... your high beams should always be on during the day at least. It makes sure they see you coming. Never ever turn them off.
I always turn the key on, pat my headlight each day and say you watch out for me now. I'm just going for a ride and not pay attention is you be my eyes. Here, let me throw a little more wattage like put makeup on your so they see you coming butta face.
I was just saying the other day office sir is watthe fuck you think and the gov things I need the lights on fandango and I should not pay attention to every ass liquor slobbering their lips over some phone and is headed my way is how many pee holes are holding it in ass you ride?
There are drunks out on the road hello? Stats say 11% driving are in that window of phone sneak'inns, blowjobs, fast food, makeup, clothes change, what else do they do in a cars around you I need a headlight on for the guy coming from the rear?
I want gov intervention put a headlight on the back so the tailgater knows someone is in his lane LOL