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Thread: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?

Created on: 01/30/16 10:40 PM

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/13/16 6:42 PM

Rook it is illegal to deny healthcare to someone in need. Well it might be better to look at it this way. If you're a minority in this country, and you walk into an ER for ANYTHING, you are NOT going to be turned away. I'm not really sure this applies to everyone and every situation. I do believe for example, a patient could possibly be denied admittance based on some evaluation and not truly meriting admitting someone into an ER (because it's not an emergency). However, if you're a minority, it's not going to matter you could have a paper cut you are going to be admitted regardless because any hospital knows denying a minority healthcare would make national news and have all the racists organizations (BLM, La Raza, etc.) up in arms.

Public and private hospitals alike are prohibited by law from denying a patient care in an emergency. The Emergency Medical and Treatment Labor Act (EMTLA) passed by Congress in 1986 explicitly forbids the denial of care to indigent or uninsured patients based on a lack of ability to pay.

As far as paying, well it's just how it works. Unless somehow society reverts back to barter system, or we develop some monetariless economic system (like Star Trek or something...communism). Until then, stuff cost money and that's the way it works. Life isn't fair, and no one has a right for life to be fair.

* Last updated by: VicThing on 11/13/2016 @ 6:45 PM *

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OldMan's Gravatar


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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/13/16 7:29 PM

Here, the ten most surprising revelations from Donald Trump’s 60 Minutes interview:

1. He’s already made nice with many of his opponents.

This presidential campaign was one of the most bitter we’ve ever seen, but Trump struck a conciliatory note with the candidates he battled against. He said of Hillary Clinton’s phone call to concede: “She couldn’t have been nicer. She’s a great competitor. Very strong. Very smart.” He noted that Bill Clinton and both President Bushes called to congratulate him. And he described his meeting with President Obama in cordial terms: “I found him to be terrific. I found him to be very smart and very nice. Great sense of humor.”

2. The “Wall” may be more like a fence.

Stahl asked Trump directly about his campaign promise to build a wall along the U.S./Mexico border, adding that some have said it’ll really be more like a fence. Would he accept that, she asked? “For certain areas, I would,” he responded, adding, “I’m very good at this. It’s called construction.” But he doubled down on his plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants: “The people with criminal records, we’re getting them out of our country, or we’re going to incarcerate.” He did note, though, that some of those immigrants are “terrific people.”

RELATEDSaturday Night Live Monologue: ‘I’m Going to Give Him a Chance’">Dave Chappelle Wishes Donald Trump Luck in Saturday Night Live Monologue: ‘I’m Going to Give Him a Chance’

3. He’s already working with lobbyists… but he doesn’t like it.

Trump railed against the lobbyists and special-interest groups that dominate Washington during his campaign, but Stahl noted that he’s already added a number of lobbyists to his transition team. Trump copped to this, saying “I don’t like it, no,” but they’re “the only people you have down there. That’s the problem with the system. We’re gonna clean it up. They know the system right now, but we’re gonna phase that out.”

4. He wants any of his supporters attacking minorities to “stop it.”

Trump feigned ignorance when Stahl asked him about the rash of racially charged attacks on minorities since his election: “I’m very surprised to hear that. I hate to hear it.” (He added, “I think it’s a very small amount.”) What would he say to Trump supporters taunting and attacking minorities? “I say stop it. If it helps. I’ll say it right to the camera: Stop it.” He later added, “I think it’s horrible, if it’s happening.” But he cautioned: “I think it’s built up by the press.”

5. He credits social media for his big win.

Trump is a notorious tweeter, and he intends to continue using Twitter and other social media in a “very restrained” manner as President: “It’s a great form of communication.” He sees it as a way to get his message out when he’s criticized by the mainstream media: “I have a method of fighting back.” And he thinks it was instrumental in his victory: “I think it helped me win all these races where they spent much more money than I did. I think social media has more power than the money they spent.”

