Well I FINALLY got cleared off crutches and the brace by my orthopedic doctor after my femur break, and the physical therapy has been going great, so I decided it was time to ride. Last Thursday I did a short ride on my DR650 just to see how the leg felt and everything went good. Yesterday it was time to get the big girl out.
I haven't ridden q ZX since November but I wanted to see how both me and the bike felt so I told Andy to set a brisk pace. I had a new seat pad that raises me an inch I wanted to test as well. Right at the start, the riding position felt strange since the only things I'd been riding were the quad and DR. But I eventually got used to it.
Went out Black Butte Rd and I led the way down to Cottonwood for coffee, after which Andy took the point. He was hauling ass and it was a fun test of everything mechanical and physical. I noticed in a couple high speed left handers, that I tended to run wide because I was trying not to drag my toes. Still need to work on bending the knee more. I reminded myself to bend my outside arm and that let the bike hold a much tighter line.
130 miles and everything went absolutely perfect. The physical therapy I've been having has actually made my knee a little bit better than it was. So I'm pretty happy. I am scheduled for a track day in October so this is good news.