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Thread: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash

Created on: 05/08/13 10:23 AM

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 1:29 AM

It has to do with knowing a little about the subject. You knew nothing about lines is the s comment and I knew you'd bring it up and guess what? right over your fukcing head like I knew it would. Don't tell anyone. Someone opens a line thread and asks to bring in your line and how come? Kind of embarrassed by it?

I'm trying to convince Dunlop not to balance their tires because you made comment. Figure that's something to do is by you? I'm going to run out to my world's fastest and pull some weight off. I think strippers still fly past 200mph? I doubt one of them runs without a weight on or at least checks before they attempt that kind of speed?

Dunlop needs to hire you as a consultant, yes? See the page I see?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 1:32 AM

Don't you go crying now I make comment of your comment. No comment says is some sense to your approach to the reach around. LOL

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 1:45 AM

After the flash the bike definitely decelerates differently. It is definitely not a cut off in the lower gears, more like the way the bike winds down in 5th/6th gear. I like it.

Funny, I sort of said the same thing in one of these videos. 'After the flash [hack to the gps] the bike definitely decels [every time you shift, the forks dive to the bottom] differently. I like [I don't like] it.

Can you explain watt just happened, greenie? Why we both can feel the same decel occurring? YOU reach around and I don't? LOL... WATT have I've been saying for years now? And you still have yet to grasp it and you own the same book I do.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 1:53 AM

Grow up.ROMES is running this're following....reach around that spoiled found out what you you want to crash the thread?And blame me?

No one is running this thread. You made comment and so I addressed your comment. Act like a man and take it. Your abstract is what I go after not you personally. And I did say YOU REACH AROUNDS as in universal? If you step on my car PIT and think I'm calling you out just because I made comment, it's one more hubish rubbishitspeak. I see so many reach arounds and it's not at this site. I coined that at some other site I read someone's abstract and they think I'm all on top of them?

You are like one of them there pee tear prince apples is it? You know that concept?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 1:58 AM

"You knew nothing about lines is the s comment and I knew" are you yammering on about?What the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING about decel pop.?And didn't know...I'm the only one here would say anything about yer pride.The rest don't give a shit.Actually,I don't either.Blow yer lines....cross into oncoming traffic...make excuses for what you condemn in others...I don't care.You really sound stupid....and all that tech knowledge...sparring with me here instead of giving solutions...

And yes...Rome is dialing in the don't hear these other guys crying in their beers about Grn's input.Only you.

Now will you please get back to the subject...decel popping and it's remedy.Maybe Rome will chime in again and offer his knowledge....or one of the others.Since you're apparently not willing to.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/24/2013 @ 2:04 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 2:16 AM

What the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING about decel pop.
It says you are not credible. I can't help what you bring forward. Bike neglect, period. So how could you contribute and someone trusts you to know what you are talking about? Lines. A lot of guys went at least once to a trackday. They know something totally new about lines they thought they knew. You have zero trackday and have some idea about fast lines not street lines? Shall I go on?

And didn't know...
I think some of us can pick up a few things here and there.

I'm the only one here would say anything about yer pride.
Prideshmide. I think you pride on... no weights on yer wheels. To me that is stupid along with changing one tire only, one new sprocket and new chain only. I have no clue if that is pride or stupidity you thing about the second go around on the used tire and sprocket. We on the same pride page? LOL

The rest don't give a shit.Actually,I don't either.
You don't give a shit I know. I'd never neglect my bike if it was a moped it's a machine, sir.

Blow yer lines....cross into oncoming traffic...make excuses for what you condemn in others...I don't care.
You are like the dumbass gov hand holders. You ASSume something is going to happen. And that is all you have for any blow me is more like it.

You really sound stupid....and all that tech knowledge...sparring with me here instead of giving solutions...
No, you were the smart one that said I'd be to the fork oil change thread seeing is you neglect that part of the bike too. Not that I give a shit. I'm just paging down or up your credibility is all I see.

Either you speak like "The Hand" and can back it up or you are left reaching around, grabbing the phone, say can you loan me a map. No way hose say can you see, buy the dawn's early light you call Ivan

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 2:20 AM

I think zzr Kyle would like some answers...why don't you head on over and tell him what's up?You're trashing this know it...I know I'm done here.We'll let Romans solve this's apparently out of your reach(around).

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 2:40 AM

Romes bought a tool. You bought a reach around. Romes beat me to it. With that said grn, how is a reach around going to help in a thread that a tool user could? Are we seeing what I see? Kind of walk that out so you, me, and Romes are sitting in the bleachers watching or fucking up the game. See how Romes is going to clean our clock if anyone tools up?

