Hey tell your avatar's ass to stop staring at my eyes, would you! I won't lie, it's pretty damn hard to be upset with that avatar staring me in the face. ;)
Created on: 05/06/12 08:02 PM
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RE: Cop questions?
05/10/12 6:24 PM
Hey tell your avatar's ass to stop staring at my eyes, would you! I won't lie, it's pretty damn hard to be upset with that avatar staring me in the face. ;)
Location: Splendora, Tx
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RE: Cop questions?
05/13/12 4:34 PM
copers luv dere mudders.
I only saw one today and he was carrying two bicycles hanging on the back of his car. Prolly going for a quiet ride with his mum.
....so I put my leathers on and raised some hell and had a lot of fun...after I called my mom, of course.
* Last updated by: Rook on 5/13/2012 @ 4:35 PM *
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RE: Cop questions?
05/16/12 7:47 AM
Generally speaking, if you don't break the law and draw attention to yourself, cops will leave you alone. It is plain common sense. If you violate speed limits....you should have a radar detector, or be willing to pay the ticket. Better yet, just stay at home if you are a law breaker.....then you don't have to worry about getting a ticket. Seems pretty simple to me.
Racing is not for the street, you put yourself and other innocent drivers at risk to do so, and if you try to elude, then it is like a police dog being sent to capture you.....and you will be bitten severely.....just common sense.
So if you push the envelope, sooner or later you have to be willing to pay the price.
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RE: Cop questions?
05/21/12 3:33 PM
Cut Trc some slack. I'm sure he's been told plenty of times to be careful by family and friends. That said, I'm a couple of months from being 40, but I can tell you this, if I owned a bike with the power of the 14R when I was 17 yrs old, I'd probalby be dead.
Trc, as far as your "cop" question goes, speeding is a civil infraction in my state (MI). In civil matters, the officer only has to prove that it's 51% that the offense was committed and you committed the offense. In a city of 20K, with the description of your bike, clothing, helmet, ect, a judge/magistrate may very well find you responsible for a violatoin (careless driving) that was issued at a later date. If your charged with a misdemeanour and arrested, the officer would have to charge you with an offense that is punishable by at least 93 day's in jail and have reasonable cause to believe a crime was commited and you commited the crime. Then a prosecutor would have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. If your not arrested, the officer would then just simply type up a report, forward it to the prosecutor, who would review it and issue a warrant for your arrest if they felt a crime was commited, you commited the crime and they could prove it in court beyond a reasonable doubt.
None of us here bought a 14R to always drive the speed limit. Heck, if you ring the bike out in first gear, your going to exceed any posted speed limit in the USA. We buy these bikes because we love the power and acceleration they provide. You just need to use your head, be responsible and if your going to open it up a bit, do it in a safe place that won't draw too much attention yourself. Trust me, don't ever attempt to out run the police. It simply isn't worth it.
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