A Beautiful Day today with a cool breeze from the north. It was 68 degrees when I left home and only 81 degrees at 4 PM. Perfect Fall Day for exploring.
Built in 1829 in northern Arkansas, a Territorial, Izard County, Courthouse. It sits at its original location nearby the White River and has 85% of its original wood/stone. Sam Houston's older Brother was a County Clerk here.
The LAST 2-story "dog-trot" Courthouse in the US.
This Mural is across the way from Heidi's Ugly Cakes. I ate there in 2017. It was closed by the time I arrived.
This is Norfork, AR, Highway 5.
One of the last operational suspension bridges in AR. Off Highway 5, south of Highway 14.
* Last updated by: doubleD on 9/23/2022 @ 7:54 PM *