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Thread: Why does the 14 run so hot?

Created on: 02/20/09 10:27 PM

Replies: 18


Location: O'straya

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Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/20/09 10:27 PM

I ride an 08 zx14 and want to understand one of the engines least desirable qualities.

The zx14 is the hottest of all bikes that I've ridden over the years. Yes I know it's nice to look at, not that kinds hot, the 120degC kinda hot.

The engine just gives off so much heat, more than anything I've ever ridden. Why?

I hope answers to this question will guide some of the mods I'm thinking of.


* Last updated by: russty on 2/20/2009 @ 10:40 PM *

08 sapphire

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kawnow's Gravatar

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 12:40 AM

Its a big high compression engine so its gonna make a lot of heat. I have done nothing for mods to help it run cool because it doesn't need any. In the summer at lights it feels hot for sure but I try not to do that too much.

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 7:00 AM


I've noticed the heat as well, but it's not as bad as some other bikes. One I've heard about in particular is the earlier Yamaha FJR-1300. They seemed to be quite uncomfortable while summer riding until Yamaha got the air flow around the engine improved.

Some here are talking about adding a 2nd radiator fan. That sounds like an interesting idea. -bg

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DiabloZX14's Gravatar

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 9:53 AM


they tend to run hotter during break-in ... how may miles do you have on it?

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 9:57 AM


Sorry for the problem you had posting this message. I had to restart the servers, and it lost your login info while you were posting. You probably had to log in again before it would process your post... -bg

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DiabloZX14's Gravatar

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 10:09 AM

yep .... i just thought it was me ... good to know its not

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Location: Oklahoma city

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 1:38 PM

I haven't ridden my bike (since the rebuild) in the summer yet.. But here are my impressions so far:

Before the rebuild in the summer, it would run really hot. Like, 4 bars hot. As far as i know it had standard coolant in it.

After the rebuild, i used strictly coolanol, the coolant designed for motorcycles. It hasn't been above 2 bars yet, however it hasn't been above 75 degrees here either. Another thing to consider, i have about .5 higher compression then a stock bike now, and more power.. Which means it will likely run a tick hotter.

My suggestion, change your coolant out with coolanol and the additive "cool-aid". Its supposed to help alot. Also, i've heard of "engine ice" but i have no experience with it.

Resident Drag Racing Expert.
ZX-16 in 2010
8.64 at 158 on motor
8.28 at 173 on nitrous

Back to stock for 2011.
9.24 @ 148
185 hp pump gas
New beast sitting in the garage. 07 ZX14.. Just a bare frame... for now.

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 2:34 PM

Thanks for all the replies.

It is indeed a new engine, 1000km. It's in at the shop atm getting the first service done. I'm getting a bunch of extras done also like braided lines, and replace coolant, just to make sure it's nice and clean inside.

Mine gets to 3 bars and fans running within 5 mins. In any kind of traffic it goes to full bars quickly and stays there. I've also heard that coolan is the key. Thanks for the tip. That's an impressive reduction. I'll see if those products are avail in oz. Do you use any water or is it 100% coolant?

In the old site there was much discussion of changing to ZX10 fender as it helped on the highway. changing fan blades to metal, replacing the fan with a larger unit, adding an extra fan etc.

I'll try the different coolant and let you know my observations.

Hub, an academic question for you. If 240-260°F is the optimum temp for peak performance, does that mean (by extension) that reducing the temp with more effective cooling could reduce the power output?


08 sapphire

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Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 2:49 PM

There were several threads about the ZX10 fender on the old forum.

You can probably find most of them by doing a Google search on:

"zx10 fender"

On the Google search results page, don't click on the result itself, because the site is gone, but click on "Cached" under the result you want and it will usually show you the page that was there, minus some of the images. That's how we got the HOW-TO's that we have from the old site.

Hope this helps. -bg

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Location: O'straya

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 2:50 PM

Thanks bg, will do

08 sapphire

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Location: Oklahoma city

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 2:51 PM

The coolanol is sold pre mixed. Just pour it in.

Resident Drag Racing Expert.
ZX-16 in 2010
8.64 at 158 on motor
8.28 at 173 on nitrous

Back to stock for 2011.
9.24 @ 148
185 hp pump gas
New beast sitting in the garage. 07 ZX14.. Just a bare frame... for now.

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 9:48 PM

I went with the muzzy aftermarket fan. It is aluminum with larger blades. It really moves alot of air and keeps the bike cooler.