Where are you in this? I'm out because I have very little knowledge but fork drop matching. So I can't see what Romes is about to see. PC wise, I see that concept without owning one. You've had to have Ivan handhold you on your setup.

Now, Romes, say me, a few others will be setup with this flash unit and start flashmapping. Where would your posting some sort of tech help? Everyone is toggling the bike all up and yours is preset to that one move. You'll be like a broken record discussing how yours feels but others have gone thru how many maps has Rome gone thru?

You sort of see where some justroll in and just have to I don't know? ____________ Fill in the Blank about it?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 2:51 AM

"See how Romes is going to clean our clock"....that's yer whole win dawg...spotlight city.I could care less who 'wins' what.You talk too much.You say things that ya don't know about.You make statements about what someone else knows or doesn't.Your whole deal is to have the light shine around you...'see everyone?I'm the best...I make the calls...I put others down the best...I know who and who can't do what...or what they know"...yer so full of can't accept anything else."Romes beat me to it"...yeah,while he spent his dough improving his tried to get JK to give ya a freebee...fuck.."first"...what a crock.You aint NEVER gonna be first...yer too shady.Get the tools 'FIRST'.Next thing you'll be dissin Rome sayin he's cheatin by usin someone elses equipment to do his R&D....he's not gonna come here and tell everyone 'hey...look what I did'....he's just gonna do it...I say more power to him.While you struggle along frustrated and attacking others for their 'projects' and enjoyment with their bikes....are we on the same page now?

"flash unit and start flashmapping"....I already said a roundabout dissed me saying it's a PC thread....maybe....the PC deal is on the way out're gonna be ancient history with this whole FI/ECU/Map thing.Again...not FIRST...but....well...carry on.IDK shit.It's cool.

"I see so many reach arounds and it's not at this site"...."You sort of see where some justroll in"...uh...yeah,I do interestingly enough;)So Justin's a troll now?Or some here?Yeah...some(one) here fer sure.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/24/2013 @ 3:03 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 3:05 AM

so I'm done here.We'll let Romans solve this's apparently out of your reach(around).

I think I was trying to help another member but a troll came in and I don't thing you should have stepped in to begin with. It was more for someone to grasp some concepts?

They're NOT the same flash...In spite of your assumptions...they're NOT the same.
See where the pages are not in sync with you and discussing this? I said you are not there in line, nor ready flash theoriespeak.

I said I assumed a theory that kept stepping and you cannot see it as it speaks fork drop to me as it did to someone else. You do WATT you need to do is get some sleep so you can go to that job and post all fucking day long in just about every post go for it.

I think I see you like shelling it out but can't take it? I'll keep on truck'inn like an endurance race all in your face come get some.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 3:12 AM

"I don't thing you should have stepped in to begin with"...sorry yer majesty.YOU didn't think I should.YOU.All YOU.Come up with some answers then....stop wasting everyone's time.You spent how long now yammering about me.You totally jacked yer own thread!Now THAT's amazing;) job.What're ya gonna do when Obama cuts off yer food stamps?And just where IS that project bike of yours?You got all day and all night to work on it....outta be about road ready now shouldn't it?

Nite Nite lord fontleroy....

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 4:20 AM

"See how Romes is going to clean our clock"....that's yer whole win dawg...spotlight city.
This is so wild! I said he was going to continue what we are interested in. He's internal, I'm external. There is no win shit. It's some interesting shit is all. That first thing was a play on words? We are at NOLTT and Reach around and 3wV kind of how long have I thrown that trophy icon? It's a joke, a phase, something to keep me entertained is you bore me. (JK)

I could care less who 'wins' what.
That's what I'm saying.
You talk too much.
That's what I'm saying.

You say things that ya don't know about.
That's what I'm saying.

You make statements about what someone else knows or doesn't.
Oh, and you do?

Your whole deal is to have the light shine around you...'see everyone?
I do not flash my photo of my bike in every thread that irks you is a look at what I can do kind of childstammeringame. I only post what I think I know about or can take a guess at some variable. That wheel spacer thread. Remember that? You had no clue. What does that tell you? Tells me those kind of questions are out of your league. So why go there?

