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Thread: twist and slide

Created on: 02/17/09 12:06 AM

Replies: 1


painterdude's Gravatar

Joined: 02/16/09

Posts: 136

twist and slide
02/17/09 12:06 AM

Don't know when I am gunna learn. Cold tires..cold road= you should watch the throttle.
Not Mr brian dead here.
Busted out of my place the other day was nippy ..but beautiful.
Wow ..huge blue sky ..Sunday to roam ..tre cool!
Perfect day for blasting I thought as I hit the throttle hard just as I got rollin.
Huge wheel spin.
Back end goes the 190 stripes the road black.
Now I am thinkin it gunna be low side or high side on the flip back if I mess up.
Fortunatly I caught it.
heart in mouth ..I ride like a little old lady ..for ..well over a block!

Yet again had to reminded myself to watch the throttle on cold tires..especially on cool days when the 14 is making killer power at sea level.
and everyone here prolly knows those stupid tar stripes and almost anything painted on the road, unless you like a little slippin and sliding action

* Last updated by: painterdude on 2/17/2009 @ 12:08 AM *

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Grand Junction, CO

Joined: 07/19/09

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RE: twist and slide
02/17/09 8:23 AM

Reminds me of my last ride in the fall. Up a tristy road I've played on several times, but it was very cold this trip. Just didn't feel like I was sticking very well. Had to really tone it down.

Re: sea level. I don't think I've ever been under 4000 ft. Look forward to feeling this thing at lower altitudes some day. Someone put a chart up on the old forum that showed an additional 15 hp or so (I think) between 4K ft. and sea level.

Or maybe a turbo kit would do the job. Hmmmm... -bg

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