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Thread: Then there were 3

Created on: 02/10/23 04:33 PM

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

Joined: 04/23/11

Posts: 2672

Then there were 3
02/10/23 4:33 PM

Yesterday we took advantage of a fairly warm, sunny day to go for a ride. The crew this time was Yours Truly, Blane with his brand new Tenere 700 and my neighbor Eric on his MT07.
We met at Roosters on the River for morning coffee before setting out. Mainly small back roads and the temperature was just about perfect. I've been trying to get my left toes up on the peg but my knee is still pretty stiff. I hope to increase my range of motion when I can get back to riding my bicycle.

We stopped in Manton at the 100 year old General store which has been closed for awhile. Talked to the new owners and they're planning a complete rehab of the building and include a coffee shop, which is great news.
Headed up Wilson Hill Rd being careful to avoid the cinders left down for the ice this winter. Got gas in Shingletown and then took a loop down towards Whitmore. Tight and bumpy, not the best roads for the ZX. But Eric, being an ex dirt rider ,was having fun popping wheelies all over.

All in all a great ride with good friends.


* Last updated by: Maddevill on 2/10/2023 @ 4:33 PM *

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