I'm the best...I make the calls...I put others down the best...I know who and who can't do what...
Here we are again with fork drop and you said no way. I did not make the call, another member sensed what I did long ago. I have to put you down clown. Were is your fork drop feel? No one toggled it or now you are going to go out and say oh yeah, I feel it! You need a feel for the bike? Shit greenie, you go follow my fork clicks and they are not even close yet and you have yet to sag your bike, right?

or what they know"...yer so full of can't accept anything else.
I know very little. But when it comes to some common sense opening that book, you are more full of shit in so many ways. And why is that? Why can't you come clean is keep losing credibility wit me.

"Romes beat me to it"...yeah,while he spent his dough improving his tried to get JK to give ya a freebee...fuck.."first"...what a crock.
Because when you do it's a commitment to R&D. I'll probably wind up answering more tech questions and he keeps seeing more sales come in: he's not on the phone walking you thru it. I'll be on my own learning curve with the R way before I need a flash. And you know why? I'm a stocker. I don't need pipes and stacks and maps.

You aint NEVER gonna be first...yer too shady.
I want to see your paycheck's stubs most current date. That is shady saying you have a job. Not the way you post each and everyday. You'd be the poster boy of fucking over your boss for an hour's pay is shady, no? I'm retire. These are my golden years... Lots of runs to the toilet.

Get the tools 'FIRST'.Next thing you'll be dissin Rome sayin he's cheatin by usin someone elses equipment to do his R&D
I have no clue where you come up with this shit reading someone's text. Rome has as hobby? I'm going to dis FI no matter the equipment used? His head is tweaked up by Ivan and me going at it. Where were you in all this? Romes caught on. Rook caught on. We catching on, guy?

....he's not gonna come here and tell everyone 'hey...look what I did'....he's just gonna do it...I say more power to him.
You mean he won't say, look what this does? Really?

While you struggle along frustrated and attacking others for their 'projects' and enjoyment with their bikes....are we on the same page now?
You see me struggle along with what? I found/searched/put together my questions and got the answers. Watt are you talking about? I don't give two shits what they do to their bikes. Not my bike, not my wallet, not my style. My bike is running like a 14? Nothing to do to it. Ah, grease the chain.

"flash unit and start flashmapping"....I already said a roundabout dissed me saying it's a PC thread....maybe....the PC deal is on the way out're gonna be ancient history with this whole FI/ECU/Map thing.Again...not FIRST...but....well...carry on.IDK shit.It's cool.
A guy had a pc and asked about a pop? Is not all this flash to stop a pop internally or externally? You calling out who's thread does watt? There are guys that still have a pig setup. That's what I addressed. Reach arounds only get a flash? That like Ivan still making a map and selling you the tre. The tre is just a toggle from 1 to 0. Has nothing to do with remapping internally. YOu know the difference yet? We on the same page? Because in a round about way you are still confused is I can see it is all. Shoot me. I'm my own messenger. Use "The Hand" to shoot me so I don't know what I'm talking about from dis distance.

"I see so many reach arounds and it's not at this site"...."You sort of see where some justroll in"...uh...yeah,I do interestingly enough;)So Justin's a troll now?Or some here?Yeah...some(one) here fer sure.
See how shady you are like at the pond is the same here? Distorting things. That meant you were the troll that just has to make some comment in just about every thread here. You have the most post count, no? Dose that say something? Justin is not hijacking a thread, hello?

I knew if I started a thread you'd fuck it all up crying about being the first poster, the firstroll, the crybaby someone thinks he's a little over his head chasing pop problems? You don't even know where to start because yours does not pop at all according to your credibility. No outside cool air enters my tail end. Got it. Maybe once when I can force a fart out of it yea, IDK I can pop one on demand. Other than that, not a pop pee toot tea WOTsoever.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 4:30 AM

You totally jacked yer own thread!
I have a small club to entertain. Most runner uppers ass yourself, seem to pop up at most every site. I seem to flush them out. There's one that has to be this whatever shovelicious time that was over there. A simple oil test out of the book. Some runner upper when bonkers about some oil flow? Just the other day a moderator told me to tone it down and you knowatt happened next right? I look at your closet, grn and you think I should give any kind of respect to those runner uppers all lying about they having a job anshit? You know anyone like that I can dis forever and a day? They better know their shit is what I say or hubASSit right up their 'ol wazoo!

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 4:31 AM

OMG,,, what happened ??????

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 4:32 AM

Ok,,,, fork dive, Hubs video has infected me. Ok, the where and the when and the how much can no longer be hidden from us,,,,, so, now we dig to prove or disprove what Hub has always claimed.

