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Thread: Pulling the trigger soon

Created on: 06/17/22 01:08 PM

Replies: 37


Kruz's Gravatar


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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
08/18/23 10:54 AM

Hi Ninja, congrats on that new RSV4, do you leave all of your bikes exposed out under a carport, just curious?

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
08/18/23 3:50 PM

Kruz wrote:

Congratulations on your decision to pickup a new ZX-14R bvillebud1, great choice! This may not be the popular opinion around here, so opinions may vary; but I have a garage full of sportbikes right now including a 2021 Aprilia RSV4 and most of them are either stock or near stock.

Ninja wrote:

Congrats on your choice to pick up another ZX-14R bvillebud1, incredible decision! This may not be the prominent sentiment around here. So conclusions might fluctuate; however, I have a carport loaded with sportbikes right currently including a 2021 Aprilia RSV4 and a large portion of them are either stock or close to stock.

Looks like Ninja is either a bot, a fraud, a plagiarizer or an idiot that parks his $21,000 motorcylce under a carport.

Hub, your thoughts....

* Last updated by: Kruz on 8/18/2023 @ 3:54 PM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
08/18/23 6:43 PM

Well Kruz, He does have a fleet under the awning. The language sounds so Bot; "This may not be the popular opinion around here, so opinions may vary," whereas, why with a command of the language gets you pretty far, has the ape alone under and open garage does not make sense, we add up the rest of the bikes and low and behold they are still there?

And how they must look covered or not, the elements are going to creep in on each model. Kind of see I'm assuming he is not legit, beginning with a congrats to a 2022 post, hours ago?

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
08/18/23 6:47 PM

Looks like Ninja is either a bot, a fraud, a plagiarizer or an idiot that parks his $21,000 motorcycle under a carport.

I'm still laughing...

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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
08/18/23 6:55 PM

Hubster, he posted on another thread today, something about a tone ring and traction control, different sized tires, it sounded almost coherent but something was not quite right. My guess is it's one of those DARPA AI programs Big Brother's testing out on us. Who really knows but if it is, their program needs work, nobody parks an expensive bike under a carport and expects it to still be there the next morning...LMAO!

* Last updated by: Kruz on 8/18/2023 @ 6:59 PM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Pulling the trigger soon
08/18/23 7:47 PM

OMG come on man, that has got to be a bot! They took the original paragraph and revised a few key words! It's either a bot, or somebody screwin' around.

"Congratulations" changed to "Congrats"
"decision" changed to "choice"
"pickup a new" changed to "pick up another"
"great choice!" changed to "incredible decision!"
"popular opinion" changed to "prominent sentiment"
"opinions may vary" changed to "conclusions might fluctuate"
"garage full of" changed to "carport loaded with"
"right now" changed to "right currently"
"most of them" changed to "a large portion of them"
"near stock" changed to "close to stock"

* Last updated by: extrapolator on 8/18/2023 @ 7:55 PM *


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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
08/19/23 11:27 AM

Calm down Extraplolator, we all know it's a Bot, Hubster is on the case....

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
08/19/23 11:32 AM


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RE: Traction control and tire sizes
08/17/23 1:45 AM
It won't influence your TC. You have a tone ring on the two wheels. TC is searching for the back wheel going a lot quicker than the front prior to talking. Utilizing a somewhat taller profile tire won't have that very remarkable effect.

This sounds almost credible Hub, strange wording for sure and only two posts and joined two days ago?

* Last updated by: Kruz on 8/19/2023 @ 11:33 AM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
08/19/23 11:51 AM

Nein!! I will not calm down!! ... Not until all bots are defeated!!


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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
08/19/23 3:31 PM

LMAO Extrapolator, you're in for a long battle, AI is taking over everything these days...

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
10/05/23 10:18 AM

I have an 06 with a ton of miles. This Saturday I'm doing my first track day since I retired from racing in 2007. First time on the track with the 14 too. We'll see how it goes.


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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
10/05/23 12:23 PM

Yep, guy knows the lingo and aftermarket products, but it's so machine fake. I supplant with a bunch of slip on's.

Mad, the devil made you do it. Just romp it slow like Vic would or wouldn't. Knock the rust off first.

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Kruz's Gravatar


Republic of Texas

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RE: Pulling the trigger soon
10/05/23 12:40 PM

Kruz wrote:

One other thought, the 14R exhaust is pretty massive and I think some serious weight savings could be had there as well as a little more sound and a touch more power. I remember dropping 20 lbs on my '06 ZX-14 when I replaced the stocker with a set of Yoshimura slipons and picked up a couple HP and a deep throaty sound which still puts a smile on my face.

Bot wrote:

Another idea, the 14R exhaust is really huge and I figure some serious weight reserve funds could be had there as well as somewhat more sound and a touch more power. I dropped 20 lbs on my '06 ZX-14 when I supplanted the stocker with a bunch of Yoshimura slipons and got a couple HP a profound guttural sound which actually puts a grin all over.

Machine fake is right, you can easily tell it's a word substitution program, it's an AI bot Hub but why, what is the point? Cui Bono?

* Last updated by: Kruz on 10/5/2023 @ 12:43 PM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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