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Thread: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r

Created on: 12/21/11 03:35 PM

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zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 3:35 PM

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 4:02 PM

I'm no dragger...have really NO idea what these numbers actually mean...but....IS THIS GOOD?What does this mean for the street rider?

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 12/21/2011 @ 4:03 PM *

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Shogun1's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 6:44 PM

This video is awesome and appreciate RG for showing us what most have been waiting to see...bikes compared at good strip with perfect weather. Damn, like I said before if I was dragging the bike, the 14R is the perfect platform to be king!! It was good to see RG pushing all three bikes and that 09 with just a pipe and pc still put up good numbers........

* Last updated by: Shogun1 on 12/21/2011 @ 6:47 PM *

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Shogun1's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 6:54 PM

Hey Grn for the 14R street riders; if you can master ur launch, nothing stock on two wheels will be able to touch you and only a select high price performance cars will hang.....

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 7:59 PM

Grn, You have RG clicking off consistent times. That right there is a sign of a good racer = Consistency. Now that we have that out of the way, look how the bike just keeps going there as if no fluke at the line. Even though one leave is one rpm stab, you'll never leave on the same exact rpm, so right there, you fight that consistency upon leave.

If you listen to the rpm's, some bog, some hit right on the money. This is a hard sport where you just can't go up there; can click one off; one after the other. You figure the guy is not going to change his clutch leave, so the rpm is the clinker and that is just part of the head game at that line.

When the cans came off, that shows unrestricted out the pipe. If he pulled the air cleaner, he should have/ could have done that too. That time would have dropped even more. Big bog this time, but again, here comes the clean up crew, keep it pinned! Thing would have run quicker even still. It sounded like it bogged some, so right there, that pipe clog helped the bottom, but who cares, the back end said it all, or the finish line, said another way.

You gotta figure, RG was thrown off that bike, he wound it up like a slow 14. Gotta speculate that bike bit him somehow? Anyway, with the cam lift and longer valve stems, the 2mm crank growth, the rest of the package, shows the bike is one more gradual step that for now, you look at the 14 back in 2006... Look at this R now, is nothing I'm telling you, nothing.

With the electrics, you [really can] throw gobs of power at those circuits. At the end of the day, my arm sockets should hurt and the tire shredid w/mode switch off; build me that bike out the crate!

* Last updated by: Hub on 12/21/2011 @ 8:00 PM *

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 8:07 PM

Did you watch that biker buildoff with the snowmobile? They programmed that motor so slow, it was fast enough for walrus to ride it. And Grn, that pantdrop was for mother dropped the ball.

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 8:12 PM

I got caught in the rain the other day. They had that drive so slick, I felt the front slip going for gas. I left and when I hit the throttle, I should have lit that back tire up. No, I had to wind it up, then I was going too fast, I fishtail a little on lift.

If I had my kind of bike, it would have broke loose. The 14 is so close, you now spoiled myass, mother*** potty mouth is shut my mouth that feeds me.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 10:15 PM

RG is a great guy for the world of the ZX-14, but at this point I regard him as much a PR ploy as a drag racer. Which meabs just about everything I hear come out of his mouth is heard through a skeptical ear. Does anyone think for 2 seconds that Kawasaki didn't know exactly how fast in the quarter mile their new bike is? This is an infomercial. That's all. Yeah, the R is a great bike. I still need to hear a consensus from impartial owners how fast it is.

I'm no dragger...have really NO idea what these numbers actually mean...but....IS THIS GOOD?What does this mean for the street rider
They could have shown that better. If they were not able to edit in copy (I'm sure there was a whole production team behind this vid) to show the drag times, they should have just written them on paper or something to make it look more impromptu.

From what I could gather the 14 R was doing just a tiny bit over 9 second stock. That's with RG on the bike. His 2011 was doing about 4-5 tenths slower (someone please correct me, I'm not going to try to watch that again. Too much vid to get a very simple point across. (Oh but I forget, ther were no proffessionals involve din making that-------they just shot the vid in sequence and cut with the record button----no editing, it was all just home video .)

Half a second? I believe it. What does that mean on the street. LOL I guess half a second if you are in a drag race!! Other than that, more street cred. I would like to see how it does from a 60 mph roll against a real fast liter bike like the new 10. My guess is it is losing ground over 100 but then pulling them back around 160. Just like it used to be before the super liters came out.

I don't mean to sound pissy but it bugs me a bit when we have advertising that tries to pretend it is just sincere information. It's advertising! Sue me, I was a genX kid. Advertising doesn't work on me.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 10:16 PM

but wait.........i did go and buy a busa, didn't I. ah well. we all have our moments

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Shogun1's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/21/11 11:00 PM

I hear ya Rook but do you think RG would put his rep on the line for Kawi $$$ like that? I hope not but we'll see soon with next season races....After seeing the video I'm happy with my 09 for my needs on the street.....