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Donny's Gravatar

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/21/09 10:32 PM

I think the heat issue is b/c it has to fire off the catalytic converters. It's big, and it's high compression. When I yanked my flies, and PCIII it, it runs cooler, but sucks gas like crazy!

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redtrace's Gravatar

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/24/09 5:31 PM

I think that you are right Donny. In order for catalytic converters to work, they need to be hot. Fortunately, when I got rid of the stock cans I also got rid of the converters. I also had the stock header ceramic coated inside and out. The coating keeps more of the heat in the pipe and off your legs.

"Objects in mirror are in the passed"

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JusCruisin's Gravatar

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/24/09 8:02 PM

Mine ran warm during break-in but never got an overheating warning. Since break-in and full exhaust system the temp gauge has never maxed. Now sitting on top of an engine that is the size of a small car engine, it is hot. No different than any other big CC bike.

Also, they run hotter if they are lowered.

2008 ZX-14 Midnight Saphire Blue

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1minerman's Gravatar


Tazewell, VA, USA

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/24/09 11:08 PM

Engine Ice definitely helps, but by how much I am not sure because when I chhanged anti-freeze I also changed exhaust, and as you know the '08 has 3 converters, 1 in the midpipe and one in each can. So getting rid of the converters definitely had to help more than the Engine Ice...
Before changing pipes during the summer mine was maxing out the gauge but it never over-heated, I changed oil from 10w40 to 20w50 with everything else stock and this dropped the gauge reading by 2-3 bars.
I also believe that the temp gauge is over sensitive, because setting still in traffic in 100deg F temps, the gauge would max out but she never over-heated.

2008 ZX14 MMSB
Muzzy M14/M10<<<>>>>>>PCIII
BMC Race Filter<<<>>>>Vortex 43T/KHI 16T
Pirelli SC 190/55<<>>>Race Railz
Puig Windscreen<<<>>>>Projekt D Rad. Guard
Engine Ice<<<<<<<>>>>>Amsoil 20w-50syn
"Head Down and Elbows Out"
"Any motorcycle with 2-wheels that roll, a functioning engine/motor(I'm not gas biased,lol), and will move of its own power, I will have fun on, but on a 14 its Always a Fu***ng BLAST!"

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2000Kat600's Gravatar

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/25/09 11:12 AM

My neck of the woods gets HOT in the summer and it wrecks my nerves to see the temp gauge bar go up, even riding on the freeway you can see the bar pretty high.

All the juices are up to par, u know, plenty of coolant fluid, fresh oil never older than 3K miles and gatorade for me although I know that the latter does not count, hehehe...

I could put a sticky pad over the bars and dont look at it at all, if it really overheats it will show on the main screen OR just be aware like most of you that that's how she rolls and it's all aight!

2000 Suzuki Katana 600. 140,000+ miles, Odo maxed out at 99999.
2006 Kawasaki ZX14 Ninja 1400. New on 12/29/07 22K+ miles June 2009.(GONE!!!)
Im bikeless now... except for the hardly working old Kat...
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1minerman's Gravatar


Tazewell, VA, USA

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/25/09 5:50 PM

What kind of oil do you use 2000kat600??
Living in SOCAl I guess you are one of the lucky riders that get's to ride all year long??

2008 ZX14 MMSB
Muzzy M14/M10<<<>>>>>>PCIII
BMC Race Filter<<<>>>>Vortex 43T/KHI 16T
Pirelli SC 190/55<<>>>Race Railz
Puig Windscreen<<<>>>>Projekt D Rad. Guard
Engine Ice<<<<<<<>>>>>Amsoil 20w-50syn
"Head Down and Elbows Out"
"Any motorcycle with 2-wheels that roll, a functioning engine/motor(I'm not gas biased,lol), and will move of its own power, I will have fun on, but on a 14 its Always a Fu***ng BLAST!"

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2000Kat600's Gravatar

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RE: Why does the 14 run so hot?
02/25/09 8:34 PM


As of my last oil change I started using Spectro Golden 4 10w40 (50/50 Synthetic blend). This is the oil that I intend to use from now on.

Before that I was using cow piss Mobil Cheapo 10w40 from the 99 cents store, except in the middle of the heat wave last summer when I used 20w50 once.

2000 Suzuki Katana 600. 140,000+ miles, Odo maxed out at 99999.
2006 Kawasaki ZX14 Ninja 1400. New on 12/29/07 22K+ miles June 2009.(GONE!!!)
Im bikeless now... except for the hardly working old Kat...
"I rather be down here wishing to be up-there than up-there wishing to be down here"
Aviator's saying.

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