I received the software from Justin and have been studying ignition maps. Now I can see what I always doubted. Timing IS pulled and in different amounts through out the RPM. Depending where Hubs RPM was during the video would determine his pull of power when his switch was flipped. Timing IS Pulled as much as 4.7 degrees at 6000 RPM. That's huge, it's just under a 10% cut in timing. Which Explains Hubs Fork Dive. Now explained Exactly where and when and How much.

Also explains to me why I was not seeing it as I had my timing advanced 4 degrees..... Love Love Love this new tool.

The tools I have been using to track and log and study (I will post pics of screens). All just went out the window,,,,,,Big F-en doe $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Grrrrrrr

Justin what took you so long Lol

V input I have wired to AFR

* Last updated by: Romans on 5/24/2013 @ 5:03 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 4:37 AM

Thanks saved this thread...You'd think by now with Hub's getting censored and thrown off of sites over all these years that he'd 'maybe' get the picture and point all those fingers back at himself.As sharp as he is...he's awefully stupid(sounding) sometimes.
Now...what are we looking at ...BTW...ahem...nice GREEN dials there
Let's see...could that POSSIBLY be your new tuning software????Lookin sharp;)Looks like lotsa good stuff in there.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/24/2013 @ 4:44 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 7:22 AM

Let's see...could that POSSIBLY be your new tuning software????

No that's what I used to use. Still has great value but now is dwarfed by New Tech. Life

Thanks saved this thread...

No, not me. The New tech will be out front here. Our eyes are now wide open and there is lots to learn for all of us. No more guessing. We just need more in site into the ECU and I'm sure Woolich Racing will not let us down. Justin sounds very committed to making sure we have all that is available inside that little black box.

Hub, made claims for years about that hack (N) that I proved to be impossible but he was 100% correct. I had made a mistake with to many Gizmoes. What I had done is repaired the fault before I could see it lol. All good, mind is always open for new info. Bring it. Hub you were right,,,,, Ouch that hurt some how lol

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 7:28 AM

Thanks saved this thread...You'd think by now with Hub's getting censored and thrown off of sites over all these years that he'd 'maybe' get the picture and point all those fingers back at himself.As sharp as he is...he's awefully stupid(sounding) sometimes.
I have to sound stupid so dummies like you can figure out your bike. WATT did I tell you? Those websites are shooting the messenger and Romes timed it in by 4.7 degrees of ain't gonna fire off no mo no mow you down, you clowntowns don't listen to the abstract that makes absolute sense, or you can guess your way out diagnosing: you standing in a paper bag with both ends open!

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 7:56 AM

I was watching it walk and all you did grn was talk about some job you don't have and some mph you are so full of yourself with that number. You catch that? Where was your R&D? Grn, if I saw Ivan sell your ass a limp, you had the book, you keep explaining FI and it's 3 pages full of your BS that got in the way is all the time I see it, guy.

I sort of see it happening me letting the runner uppers have their BS known and like yourself, they get all tied up wit the tech is me on the entertainment side of the science. LOL, I'm sure you were in some conversation 3Ti'inn up Romes' brain process about your "I got up to 190" kind of look at me, wait a minute. I have nothing to contribute to, oh look, here's my bike though. Yeah, let me talk about my green it's so I love my bike and I have to squidly my speedo. Oh, here's a shot of a deer. So what are you guys talking about? (head scratch icon placed here)

JonnyCheeze is more what you should have been regurgitating. All you did was reach around. NOLTCz is like NOLTT; That knows what the tre was doing for years but you didn't see it 3-43 top of the page we have the exact same book. So why don't you try dis chinese proverb is it will bite you is how simple the line is: "No Investigation, No Right To Speak" is something made sense there to your fawn, fella?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 8:28 AM

It took me some time to walk that whole process out. It's funny how you want to chase map. I more want to chase parts inside. I want to see who 0's and who 1's next? I want to follow each step. Each process brings us to that road between cut to idle @ 18 and a cut @ 4.7t/16.5af.

For argument sake, say 50° is FULL Power. Say 18 is lean burn @ 18af because there is more time to burn.
The next argument is 45.3°t is less time to burn.

This is like throwing a 13.2 [best lean torque] @ WOT is 18 in the soft setting. What nomenclature is used for hard/soft in this software, Romes? That's watt I think is thrown behind the short/connector/input sig is that backup of the hard.

