There is a short series just starting on Discovery HD called "Twist the Throttle". The first hour is about Honda. Incredible program. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in motorcycles. -bg
Created on: 04/12/09 09:12 AM
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RE: TV: Twist the Throttle
04/13/09 2:38 PM
so i've got to have a HDTV box to get the show? that's just great! these satellite and cable companies sure know how to make that money.
That they do. My cable bill is close to $400 a month!
love my HD though!
Twist the throttle is a great show.
The one about Honda kinda made me want to add a Wing to the stable.
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RE: TV: Twist the Throttle
04/22/09 4:13 PM
Monday night at 10 on channel 78 for those of you with Direct tv, sorry dish network guys but hurry up and figgure it out because, This Monday is all about KAWASAKI . thats right the rise of the green machine and what ultamately sucked all of us into it vortex,the baddest bike on the street, Duh! ZX-14!! some prefer sports I prefer to ride. Cant wait till Monday I will be recording it. Anybody going to Leesburg this weekend for the bike rally? I will be there with several friends and meeting new ones. Peace
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RE: TV: Twist the Throttle
04/23/09 4:16 PM
Unfortunately, I dont know of anywhere that it is availible on line but everything eventualy ends up here. The honda segment was good, He was an example of determination that certainly set a standard. But I am a Kawi man at heart. the best bikes I have ever owned, also my favorites except for this neat little 400 tripple from yamaha that tried on several occasions to end me. I called her Syble because just when you thought ya had er down she would turn on you. anyway rambling now so gota go good luck! Peace
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RE: TV: Twist the Throttle
05/15/09 11:25 AM
is there any where we can view this on the net?
All they episodes are here:
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RE: TV: Twist the Throttle
05/15/09 2:37 PM
All the Kawi clips together = one full episode,
All the Honda clips together = one full episode, etc
I think they broke 'em up into sections so you gotta watch the advertisments.
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