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Thread: MAGA

Created on: 11/16/22 11:11 AM

Replies: 133


Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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RE&amp&#x3b;&#x23&#x3b;x3a&#x3b&#x3b; MAGA
12/04/22 11:18 AM

There's your proof that the 2020 election was rigged. What say you mad? What say you coughla? Methinks you wont put this up on your blog lol.

* Last updated by: Daddyrabbit on 12/4/2022 @ 11:21 AM *

Ile be damned

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VicThing's Gravatar

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12/10/22 7:17 AM

What can CONSERVATIVES do? Here's my suggestions. And yes, it is either time to make some sacrifices, or we are on the edge of losing this great country and becoming a 3rd world sack of garbage consumed by zee/zems and men with packages acting like they think they are a woman.

What can you do?
- TIME TO MOVE: If you are a CONSERVATIVE living in a dominant left state, it is time for you to relocate to another state to reduce the representation of socialist/globalist nationally, and INCREASE the representation. If 10-20 million CONSERVATIVES relocated from CA, OR, WA, NY into CONSERVATIVE VOTING STATES it would shift the HOR and POTUS outcomes significantly. As it sits, YOU ARE A COG IN THEIR WHEEL.

As a CONSERVATIVE, I understand the primary issue is our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is not supposed to be this important in our DAILY LIVES anyway. It was PURPOSELY CONSTRUCTED THAT WAY, but through corruption ON ALL SIDES, it has WORMED it's way into being "THE NEWS" on a daily basis. And that SIMPLY SHOULD NOT BE THE CASE. Never the less, it is the mess we are dealing with.

- START SPENDING CASH AGAIN Keep cash "main stream". Do not let "them" take "cash" away from us. Yes, I know the 1% cash back you get is vital to your buying habits. But think about it this way, YOU ARE SELLING YOUR PRIVATE INFORMATION TO THESE LARGE, GLOBALISTS ORGANIZATIONS FOR 1%. YOU ARE A SUCKER. No, I'm not necessarily saying CUT UP ALL YOUR CARDS, just saying return to using CASH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

- FIND AND SUPPORT PATRONIZE CONSERVATIVE LEANING BUSINESSES Walmart, Amazon, Kohls, Kroger, Apple, Youtube, Google, Facebook, most large banks etc. are all LEFT/SOCIALISTS/DEMOCRAT/GLOBALISTS supporting organizations. One great resource for this is OPENSECRETS.ORG, which tracks donations based on organizations/corporations. Meijers and Toyota deserve CONSERVATIVE support.

- WORK AS A TEAM As CONSERVATIVES, WE ARE OF THE "YOU DO YOU" MINDSET. However, because of this, because of our very nature, and the other sides EXTREME WILLINGNESS TO GROUP UP WITH EACH OTHER, WE ARE BEING SHREDDED. We can no longer afford to operate in an isolated manner, which again, is "you do what you want, and I'll do what I want."

- VOTE, NOT VIOLENCE We cannot be violent, as anything even nearly remotely "violent" (even as "hate speech") will be trumpeted throughout mainstream media while if you're aware of people like (streamers) AK NATION NEWS, BLACK GEN Z MINDSET, SALTY CRACKER, etc you know that EVERY DAY there are mass shootings by extremely violent criminals that are suppressed by the news.

- STRIVE FOR CONSERVATIVES, NOT REPUBLICAN We all hopefully know the term RINO. I suppose a RINO is marginally better than a Democrat, but maybe not always.

As many have said, "they" are going to do WHATEVER THEY CAN AND WILL TO SPLIT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, particularly for the next POTUS election. They would love to have Trump running Independent as it definitely guarantees a Democrat victory.

- FIND AND SUPPORT GRASS ROOT NEWS AND STREAMERS - Newsmax, OANN, Next News Network, Rebel News (Canada), Right Side Broadcasting Network, Kevin's Corner, Officer Tatum, Oldies Men, Salty Cracker, Gothix, Anthony Brian Logan, Ben Shapiro, Michael Savage, The Common Sense Conservative (who has greatly been "cancelled", only on Rumble), Candace Owens

For those that don't know, ON RUMBLE, RSBN's coverage of Trumps 2024 POTUS announcement has over 400,000 viewers. That's right, OVER FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND. Don't let MSM's LIES THAT "MAGA IS DYING" BLIND YOU.


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Hub's Gravatar

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12/10/22 6:18 PM

I don't care if a man wants to dress as a woman... oh weight, what's a woman?
I don't care if they just passed a law to marry someone's dick up one's ass, nor a scissor move and wets the sheets, it's none of my business of cunt scenting adults.

I have cash waiting. Maybe next year unless an E-bike runs like a slot car.
I support the companies that shell out a dividend when possible.
I work alone in a team.
I see 3 scumbags eating together ready for violence.
I only side with... well I don't see a side right now on the right leaning.
I more binge on cat videos.
I am too old to give a shit.

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144u's Gravatar

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12/10/22 7:27 PM

Lots of good thinking here. You wouldn't think it would take a whole lot to beat orange man bad but it does.

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; MAGA
12/11/22 8:45 AM

There is an offshoot of a party that is forming. It's called the Dinner Party. The 3amigos of the brown bag movement. I have a trainload of brown paper bags heading my way. Kofla gets the first bag of an apology. I had a delusional syndrome called reverseism, couldnotseeitism, Inyourfaseism, lookagainism, and I still couldn't see it.

Something was fishy all along. I put it together both ways is how it worked for me. It just took a recap of having a seen your moment... in real time.

* Last updated by: Hub on 12/11/2022 @ 8:46 AM *

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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12/11/22 3:57 PM

We all know just how on the ball Cohen is lol.

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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12/12/22 7:55 AM

Oh how we have fallen.