6. He won’t commit to locking Hillary Clinton up.

Despite promising that he would appoint a special prosecutor to put Hillary Clinton in jail if he won, Trump’s stance has softened. “I’m gonna think about it,” he says. “I want to focus on jobs. I want to focus on health care.” He insists “she did some bad things,” but he showed sympathy for the Clintons: “I don’t want to hurt them. They’re good people.” He’ll keep us in suspense on this one, he tells Stahl: “I’ll give you a very good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 Minutes.”

7. Even Melania thinks he goes too far sometimes.

Future First Lady Melania Trump also sat down with Stahl, and she addressed his aggressive approach on Twitter: “Sometimes it got him in trouble, but it helped a lot as well.” Did she ever tell him he crossed the line? “I did. Of course I did. Many times. Sometimes he listens, sometimes he doesn’t… I think he hears me, but he will do what he wants to do in the end.”

8. He won’t fight to overturn gay marriage.

Opposition to LGBT rights has been a part of the Republican platform for decades, but Trump signaled that he doesn’t want to continue that fight. When Stahl brought up the LGBT community, he proudly replied, “I mentioned them at the Republican national convention.” And he’s not planning to oppose gay marriage in the courts, he says: “It’s irrelevant, because it’s already settled. It’s done. I’m fine with that.”

9. He’d be in favor of ditching the electoral college.

The electoral college system gave Trump the win (Hillary won the popular vote), and Trump, shockingly, isn’t against switching to a straight popular vote count. “I would rather see it where you went with simple votes,” he said. “You know, you got 100 million votes, someone else gets 90 million votes…” But he added, in defense of the electoral college: “There’s a reason for doing this, because it brings all the states into play. And there’s something very good about that. I do respect the system.”

10. He’ll only take a dollar per year in salary.

Trump doesn’t need the salary that comes with the office of president — around $400,000 a year — and he confirmed to Stahl that he’ll forego that salary: “I think I have to, by law, take one dollar. So I’ll take one dollar a year.” He didn’t even know how much the president makes, and had to ask Stahl. But he reiterated: “I’m not taking it.” The savings won’t pay off the national debt… but it’s a start.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/13/16 7:53 PM

I almost coulda guessed most of that. I have hope the two probably biggest issues which are national security and economy will see big changes. I guess the wall is national security and economy to some degree but there's a lot better ways to tackle those problems.

* Last updated by: Rook on 11/13/2016 @ 7:53 PM *


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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/13/16 9:28 PM

RELATED: Saturday Night Live Monologue: ‘I’m Going to Give Him a Chance’">Dave Chappelle Wishes Donald Trump Luck in Saturday Night Live Monologue: ‘I’m Going to Give Him a Chance’

I am not a Chapelle fan, but he hosted one of the best SNL's in a while.

As I said previously, as much as people want change from the establishment, without his signature issues, the call for the “great impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful” wall, and banning Muslims from entering the U.S. Tic Tac Trump would’ve never made it out of the primaries. Some of his plans have already been rolled back.


Supporters To Trump: Break Campaign Promises At Your Peril :

Trump talked a tough game. His backers expect similar actions.

WASHINGTON - Kathryn Stellmack expects the world from Donald Trump.

After listening to his speeches and casting her vote for him, she expects Trump to toughen immigration laws, restore lost jobs, upend a corrupt political system, build a wall on the border, and be, as the millionaire put it, the “greatest jobs president that God has ever created.”

“We expect him to move forward on all the items he has promised to move forward on,” said Stellmack, 69, a retiree in West Palm Beach, Florida.

“And if he doesn’t, we will hold his feet to the fire.”

After a presidential race fueled by brash but constantly shifting policy proposals, Trump’s millions of followers ? from social conservative activists to struggling blue-collar workers to hardline militant groups ? say if he does anything less than take a wrecking ball to business-as-usual Washington, they will be disappointed.

“We’ll be watching, Mr. Trump,” said Stellmack.

