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Thread: I'm BACK biatches !!!

Created on: 06/04/23 09:51 AM

Replies: 4


Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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I'm BACK biatches !!!
06/04/23 9:51 AM

Well I FINALLY got cleared off crutches and the brace by my orthopedic doctor after my femur break, and the physical therapy has been going great, so I decided it was time to ride. Last Thursday I did a short ride on my DR650 just to see how the leg felt and everything went good. Yesterday it was time to get the big girl out.

I haven't ridden q ZX since November but I wanted to see how both me and the bike felt so I told Andy to set a brisk pace. I had a new seat pad that raises me an inch I wanted to test as well. Right at the start, the riding position felt strange since the only things I'd been riding were the quad and DR. But I eventually got used to it.

Went out Black Butte Rd and I led the way down to Cottonwood for coffee, after which Andy took the point. He was hauling ass and it was a fun test of everything mechanical and physical. I noticed in a couple high speed left handers, that I tended to run wide because I was trying not to drag my toes. Still need to work on bending the knee more. I reminded myself to bend my outside arm and that let the bike hold a much tighter line.

130 miles and everything went absolutely perfect. The physical therapy I've been having has actually made my knee a little bit better than it was. So I'm pretty happy. I am scheduled for a track day in October so this is good news.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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streetsweeper's Gravatar

Location: Lompoc, CA

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RE: I'm BACK biatches !!!
06/05/23 11:37 PM

Glad all that snow melted and your back in the saddle. looks like youve been layin off the cheeseburgers. you got some world class roads to ride.Id dread the day some one like you would be in the rear view mirror, that red zedx is a force to be reckon with.

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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RE: I'm BACK biatches !!!
06/06/23 9:20 AM

Thanks Streetsweeper. You should be more afraid of my riding partner Andy and his SV1000
Guy is just so smooth and you don't notice how fast he is.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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streetsweeper's Gravatar

Location: Lompoc, CA

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RE: I'm BACK biatches !!!
06/07/23 9:15 PM

The snake eyes on your bike tho, red and black friend of jack, red and yellow will kill a fellow lol. Maybe if the summer weather kicks in ill shoot the loop to nor cal red woods and ride with you and fast Andy.

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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RE: I'm BACK biatches !!!
06/08/23 2:19 PM

That sounds great. Keep me posted.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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