world running separate traffic, some running six lanes wide with passing. All the digital events are also workin on that relentless time factor given to us by the wot. Multiple subsystems designed to work in concert with the air density sensors and the ignition map and the abs etc. I find it all very straightforward and the math in the ecu backs that up. These systems when workin together correctly and unleashed fully, are absolutely stunning. Start fat fingering the keyboard, or hookin up piggybacks that fabricate sections of maps, we gots problems.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Safe mode
04/09/14 10:42 AM

Here is the confusing angle I'm seeing. New ECU shows no codes. Flashed ECU shows an internal code to itself. There are 2 events happening:

JcheezeIS ECU is running fine with a code light on.
Smoke's ECU is not even running right. Who's software?

Scenario 2:

Don has his own software. Has his ever shown a dash code? Anyone using his has yet to cry foul, correct?
Don had to have gone thru who knows how many burns to get his working flash... How many ECU's has Don coded or the light flipped on using Don's flash? Lets say none. Back to software vs. software and how the bins were pulled and now can be manipulated. Could this be a scenario? Don had to c&p past/over/not on in so many combinations to set a code as fast as what is happening here.

Ivan's software. He now can flash a 14 ECU and where is the code? Are there any or do they bang on the dash and go off you hit a certain rpm say. Something triggers that code. So say the moves are a bunch of cuts and pastes onto the slow map: that's the move everyone is doing so far, right?

Ajax software. Here we go with a glitch and back to whom? A cut and paste layer over or a glitch in the software? That's one being a software glitch. You go out of range with the pc software, it has fault codes. I hit one called a 71~ Numbers too far out of range [until I stepped down the number that turned c71 off].

The next being no glitch if another software is used. That's being the second scenario.
The one I am after is why is the code self-coding-itself? New ECU shows all wires and jobbers are within range and connected. Now, how do I remove the code internal? If I have a light on, it says the good signal is out of range. That limps internally are the maps, meaning, use this backup. So is the backup on and in limp so bad it messed up the backup map to run Smoke's numbers?

Jcheeze says no to his same coded number? Smoke's ECU can't get out of its own way with the same code but a messed up map in backup? Is that the 'Best' number the tables come up with? I guess so. Ajax's map is out to lunch till 6k comes back from breakfast. I'm going to have supper and ponder some more of thishithell is going on?

* Last updated by: Hub on 4/9/2014 @ 10:44 AM *

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: Safe mode
04/09/14 7:46 PM

Cblast I'm going to reach out here and I know I probably shouldn't as our threads almost always go ugly. So here goes Nothing.

First let me say this as a 26 year mechanic, the thing that hurts me the most as a tradesmen is placing the words in ink on a work order that was given to me "I Can Not Duplicate" It's insulting. My feeling is I'm Not trying hard enough. So when do we as mechanics stop spending customers money in our search ? At some point we have to say mercy because no one wants pay for Zero results That being said there is a need to place ourselves in the shoes of both parties.

In this case the unknown mechanic let the customer down. As you will read above and almost everywhere in every case people launch into attack mode. Why ? Because it's the Easiest thing to do in our frustration & disappointment,,,,, This man's intentions were sound and he meant well although the results were less than desirable
So do we as a customer Lynch the Mechanic or try and understand what happened ? Is he making the best effort to fix the problem. We Mechanics do not like letting customers down, Ever, but it does happen. It's simply unavoidable.

Obviously a flash issue.

Yes this is very True and very clear.

They can't 'use the same performance file', and just cram it over everyone's ecu. It doesn't work like that.

Do we or anyone know that's what this Mechanic did ? or are we judging him unfairly ?

It doesn't work like that. The locations of the files inside the ecu change locations based on whether ur bike has abs or not etc. When flashing, the actual files have to be flashed over the correct files in the correct locations or an ecu can become corrupted very easily. The numbers don't 'fit' in the wrong spot. All of it then needs to be triple checked and verified.

Now the answer is being provided to a problem that has Not Yet Been Diagnosed. Ask yourself, Is this Fair ?

Fuel maps in all cylinders need to be unified,

This is News to me. I never do it. I follow the same way Kawi does it. Both ways work just fine but I like not changing the path already used in the ECU. Something about using a direction not taken by Mother Kawi and taking on the short cut used by the software developer I find Risky although I know it works just fine,,, just saying. End result can be achieved both ways. This is most certainly not the issue.

ALL maps for all separate gears need to be checked.

Yes all needs to be checked that goes with out saying. Or pay 900 for A new one. Been there done that got the T-Shirt lol

Guys there is so much more here that will come out later in the wash but for now please keep a open mind when it comes to this New Tech. It is not flawless and there will be some growing pains.
Anyway hope I made all who read think a bit,,,, if not,,,Lynch. Playing Devils advocate can get you into trouble, but least I tried. Cheers.

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Safe mode
04/09/14 11:19 PM

Donny, you're out of your element.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: Safe mode
04/11/14 3:16 PM

out of your element.

Impossible are you sure ????

C'Blast I try not to get involved in the Hate threads but the people Named above are good honorable men who deserve more respect. You insult many with Ease. If this is all to Make Sales what your doing is wrong. The Flash Nells Made, that you peddle could stand just fine on it's own merit without insulting others.

No Need For it.

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RE: Safe mode
04/11/14 4:37 PM

Yoshis!! GO NINJEE!!!

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