Mark Morris, a leader of the Colorado-based Three Percent United Patriots militia group, said he understood Trump would need time on some issues, but he expected quick movement on repealing Obamacare and appointing a conservative Supreme Court justice to fill the seat of the late Antonin Scalia.

Morris warned Trump should not count on his followers to stay with him if he did not produce results.

“People voted with a lot of faith that he will come through,” he said. “I don’t think it is going to work out very well if he doesn’t get the things done and he comes back at the end of four years and says I need four more years to accomplish what I need to accomplish.”

Trump had to take strong action on immigration given his rhetoric, said Roy Beck, head of Numbers USA, a group that favors reduced immigration levels.

He said Numbers USA and other grassroots groups would pressure Trump to keep his promises to bolster enforcement and cut back on legal immigration and foreign workers, including eliminating immigration by low-skill and non-extraordinary-skilled workers.

“There’s no way he would have been elected president if he had not so boldly made immigration his top issue,” Beck said. “You have to come through on your top issue."

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extrapolator's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/14/16 10:51 AM

Some of his plans have already been rolled back.

We all cool now then?


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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/14/16 12:46 PM

We all cool now then?

Yup, we’re cool!

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Maddevill's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/14/16 2:20 PM

I find it funny that when he was candidate Trump, Obama was "stupid" and "dangerous." Now he's "really smart' and "nice". Hillary is a "hard worker" and "a great public servant". I guess all politicians lie but sheesh...
And the Wall will never get built. 75 miles are on Indian land and they ain't going for it.


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extrapolator's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/14/16 2:27 PM

If Trump does proceed with a wall, he'd prob tell the Indians, Accept a wall, or we'll wall around you ... then you'll basically be in Mexico. Your choice.


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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/14/16 2:36 PM

I find it funny that when he was candidate Trump, Obama was "stupid" and "dangerous." Now he's "really smart' and "nice". I guess all politicians lie but sheesh...

Funny isn’t it? I guess Tic Tac Trump has no choice since he is so clueless, he is going to need all the help he can get.


Obama will spend more time with President-elect Trump to provide guidance :

President Obama was so shocked at how little Donald Trump and his advisers appeared to understand about the myriad duties and responsibilities the President-elect would be taking on at the White House that he will "spend more time with his successor than presidents typically do" to provide him with additional guidance, a new report claims.

According to a report Monday in The Wall Street Journal, Trump "seemed surprised by the scope" of responsibilities he would be taking on as President and his aides were not even aware that the President-elect would have to hire a full White House staff.

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/14/16 7:48 PM

Mad, Its still the US Federal border and the Feds can do whatever they need to to implement policy, same on private land as on Native Indian land. I'm not agreeing with it but ICE/CBP and Homeland Security "Trump" local ownership along all federal boarders, air, land and sea.

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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/14/16 8:54 PM

Oh boy, by the time Tic Tac Trump is sworn in, he'll be out of the closet as a full-fledged Democrat.

First it was Obamacare; then the massive deportations, the dubious wall (or partly fence, which could ultimately end up just being a "do not tresspass" sign), and now "experts" are advising Trump not to overturn the Iran deal.

Experts Urge Donald Trump to Keep Iran Deal :

Seventy-six national security experts urged President-elect Donald J. Trump on Monday to reverse his hostility to the nuclear agreement signed with Iran last year and to use it as a tool to ease other tensions with the country.

A report signed by the experts, including former officials from both major political parties, argued that the nuclear agreement had reduced the threat of war in the Middle East.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/14/16 9:09 PM

Now he's "really smart' and "nice". Hillary is a "hard worker" and "a great public servant". I guess all politicians lie but sheesh...

That seems to be an appropriate PR move considering the tensions. He's got to win some more people over. The wall, prosecuting Hillary...those all seemed far fetched from the get go. Trump is full of bravado. I didn't really take those seriously. I think the media did though and that is why they became such a focalpoint during the campaign. "We'll make Mexico pay for it!!!" hahahahha


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yannih's Gravatar


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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/15/16 2:02 AM

"I find it funny that when he was candidate Trump, Obama was "stupid" and "dangerous." Now he's "really smart' and "nice". Hillary is a "hard worker" and "a great public servant"."