Ile be damned

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VicThing's Gravatar

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12/12/22 4:58 PM

I am too old to give a shit.

I get ya. I'm nearing 50. I don't even have kids. Why do I care about the future of this great country?

Because it's the right thing to do.

See, centuries ago we had people who said "this was worth it; even it cost me my wife, my children, my friends, even my own life, *this* was worth it." And I refuse to let it die quietly. I refuse to let their sacrifices, and those that came after them, be in vain. I refuse to be that vain, that big daddy gubment needs to be more responsible for my life than I am. How different would our live's be if those before us hadn't sacrificed so much? So many wars, so many lives.

I'm not an Alex Jones fan. I find him pretty despicable. But I watched some of his recent trial footage, and he did say something that is what we need to ask.

Watch about 30 seconds, until 2:47:44

I refuse to be that useless of a cunt of a human to turn into a "me me me gimme gimme gimme" scumbag socialists.

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hagrid's Gravatar

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12/18/22 11:06 AM

We need better laws to prevent traction control/ECU mods being tested in parking lots.

Yoshis!! GO NINJEE!!!

Fat chicks at Wal-Mart: NOT RECOMMENDED

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Hub's Gravatar

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12/18/22 5:42 PM

Hey, push comes to shove, I'll defend this flag to those before me. But can we first kick out the litter bug? I drove today and have time to look. The mess on the freeway is how I look at American now. Filthy fucks. Oh wait, I don't give she its skies.

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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12/24/22 7:31 PM

Merry Christmas patriots! Remember the birth of Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. Sorry heathen commies if this upsets you. Naw, im not really lol.

Ile be damned

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lytnin's Gravatar

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12/24/22 9:49 PM

Did not upset me but because I may not believe in religion as you do does not make me a heathern commie. Just like the left if you do not hear your beliefs coming out of my mouth then my kind are what ever.

Happy Dickheadism to you !!!!!

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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RE&#x3a&#x3b; MAGA
12/25/22 6:49 AM

Sorry to hear that. Anywho, glad you arent offended.

* Last updated by: Daddyrabbit on 12/25/2022 @ 6:57 AM *

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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12/29/22 5:23 AM

Methinks its Back to two scoops of ice cream.

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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12/30/22 8:35 AM

Desperate times call for Desperate measures lol

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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01/26/23 1:18 PM

True story lol

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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01/26/23 3:12 PM

Today the president said the GOP is the party of chaos and catastrophe. Draino and the other yahoos have obviously been gaslit,its really amazing how weak minded and impressionable they are.

* Last updated by: Daddyrabbit on 1/26/2023 @ 3:12 PM *

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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01/30/23 2:59 PM

Tech firms are seeing the writing on the wall, poor pencil neck.

Ile be damned

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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03/18/23 6:23 AM

Make no mistake, they are coming for the decent folks in this country. Patriots beware! What a shiteshow, mark this next to the 2 scoops of ice cream scandal lol. Every time they try all it does is strengthen his fan base. We will not back down to the communists. Hell, I remember it wasnt to long ago we killed communists...

Ile be damned

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lytnin's Gravatar

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03/18/23 12:06 PM

I personally do not want to see Trump back only because I believe he is vindictive and will work more to go after the dems than worry about the people. I still believe that he only won because people would have rather voted for a gay rock than Hillary.
If he happens to be the republican choice we get to vote for he will still get my vote as I would rather vote for a gay rock than Uncle Joe or any of his kind.
I consider this president we have now as Obama's 3d term since I think he is the dreeb behind the curtain.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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03/18/23 8:02 PM

The biggest problem most Americans have IS the Democratic party. They need to be rounded up and.... If he accomplishes nothing but this I and hundres of millions will be tickled pink. All they have done is go after him lol. If he is arrested this week you can take his winning again in 24 to the bank.

Ile be damned

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lytnin's Gravatar

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03/19/23 9:06 AM

I would not blame Trump if he went after them but the American people need more help than Trump needs his satisfaction at vindication. The dems have 1 1/2 years left to make Trump a felon and Trump is helping them by acting like a spanked baby that thinks it can do no wrong. My opinion only but pretty sure I am not the only one. We are the public stuck in their game and we are the ones to get played by both sides. They make the rules and cannot see past their gold thrones that they do not get off of to look at the people they are supoposed to help. We are just their {both sides) ATM so they lie, cheat and steal from us to keep their golden chair. People do not go into politics to help the people they go in it for the money, free health care forever and a retirement system that they voted for themselves that real USA citizens will never get.
Trump was not a polititian and my beliefe is that helped him get elected but now he is a politician and turned into the whiney kind of spoiled child like the rest of them (both sides) and has turned some of his believers against him to which I am one of them. Still if it comes down to him or the dems I stay with him for lack of other more qualified people.
Off my soapbox so carry on .....

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


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03/19/23 9:37 AM

It only took him 2 years to give us strength and security, leaves him plenty of time to go after communists. It only took sniffin joe 6 months to undo it. The simple fact that they go to such extremes and dishonesty to keep him from running tells me all I need to know. Maybe if their policies brought forth success and security they wouldn't even need to worry about him.

Ile be damned

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Hub's Gravatar

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03/20/23 7:26 AM

On the night of the drawn down zipper, where was your penis, Mr. Trump. You have until Tuesday to tell us. And the second question is, where is your pronoun? Was she wearing a penis that can't be removed? And her pronoun was 'enter here.'

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Grn14's Gravatar

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03/20/23 10:10 AM

"Maybe if their policies brought forth success and security they wouldn't even need to worry about him".Well,they CAN'T do that.He'll ruin the money tree for em.Besides.They're doing fine economically.Course they don't want him in there.THey're killin it right now

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