What you'll do is trigger that manually. Then, with the ignition elimination (cough) set at the hard 16.5 it's like receiving; on a scale of do I want my back wheel to light off at a lower rpm being at the bottom curve and have that kind of torque setting? D'uh! So yes, bring on the fork dive and wheel spin, when the bike is now sort of set at a [Rich best torque @ WOT] is 11.5:1 AFR. That's the part where I slowly rolled on, the back wheel was in N mode with 4.7t lost. The squirt was [or felt] darn close. I guess the tire called the 'best rich torque?'

And when I had that pig there with the squirt option [you should be seeing?] is that accel option. Wool may have to chime in on this one. Do we have/see an accel adjustment, Wool?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 9:26 AM

I may have spook to soon,,, well I have for sure.

Turns out what I'm looking at is in low power mode. It would appear that in low power mode Neutral Map timing is lower than in gears 1 to 6. But, in full power mode Gears 1 to 6 has much lower timing than the Neutral map. There is a head scratcher I did not expect to see. Makes sense though, with load timing drops.

With That being said, Gen one or two bikes have No power modes, so we still do not know what happens in the ECU of those generation bikes.

In order for me to find out I have to put Another 100 dollars in the Woolich Racing Meter as the binfile will not open.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 11:07 AM

Turns out what I'm looking at is in low power mode. It would appear that in low power mode Neutral Map timing is lower than in gears 1 to 6. But, in full power mode Gears 1 to 6 has much lower timing than the Neutral map. There is a head scratcher I did not expect to see. Makes sense though, with load timing drops.

I'm going to take a guess. Cars have transmissions that follow your throttle apply and "learn" as you drive. Transmission gear - to A/C pump - to throttle apply = all work as one flowing ignition curve sort of apply. The ECM takes in rpm/gear/load, knows when to shut off the air conditioning you set a load and a gear needing an [ignition curve] change and all that uphill load in that situation.

The gear position sensor is like that in the same way. Because, in the crank sensor window, I'm watching the tone wheel teeth move away from the pickup magnet in some gears and that says degree change. So yes, you want to see gear position calcs in there too. The kitECU or Ykit kind of factory racing software has all this for track situations and the like. No, it does not show or have a soft/hard sort of toggle from 18 to 16.5 I believe?

And has Mr. Woolich ever looked at either factories Ykit or kitECU's software?

* Last updated by: Hub on 5/24/2013 @ 11:09 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 11:15 AM

What I find fascinating is a combination of catching 1st gear, pulling clutch lever in at a certain rpm and the bike drops to idle once the clutch lever is pulled? So the complex is one more 3Ti to confuse the diagnosis. You have the clutch signal/rpm/gps. I don't see how vacuum plays any roll but the roll of the crank signal speed is how FI returns to idle is how? Where is that idle map?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 1:16 PM

You have the clutch signal/rpm/gps. I don't see how vacuum plays any roll but the roll of the crank signal speed is how FI returns to idle is how? Where is that idle map?

And where is the Neutral fuel map ? Must also be different. If clutch signal sends pulse with broken ground IAP must be default to idle, so there for we must have a diff fuel map for N. If we find it we find this N map, then we can copy and paste the bottom end into gear maps 1 to 6 and boom is solved. But,,,No N fuel maps only IAP. Are they one and the same ?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
05/24/13 3:26 PM

No N fuel maps only IAP. Are they one and the same?
No. It's back to the a-N/D-J methods.

D-J = Digital Jetronic's method is when the TPS fails, it defaults to the penultimate number 760mmHg (14.7 psi).
a-N = Alpha Numeric is when the IAP fails, this is the same range [same part] as the tail sensor or the sensor that tells where you are in elevation?

So any calc off a map is null and void? There are no longer analog (many) signals entering as input. The failed sensor is out of range; the ECU detects the out of lookup tables or maps made for the parameter numbers and now here comes one continuous number that is out of range and keeps coming in as a single number is the ECU is waiting for many.

When that occurs, the box, the flash, the programmer of the math has to follow formula for this to work. So there are 2 numbers in the 3Ti'inn. Watthat other number is, is out of my range of steps. Besides, are we not locked out of map making if the penultimate number keeps being used for the calc?

We have the 3Ti:

C/S = is that speed [rpm incremental moves] to know idle/low-mid/mid-high
TPS = is that which sets the ign timing; which is idle/low-mid [my pop]
IAP = is that that 760mmHg's the fuel trim which handles the mid-high rpm range

Handcuffed are we in the Penultimate move is the backup number. Where are you going to go with the backup? Now, can we scale away from 14.7 AFR? Yes budda boom budda bing the Wooly!

Did that makes sense of the winky dinkeyboard? If theory holds and Wooly is screening the toggles. I would say how close are we?

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