Now come on Mad.
Yes, these are outlandish lies and reversals. No argument at all.
But if Clinton would have been successful we would now be saying the same thing about her and her lies and reversals. No doubt she would have thanked Trump for being a worthy adversary, complimented him on a fine campaign and congratulated him on coming so far.
You and I both know when politicians apply for the job they do an entry test. And if they produce one honest answer they fail...
I am not a Trump or Clinton supporter.
But I do know all politicians are the lowest denominator of the human race. Each and every one of them.
Trump is just getting into the swing of things and soon will start towing the Republican party line, even if it doesn't align with his plans.

So go a little easy on that high horse mate.

* Last updated by: yannih on 11/15/2016 @ 2:09 AM *

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/15/16 11:49 AM

I'm not so sure. The Indians are considered a Sovreign Nation, not necessarily subject to US laws. It will be real interesting if he tries to force US law to take and divide their land. They say the border must be open since the animals they hunt travel on both sides.


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Maddevill's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/15/16 11:50 AM

And no "High Horse' yannih... just a donkey.


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extrapolator's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/15/16 12:57 PM

I'm not so sure. The Indians are considered a Sovreign Nation, not necessarily subject to US laws. It will be real interesting if he tries to force US law to take and divide their land. They say the border must be open since the animals they hunt travel on both sides.

Again, no problem. Wall 'em off. Then the Indians can use credentials to enter the U.S. just like everybody else.


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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/15/16 2:39 PM

Again, no problem. Wall 'em off. Then the Indians can use credentials to enter the U.S. just like everybody else.

I support using the 2-3 M gang members and criminal aliens as hard labors to build the wall. Dig the footings by hand with a shovel and hump the bricks just like they did the drugs. When they are done give them a free ticket home ...

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OldMan's Gravatar


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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/15/16 5:24 PM

Politicians lie and get corrupted once elected (some even before elected). That is the reality. It is not just in US but everywhere. Look what is happening in South Korea. China, Russia, you name it. So I am not surprised if Trump doesn't do anything he said he would. Clinton would have been the same anyway. The bottom line is that politicians care about us, middle class, till they get elected. Once election is over and they get what they want, they totally forget about us.

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/16/16 8:42 AM

^^^ so true.. it just makes me sick !

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/16/16 7:45 PM

No matter who becomes President, I don't think he/she can fix the issues we are facing now. $20 trillion in debt and print or borrow more money to pay interest. Jobs out-sourced to developing countries. No money for public schools. Education is a big issue as well. Today more than 50% of post graduate school students are foreign students.

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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/18/16 4:17 PM

Politicians lie and get corrupted once elected (some even before elected).

So very true.

Finally, crooked Tic Tac Trump settled the case for “swindling thousands of innocent Americans out of millions of dollars”. The settlement had come despite significant resistance from Trump for years.

Can you imagine what crooked Tic Tac Trump would be saying tonight if any of his opponents had just settled a fraud civil suit suit against them for $25,000,000 dollars to avoid having to take the stand?

I thought I remember Sean Hannity protesting there was no fraud at Trump U!


Statement By A.G. Schneiderman On $25 Million Settlement Agreement Reached In Trump University Case :

“Today, that all changes,” New York Attorney General said. “Today’s $25 million settlement agreement is a stunning reversal by Donald Trump and a major victory for the over 6,000 victims of his fraudulent university.”

He said the settlement includes a $1 million penalty paid to New York state for violating the state’s education laws by calling the program a “university” despite offering no degrees or traditional education.

NEW YORK – Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman issued the following statement on the $25 million settlement agreement reached in Trump University case:

In 2013, my office sued Donald Trump for swindling thousands of innocent Americans out of ?millions of dollars through a scheme known as Trump University. Donald Trump fought us every step of the way, filing baseless charges and fruitless appeal?s? and refusing to settle for even modest amounts of compensation for the victims of his phony university. Today, that all changes. Today's $25 million settlement agreement is a stunning reversal by Donald Trump and a major victory for the over 6,000 victims of his fraudulent university.

