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Thread: Roman's Flash.

Created on: 08/08/13 07:56 PM

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streetracer's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 8:23 AM

Romans: I checked my ECU but it is a 0714 so I cant help. Sorry !

"May your neighbor's respect you, trouble neglect you, angels protect you, and heaven accept you."

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streetracer's Gravatar

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11/26/13 8:24 AM

Subthrottle flapping under hard throttle is 1 of 3 interventions happening. It sounds like engine knock when I heard it. Since day one is when I heard it. I now have the subs locked open, hear very little, sans a short hard throttling, yes, I did hear a higher pitch knock and it's all stock running the lower octane number.

Did you lock the subs open electronically or physically ????

"May your neighbor's respect you, trouble neglect you, angels protect you, and heaven accept you."

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 10:33 AM

"I did hear a higher pitch knock and it's all stock running the lower octane number".

I'm curious to know WHY guys use 87,89 octane when the mfg clearly states the minimum...on the tank no less.In an emergency...I could see it...but not all the time.Can anyone clear this up for me?

If I were hearing pinging goin on...I'd damn sure find out what's causing it.You guys ride with pinging happening?I guess if you're trying to see how far your motor will last with this's okay...not criticizing...just trying to understand.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/26/2013 @ 10:37 AM *

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Blkcasper's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 11:40 AM

I'm curious to know WHY guys use 87,89 octane when the mfg clearly states the minimum...on the tank no less.In an emergency...I could see it...but not all the time.Can anyone clear this up for me?

Manufactures give a octane rating that will work across a wider range for most vechiles. As you know there is a diffrence in gasoline from gas station to gas station because of the additives that each company uses. The Bas gasoline is usually from the same refinery and there is no diffrence there.

Most races have proven that a lower octane gas can be run to make more power as it burns faster.

Luvin My ZX14R'S.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 11:46 AM

Okay....all's well then...thanks Blk;)

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 12:21 PM

I know how this occurred exactly. To say it could have happened to anyone is a false representation of the facts. A master flash of numbers built off of the wrong ecu part #, was superimposed (layered), over top of the #15 ecu. The blocks of numbers don't fit if the ecu cells are located differently. Which they are. You shoved a mathematically square stick into a round hole and burnt it in place. Corrupting the bin. No excuse for a lack of attention to detail. No excuse for not having a clue what's happening inside the ecu. The ripple effect when ignition and fuel and all are tied together, can and was in this case catastrophic to the ecu. Glad hand bullshit aside. Cheers! :)

Disciple of the 14R
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hagrid's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 12:23 PM

I run 92 at a minimum. Always.

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zx14beast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 1:13 PM

CBlast why are you posting this garbage to the thread?
Is your #1 goal here to try to discredit Romans' flash so you can sell more of yours? You, who spouted off in the beginning how you were going to make a flash and give it away for FREE just out of spite to burn Romans. And now - low and behold are selling your flash......, and every chance you can get to fling shit at him you do. I've been keeping out of this as it really has nothing to do with me, and I do not have any technical input to add; but reading your slanderous posts about Romans and his flash has just got to stop. I know Romans was just the first one to read that ECU code, and was therefore the unfortunate one who this happenned to. It would have happenend to you as well had you been the one to flash Blk's ecu. I know Romans personally, not just over the internet - he is as genuine a guy as you will find, and what you see is what you get with him. There is no bullshit - just a stand up guy with vast knowledge, wanting to help others with a passion for this bike - and going fast. He will step up and get this fixed.

* Last updated by: zx14beast on 11/26/2013 @ 1:15 PM *

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 1:28 PM

I don't tolerate liars beast. He has misrepresented both the flash (don't make me expose it completely or I will), and this issue. Ie: He has misrepresented how he fucked up this gentlemans ecu. The solution is not to lie about it and give the guy an ecu that throws error codes as a replacement. The part # doesn't match the gentlemans bike. :)) I would not accept that. Now. If you want to talk business and flashes, what does your bike pull beast? I know what it pulls to the decimal place. Does she even pull stock hp #'s? Post a sheet. I beg you sir! Oh wait. Did ROMANS ask you not to because its kind of embarrassing? No? So please do.

Here is mine. Mike Velasco ran the dyno. Call him to verify that there was no tricks. His number is: 360-479-6943. He was Freddie Spencer's mechanic. He does not fabricate or lie.

It cost a lot more money than anticipated to develop the flash RIGHT. With two of the finest tuners in the world and time and math and intellect and boldness and straight experience and skill. What predator racing charges for a flawless product that requires no PCV, is more than fair. Consider that my flashes don't shove error codes or cause warranty issues or whom knows what other RIPPLE effect when those number don't work in synch correctly. Do you know what happens? I do. Corrupt bin files and such. Facts.

* Last updated by: Cblast on 11/26/2013 @ 1:30 PM *

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

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Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 1:31 PM

So technically, you'd have to swap an 0715 with another 0715 just for that reason alone or she codes.

Yikes, that does not sound positive.

Romans: I checked my ECU but it is a 0714 so I cant help. Sorry !

Thanks for trying. Cheers. Appreciate the help.

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zx14beast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 1:40 PM

You're right C - My 14 is sub par to all other stock 14's, and yes your slip ons zx14 is faster than my full system, power comanded and flashed bike.