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rossb's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 12:23 AM

The 2012 is very quick. At one point he said it was factory stock, which is not really true. I'm pretty sure that later on in the video he said it was lowered and had taller gearing. It also looks like he removed the mirrors. I know, minor mods, but still.... I wonder if the 2011 had similar mods.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 1:13 AM

So IF he had TALLER gearing(as he said)...that would actually slow his 1/4 blasts....yes?I mean...I'm guessing here that his shifts were in the meat of the HP/torque curve,right?So would his times have been better with stock gearing?

IDK...just wondering really.I didn't get mine for any of those uses.If and when others that are posting here that haven't ridden this new bike DO get to ride one....I think they're going to realize that though this motorcycle is going to be brutal on the strip...the real beauty(for me anyway)is the way the engine runs and how she shifts and such.Cruising on this bike I can tell you now is a REAL dream.I haven't been able to actually gas her much...I wanted to be a tad cautious with the first few hundred miles...till I got her loosened up some and got a bit used to the way she powers up.But right now...this engine performance is VERY smooth and in your face if you twist that baby even a little.I can't even right now imagine what she'll feel like with shorter gearing.Gonna be some ride,I'll say that!You WILL need KTRC most definitely ...unless of course you like buying tires every other week!

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 12/22/2011 @ 1:16 AM *

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privateer's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 4:04 AM

My only problem with the horsepower and torgue battle is that 10 years ago it was more than you can legally use on the street.

Today, its twice as much as you can legally use.

In all of last years trips, I don't think I got over 100 mph except when passing long strings of cars on desolate, straight roads.

What the heck do I need the other 60% of my bike's power for?

Really, I'm serious. 40+ years of riding, and I've experienced almost every form of panic a rider can. Leaned over, slipping on gravel, and water, and sand. Sudden, all fingers and toes emergency braking. Blasting past a string of 8 cars because they are running 10 under like a caravan. Escaping and evading all manner of bad cage drivers and potential or near accidents in waiting.

I cannot think of one use for all the horsepower in my 2008 that shouldn't get my license revoked according to existing MD Motor Vehicle Code, much less a 2012.

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 5:35 AM

My only problem with the horsepower and torgue battle is that 10 years ago it was more than you can legally use on the street.

Today mopads will break all laws. Fun for a few minutes. ZX-14 will Never stop bring a Smile. The Rush Of "Full Power Captain" still remains lol. C'mon, admit it has us all or we would not be here,,, No ?

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 5:40 AM

connie will do the same.... zx14r just more streamlined... which some riders perfer.

guy last year tried to sell me left over connie for like 4000 off sticker or something... just did not like the look of the bike.

busa and all zx14 were sold out

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privateer's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 6:30 AM


I didn't join the forum initially (back in old version 1 lol) because I rode my ZX14 illegally fast, I joined because I was interested in what other owners were doing, and to learn about parts and accessories. Along the way I learned my 2008 ZX14 inside out, front to back, and spent close to $12,000 extra not to make it faster, but to make it sport tour better. And was very successful. In no small part due to the information on this forum.


I ride with C14s all the time, being a member of COG. I know they can keep up with me unless I really get on it. Its even hard in places like the Blue Ridge Parkway, for me to lose them. And I'm no slouch, my PR2s are scrubbed all the way to the sidewalls front and back.

Anyway, I'm not saying don't ride fast, I did it big time in my first 30 years of riding and its just been the last 12 years or so that I've come to value safety margins and conservation riding styles A LOT.

There were close to 20 fatalities of motorcyclists riding sportbikes in my region in 2011 so far. Pretty safe to say no more this year - I hope. The vast majority of those fatalities were caused by excessive speed.

Been there, done that, but no need to temp fate anymore. Its dangerous enough just being around other drivers and riders who lack skill, or attention, or courtesy, or something just itching to punt me off the road or into some immovable object.

Its not paranoia when they really are out to get you!

* Last updated by: privateer on 12/22/2011 @ 6:32 AM *

Living the Gypsy Life

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rossb's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 7:47 AM

So IF he had TALLER gearing(as he said)...that would actually slow his 1/4 blasts....yes?

He is trying to control wheelies off the line.

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 9:07 AM

$12,000 extra not to make it faster,

End result was, she was Faster No ? Over 190 hp = Smooookin fast. All in Good Fun ?

Its dangerous enough just being around other drivers and riders who lack skill, or attention, or courtesy, or something just itching to punt me off the road or into some immovable object.