I am pleased that under the terms of this settlement, every victim will receive restitution and that Donald Trump will pay up to $1 million in penalties to the State of New York for violating state education laws. The victims of Trump University have waited years for today's result and I am pleased that their patience--and persistence--will be rewarded by this $25 million settlement.

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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


Philadelphia, PA

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/18/16 4:22 PM

Politicians lie and get corrupted once elected (some even before elected).

So very true.

Finally, crooked Tic Tac Trump settled the case for “swindling thousands of innocent Americans out of millions of dollars”. The settlement had come despite significant resistance from Trump for years.

Can you imagine what crooked Tic Tac Trump would be saying tonight if any of his opponents had just settled a fraud civil suit suit against them for $25,000,000 dollars to avoid having to take the stand?

I thought I remember Sean Hannity protesting there was no fraud at Trump U!


Statement By A.G. Schneiderman On $25 Million Settlement Agreement Reached In Trump University Case :

“Today, that all changes,” New York Attorney General said. “Today’s $25 million settlement agreement is a stunning reversal by Donald Trump and a major victory for the over 6,000 victims of his fraudulent university.”

He said the settlement includes a $1 million penalty paid to New York state for violating the state’s education laws by calling the program a “university” despite offering no degrees or traditional education.

NEW YORK – Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman issued the following statement on the $25 million settlement agreement reached in Trump University case:

In 2013, my office sued Donald Trump for swindling thousands of innocent Americans out of ?millions of dollars through a scheme known as Trump University. Donald Trump fought us every step of the way, filing baseless charges and fruitless appeal?s? and refusing to settle for even modest amounts of compensation for the victims of his phony university. Today, that all changes. Today's $25 million settlement agreement is a stunning reversal by Donald Trump and a major victory for the over 6,000 victims of his fraudulent university.

I am pleased that under the terms of this settlement, every victim will receive restitution and that Donald Trump will pay up to $1 million in penalties to the State of New York for violating state education laws. The victims of Trump University have waited years for today's result and I am pleased that their patience--and persistence--will be rewarded by this $25 million settlement.


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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/18/16 6:44 PM

I am not a fan of Trump. I am not a fan of Clinton, either. In foreign media, there are few stories about mysterious deaths people who were around the Clintons. Some got shot. Some committed suicide. Some got accidents. In US, no major madia run the story but I found one.

I am pretty sure all of those deaths are simply coincident but thought it was interesting.

1973 Suzuki GT250, 1976 Kawasaki KH500A8, 1979 Yamaha RD350, 1985 Yamaha Maxim700X, 1987 Kawasaki EX500, 1994 Honda CBR600F2, 2004 BMW R1100S, 2005 Kawasaki Z750S, 2003 Suzuki SV1000N

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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


Philadelphia, PA

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/19/16 8:17 PM

I am not a fan of Trump. I am not a fan of Clinton

Me either, they are all crooks. If we listen to the conspiracy theorists, more people have been killed by the Clinton family than by sharks in last 25 years. Tic Tac Trump is as crooked as he said Hillary was.

Did you noticed Tic Tac Trump and his daughter meeting Japan's Prime Minister?

Crooked Tic Tac Trump is going to make America a third world banana republic dictatorship again by using the power of the presidency to bring his children to official roles. Nepotism at it's best.

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extrapolator's Gravatar

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RE: Could Donald Drumpf Really Be The Republicans Choice For President?
11/19/16 8:55 PM

Crooked Tic Tac Trump is going to make America a third world banana republic dictatorship ...

This is exactly what us conservatives felt happened during Obama ... How many executive orders can a president use before it's just a dictatorship?

And the vote going the way you saw it go ... i.e. anti-Hillary ... I think was the voters trying to vote themselves out of the third world banana republic track we were well into.


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