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zx14beast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 1:41 PM

I'm done now - no need to respond to me - I won't be logging on over here anymore.
Enjoy your 14's gentlemen

* Last updated by: zx14beast on 11/26/2013 @ 1:41 PM *

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 1:59 PM

You're right C - My 14 is sub par to all other stock 14's, and yes your slip ons zx14 is faster than my full system, power comanded and flashed bike.

Post up the sheet. Easy.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 2:34 PM

"I run 92 at a minimum. Always"..91 here....virtually always.

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 3:25 PM

Shell premimium only.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 3:26 PM

I know what every single # inside the ecu does. Do you?...

Horsepower talks and bullshit walks. You want to talk 'butt dyno'. Well, feels like I got 212hp.

* Last updated by: Cblast on 11/26/2013 @ 3:45 PM *

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 3:55 PM

I don't mind 'lightening' the mood... Here is clip from one of my favorite movies! 'The big Lebowski'...


Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 4:01 PM


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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 4:39 PM

Mathematical Tables of elementary and some higher math functions - Second Edition 1941-1953

Square roots

sin of thousands of radians
cos of thousands or radians
tan or the same radians

tan 1x


Greek Alphabet

sinh x (x to 1/1000)
cosh x (x to 1/1000)
tamh x (x to 1/1000)

Complete Elliptic integrals of the First Kind
Complete Elliptic integrals of the Second Kind

Sine Integral, Si(x)
Cosine Integral, Ci(x)
Exponential Integral, Ei(x)

Surface Zonal Harmonics

Bernoulli's Numbers

Roots of Bessel Function Equations
Riemans Zeta Function

Common Logarithms log to the 10th power x

hole WE SHIT... Did I leave a 1/3 of the content formulas out of this list. So it goes something like this, I just bought a used book today: serendipity it is.
200 pages of not too many words said, but page after page of formula. Formulas in all sorts of ways: from .0 to 1. From 0 to 100, all broken down by one formula after the other.

I am looking for that one book, that one page, that one line of numbers (HA) is fat change I figure out which number system is used? Now I've read someone has the formula figured out, there is a formula for it and it's called something I'm sure. So the question is, which on this list are we looking at? I think I'm holding the hole WE GAIL force of wind out the rear end is someone call out the function.

And the bitch of it all is, every cell has 3 numbers in it. Slow my guess is surface zonal harmonics.

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Blkcasper's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 5:10 PM

Ok I gotta step in here. Cblast have to ask you to back of on bashing Romans. I thank you for you help qnd I know you two have issues and history. But to use me or the oppuranity with my ecu issue is not cool at this point. Now if Romans doesn't step up like he said he would then that's another story. I understand where your comming from though. I've talked to Romans, you, and your guy neal at 2 wheel motor works at Lenth and did some mr reaserch on my own.So I understand quite well what's going on qnd what could have hapened. I'm at work now so I don't have time to get into details on what I learned. I talked to other members on here that have his flash. If there was a real issue with his flash or they way he's doing it and they didn't relay to him shame on them. If they did and he chose to continue offering his flash. Shame on him until he got it figured out. Each ecu is a totaly diffrent animal in its configuration and has to be flashed somewhat diffrently.I'm a no bs kinda guy. May be that he just has to replave my ecu if it can't be fixed. And I go elsewhere to get my flash done. No harm no foul. Lesson learned. Who hasn't thought they knew all about what they were doing and made a mistake on someone else's stuff throw the fist stone.

Luvin My ZX14R'S.

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hagrid's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 5:15 PM

Now I've read someone has the formula figured out, there is a formula for it and it's called something I'm sure.

Yoshis!! GO NINJEE!!!

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 5:48 PM

May be that he just has to replave my ecu if it can't be fixed. And I go elsewhere to get my flash done. No harm no foul. Lesson learned. Who hasn't thought they knew all about what they were doing and made a mistake on someone else's stuff throw the fist stone.

Blkcasper please feel free at any time to to purchase a new ECU and go any direction you would like. If no one comes forward around the world anytime soon with a upload into woolich and my ECU does not work my hands are tied.

No hiding I can't fix it without a clean bin. Justin is working hard on this as well. Of course I can not replace your down time that's the sad part. Once again truly sorry. I will never run from what has happened And will pay all costs.

Sad times.

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 6:12 PM

Blkcasper please feel free at any time to to purchase a new ECU and go any direction you would like. If no one comes forward around the world anytime soon with a upload into woolich and my ECU does not work my hands are tied.

If you fried it, you buy it. Did you honestly just tell him to buy it himself? :) that's funny.

I truly do not feel that I have 'used' anyone. I'm glad I was able to help by providing some knowledge of the process. Let's not forget. I have already successfully flashed a Cali ecu....
A member here in fact. Streetsweepers bike is runnin flawless. I know the different technical steps required in the process. I will chime out on this subject at this point. But every single bike I have flashed runs exceptionally well. With no PCV. No error codes. Cali ecu or not. Cheers.

* Last updated by: Cblast on 11/26/2013 @ 6:19 PM *

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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smatlock42's Gravatar


Manchester, Connecticut

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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 6:42 PM

There's a couple ecu's on ebay. 0714 I believe. $300.00

Predator Race Team #42

Ride on Bitches!

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Cornelius's Gravatar


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RE: Roman's Flash.
11/26/13 6:43 PM

2013 Super Fast SE ZX14R

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