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Thread: very sad news this evening

Created on: 07/18/09 12:40 PM

Replies: 14


jafo's Gravatar

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very sad news this evening
07/18/09 12:40 PM

i was to meet my friend Keith (zx14scotland on this site) today at the kells road races.
however it wasnt to be!

having no success trying to reach his mobile number in the last few days, i finally got a phone call from his friend and neighbour in Scotland informing me of his untimely death.
while riding his zzr1400 last Saturday, he had an relatively slow speed collision which ended his life.
my thoughts and prayers go to all his family and friends.

peace my friend


sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: very sad news this evening
07/18/09 3:27 PM


I am SO sorry to hear this. I don't know what to say...

My thoughts and prayers are going out as well.

Keith was one of our earliest members. He joined on 2/27 -- just a few weeks after we opened.

Was he married? Kids? Do you have any more information about the accident? -bg

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jafo's Gravatar

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RE: very sad news this evening
07/18/09 4:33 PM

thanks bg!
yes he was the one that pointed me to u when the other site went down!
we connected like so many others on the 14 forum and became friends, he was a very likeable character and a true gentleman.
i actually met him only twice last year and was due to hook up with him today at the kells road races! but we spoke on the phone at least once or twice a month to chat about our bikes. he had recently put a new exhaust system on and had it dynoed. he got a great deal on some pazzo levers and then got the same deal for me!
off course i always used to say jokingly it didnt matter what he did, my bike was always going to be faster coz his was a zzr1400 and mine was a zx14! a month ago i ordered zx14 badges for him so he could have them on the bike for the trip to kells, i dont know if he had a chance to put them on, he would have only received them the week leading up to the accident.
As far as i know, he was taking a bend at approx 40mph (according to the police) when he collided with a skip which was parked on the roadside.
im still stunned by this news

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: very sad news this evening
07/18/09 7:37 PM

It amazes me that the MotoGP and SuperBike guys can walk away from highsides at 150mph+ and that something like this can happen at 40mph. I guess it's all in the protective gear and in what and how you hit...

Sorry for your loss. -bg

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Joined: 07/22/09

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RE: very sad news this evening
07/22/09 2:03 PM

Hello Jafo,

I was booked on the Troon-Larne ferry with Keith prior to Kells and instead rode 350 miles to Edinburgh on Sunday with fellow Sport Tourers Club members to attend his funeral on Monday. I met several of the group from Eire and asked for your name but I dont think you were able to make it. I met big Big Mick with a ZX12 who was over in May for our club run to Applecross etc. and a man I think called John who rides a flat twin BMW. Around 350 souls attended the funeral and probably a hundred had to stand outside in what luckily was good weather. 30 plus bikes escorted the funeral procession and Keith's partner was visibly impressed with the turnout to pay our last respects to such a great man.
The funeral 'tea' and the session after in the County Hotel with both family and friends to celebrate his life as they say was a send off I would have ridden 3500 miles to be there. I got home to Wales late last night and the headache is just beginning to lift!!!!
Keith actually hit a skip lorry that was carrying out a 3 point turn immediately around a corner. The driver was arrested and held overnight but as far as we know no charges have been made (yet) The double sadness in this accident is the lorry drivers son was killed in a car crash whilst the father was held at the Police Station.
I was a member of the old site, 2 days before his death Keith had mentioned this one and your postings on trips abroad which I used to love to read so long may you continue to ride and post.
I know its early but several 12 and 14 bods including me are planning to come to Kells next year as a tribute to Keith, I hope we may get the chance to meet then.


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jafo's Gravatar

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RE: very sad news this evening
07/23/09 2:51 PM

hi Geoff,

im sorry i couldnt get to keiths funeral, i couldnt even go to Kells, but went to my mothers grave in the dublin mountains instead to say a prayer and reflect i guess!
Keith was talking to me about a possible european motogp next year for his big five-oh birthday!!
off course, if your over for the racing next year we certainly can meet and pay tribute to him.
take care

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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PMS's Gravatar



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RE: very sad news this evening
08/02/09 8:15 AM

Late,but I am SO sorry to read this!
So look all good for your life and thinking about at your next ride....

The gas is on the right side!

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jafo's Gravatar

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RE: very sad news this evening
08/17/09 7:16 AM

thanks Tom!

sometimes riding our bikes, especially the 14, its easy to think we are invincible! then comes along a tragic reminder of just how fragile we are!

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: very sad news this evening
08/17/09 11:38 AM

zHey, at least he had funonthewicked.

pay tribute to him.
take care

Life still goes on in a close course. So short is one's life on the line.

Pound that cable or you are not living life!

Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time

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bean07's Gravatar

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RE: very sad news this evening
12/24/10 3:44 AM

SO SAD to read up on this thread to the loss of a man I have not spoke to, but there is not any expresson good enough to convay to all concerned my sincere sadness apon reading this !

2006 CBR1100xx with a few mods + V Star 1300A Cobra swept exhaust,Fi2000 EFI,Big air kit, Rad cover/Guard,Forward controls/pegs,Pillion mini boards,screen,rack,Saddleman seat a few chrome bits.

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battleaxe's Gravatar


south shields. u.k

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RE: very sad news this evening
12/24/10 12:03 PM

Always sad to hear this kind of news, a few year back a mate of mine hit a skip wagon on the I O M they are very unforgiving things, once again very sad

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jafo's Gravatar

Location: ireland

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RE: very sad news this evening
01/06/11 4:42 AM

thanks guys, was only thinking of keith the other day as i was buying a book called 'between the hedges' about road racing.
ride safe out there

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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motero's Gravatar

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RE: very sad news this evening
07/15/19 2:14 AM

10 years Mike...!!

2012 black zzr 1400,
r/g tail tidy,rad guard,scott oiler, full akrapovic,carmo flash
sherco 290
sherco 305

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Joined: 07/22/09

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RE: very sad news this evening
07/27/19 1:13 PM

10 years as of 11 July and what a get together in Scotland to commemorate the great mans passing. With guys from the US,Ireland, Wales, England and of course Scotland a few drinks were consumed in his memory. Much of the North Coast 500m was covered with the biggest number of one make bikes being the Gen 2 14.

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jafo's Gravatar

Location: ireland

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RE: very sad news this evening
10/03/19 8:27 AM

i had a plan to meet up but alas it clashed with my family holiday this year :(
Keith is never far from my thoughts especially when i reminisce about my time on my mighty 14!
ride safe all

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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