Two of my good friends and work mates were picked off this year. They are still not back to work,,,,, 6 Months and counting. I think those strobbing tail lights are a bit much but,,,,, May have saved them from serious injury,, May ?

I see it both ways and can understand. Safety on mtorcycles often can be a case of in the wrong place at the wrong time mixed with some good and bad luck. Play Safe.

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privateer's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 9:35 AM

Well, yes, Romans, she is over 190 rwhp and she is smookin' fast. I bet she might just eat a 2012 if I was so inclined (I'm not).

The good part of that is when I needed to pass a string of slowpoke (like 65mph in a 60mph zone out in the boondocks with 1 mile straights to pass on) cars, I just left her in 5th gear or whatever and grabbed WOT and she obeyed my counter-steer into the left lane and took off like a bullet, past them in mere seconds. Doing 120.... flairing knees and sitting up to settle back down to 80mph cruise speed, string of cars receding far behind me.

My rear strobing (degrading pulse) brakelight and the LED kits in my Givi side- and top- cases all combine to provide added safety.

And to think, its all going to the dealer any day now, in trade.....................

The dealer in Frederick called me this morning, they got their 2012 initial order (a tractor-trailer full) and he wanted to know if I wanted his new black C14 for COSTCO discount.

Nope, I'm true blue to my dealer, known them since I was not able to climb up into the seat of a Harley without my dad helping me. And since Frederick got theirs, hopefully Hagerstown will get theirs any day now.

Living the Gypsy Life

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 3:50 PM

I hear ya Rook but do you think RG would put his rep on the line for Kawi $$$ like that?

Not if he thought the 14R was gonna be a disappointment. I'm sure it will be a very good drag bike. BUT, if you were paying attention back in 08 there was a some hype surrounding the improved zx-14 then and it was really no big deal. We saw RG doing passes on the 2011 zx-10 not long ago. He's a part of the hype. I think all the hype is turning out to be fact in this case but if the 14R was a dog, I don't think he would say so.

So IF he had TALLER gearing(as he said)...that would actually slow his 1/4 blasts....yes?I mean...I'm guessing here that his shifts were in the meat of the HP/torque curve,right?So would his times have been better with stock gearing?
Did he say "taller?" To me, that means he went down a couple on the back which would increase his top speed but reduce acceleration. NOt usually what drag racers do with gearing. I recently heard a fiend use the term "taller" referring to larger rear sprocket. I think that was a terminology error. Shorter tome means shorter time between shifts, shorter (reduced) top speed and shorter time before you hit the top speed.

He is trying to control wheelies off the line.

so it was reduced acceleration he went for to optimize his 1/3 mile time. SHITE that is impressive! The stock bike has more acceleration than it can use.

* Last updated by: Rook on 12/22/2011 @ 3:52 PM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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rossb's Gravatar

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 4:37 PM

Did he say "taller?" To me, that means he went down a couple on the back

Yes, two less teeth on the rear sprocket. Forward to 8:45 in the video.

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 5:48 PM

He is trying to control wheelies off the line.

so it was reduced acceleration he went for to optimize his 1/3 mile time. SHITE that is impressive! The stock bike has more acceleration than it can use.

Yes, two less teeth on the rear sprocket. Forward to 8:45 in the video.

yep, extended swing arm and back to stock,,,,, watch what this bike can do with minor mods. Still think slip ons won't be much diff than current full systems...... Kawi may have nailed this header..

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 6:59 PM

You all check out his 2011?(or whatever year that one is)Look at that tail cowl.Actually...the WHOLE rear fairing and seat and all .

Lot of guys are sayin 'who needs this much HP' or whatever.Let me ask this....does a P-51 Mustang with the Merlin engine run smoother and better than the F-86 SupreSabre jet?THAT's why I want it.Not for 1/4 mile records!

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 12/22/2011 @ 7:08 PM *

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 7:14 PM

Let me ask this....does a P-51 Mustang with the Merlin engine run smoother and better than the F-86 SupreSabre jet?THAT's why I want it.Not for 1/4 mile records!

You comparing your new "R" to your old Harley now, Grn?

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!” HST

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RE: zx14 vs zx14 vs zx14r
12/22/11 7:35 PM

I aint bitin Dogo old Hardly ran like a friggin raped ape itself!!It WAS a sweet ride.I rode that baby like I rode my 07 Ninja....wound out baby!She held up good and did quite well.Shotgun pipes on there and a nice breather kit,plus that ignition module that let her open up to like 10,000 rpm instead of the that measley 6,000 limiter....oh yeah.She definitely could get with it.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 12/22/2011 @ 7:42 PM *

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