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Thread: question that i did not get an answer to on bikland

Created on: 02/10/09 08:19 PM

Replies: 3


stcalder's Gravatar

Location: Abilene TX

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question that i did not get an answer to on bikland
02/10/09 8:19 PM

I have an 06 with a muzzy full exhaust,pcIII,bmc air filter and no flies. my question is has anybody else noticed a surge at a steady 3000rpm in 4th gear? i have had this problem since before i put the pcIII on and pulled the flies which was only 2 weeks ago. i noticed it about 2 months ago. it clears up instantly if given gas or letting off. and only does it in 4th at 3000rpm +-200. i know i hould have pulled the flies earlier. thanks for the input.

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Philhnnss's Gravatar


Lost In Oklahoma

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RE: question that i did not get an answer to on bikland
02/10/09 11:58 PM

Sorry, I can not say I have on my bike. Maybe a different map would help???

2006 ZX-14
1984 ZX750E1

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: question that i did not get an answer to on bikland
02/12/09 8:00 AM

4th gear and 3k give or take is, 'Surge City'! Why are you not in 6th at that rpm?


I was interested in this, because I don't usually ride in 6th gear at 3k. I usually am in a lower gear at that point. Maybe it's a carry-over from riding a smaller bike that needed to be at higher rpms in order to have any poop.

Curious as to how low an rpm you cruise in 6th gear before you downshift to 5th.

Thanks. -bg

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darryle's Gravatar

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RE: question that i did not get an answer to on bikland
02/16/09 5:25 AM

Hub Ithought surgeing was indicating a lean condition

2012 14R,full hindle Evolution ,vortex rear sets,BST's with ceramic bearings,HID's,hyper pro damper and custom map 205.3 hp/120.2 torque

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