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Thread: I need some serious assembly help!!!

Created on: 04/01/17 05:25 AM

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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I need some serious assembly help!!!
04/01/17 5:25 AM

Hey all, I have a 2008 ZX1400 that I smacked a wall with, the frame is still straight but the plastic all the way around is damaged. I had taken my bike to a friends house to store it and he tore it down (I wish he hadn't so I could have seen how some things came apart), but anyways I bought a brand new headlight bracket and the bracket that bolts to the frame, I have been looking threw some of the how to threads on here and it looks like I may be missing some parts still. I can post pics of where I am stuck and any help would be greatly appreciated. I have so many questions and I hope this doesn't upset anyone lol I am going with a full voodoo exhaust, I found this site Schnitz racing and they can flash my ecu and claim as long as there are no other mods that I would not need a power commander to adjust fuel since they would flash the ecu to accept the exhaust and k and n filter I am going to install. I am considering going with HID headlights any kit suggestions? I am worried about ballast size if I did all four lights. The other thing is I would like to go with led turn signals, already have the mirrors with led's built in and was going to change the bulbs in the rear section to led's. Instead of going with the 6 ohm resistors I have read there is an alternative where you can change the blinker module to one thats meant for led's any suggestions there? I hope to have the bike back up and running my the end of may so I can enjoy the summer riding as I love to ride this bike, it's the most amazing thing I have ever ridden. Oh and one last thing and sorry if I am rambling here, my stator cover was damaged so I bought a chrome one, is it hard to change the stator over, again some of the vids I have seen scare me a little because it appears if you get that off by just a little your bike is not going to run. Please help and point me in the right direction!!! Thanks.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
04/01/17 7:54 AM

I bought a brand new headlight bracket and the bracket that bolts to the frame, I have been looking threw some of the how to threads on here and it looks like I may be missing some parts still. I can post pics of where I am stuck and any help would be greatly appreciated.

I haven't removed headlights yet. All I have is this photo. I would check the parts fiche on bikebandit or some other oem parts supplier.

Go ahead and put up pics though. someone might know what you might be missing.

I found this site Schnitz racing and they can flash my ecu and claim as long as there are no other mods that I would not need a power commander to adjust fuel since they would flash the ecu to accept the exhaust and k and n filter I am going to install.

You can trust Schnitz. I thought they just did a basic flash without fueling or timing for $75 but if they have expanded their repertoire since then, go for it. The only way a PC5 could help is if you are riding at an altitude over 1000 feet different than the Schnitz flash. I don;t know the exact altitude where you would start to need refinements. My base map was about 1000 lower than where I ride but there was no huge change after tuning with the PC5.

You can always add a PC5 and Wideband2 later if you want but don't use a map in there on top of a flash. Use the Wideband2 to adjust fueling. It's quite an involved process but if you like to fiddle with electronics, that will do it for you. I have a tutorial so you can see what you'd be getting yourself into. Otherwise, just get another flash and skip the PC5 if you change pipes or something. Another option is to get the Schnitz basic flash without fueling and put a PC5 in. Then you could ask them to send you their map and you could try other map if you like without the complication of already having fueling flashed.

I am considering going with HID headlights any kit suggestions? I am worried about ballast size if I did all four lights.

Don't know about the headlights ballasts but the ones I have for my Illumiglo gauge faces weigh about a pound. They are each about 6" x 1" x 3/4". Mount to the ram air cover bracket on each side of the multifunction meter.

The other thing is I would like to go with led turn signals, already have the mirrors with led's built in and was going to change the bulbs in the rear section to led's. Instead of going with the 6 ohm resistors I have read there is an alternative where you can change the blinker module to one thats meant for led's any suggestions there?

Nope, sorry. I plan on trying cheap turn signals from Alliexpress. The LED specific setup sounds like a wise precaution. I think I have read that LEDs can burn fuses if you forget to turn one off.

my stator cover was damaged so I bought a chrome one, is it hard to change the stator over, again some of the vids I have seen scare me a little because it appears if you get that off by just a little your bike is not going to run.

Never removed my 14's stator cover but I did remove my busa's and that is the same process. If you are going to remove the entire wire (which is a nice thing to do because there is not much slack once you get the cover off), it is a lot of work to dig your way to the connector lead. Then you have the cover off, you need to remove the stator coil and that sucker is bolted in there tight. that is why it's nice to have the wire disconnected so you can take the cover and coil and set it on a bench to break the three bolts that hold it in. Then you remove the retainer for the wire from inside of the cover. Switch all over to the new cover.

here's my busa tutorial on the org. the 14 is very similar

There is no concern about getting anything off kilter. The generator coil is stationary and the drum, you will not even need to remove but I do not think there is anything to align there either. It just spins around the coil and the magnetic sensor gets a signal every time it makes one revolution.

What you need to watch for is getting your fingers snapped. The magnetic force is very strong and requires a reasonable amount of force to pull it off. Once you get it separated a quarter inch, no problem but if you let it drop back it will clap down hard enough to rip your skin off. They sometimes use a puller for safety.

Is this a chrome stator cover you bought or is it a plastic chrome cover that goes on the OEM cover? The cover on a cover does not require that you remove the OEM cover. I think they go on with double sided tape.

If the OEM cover is not broken, I would just leave it on and sand/spray it.

* Last updated by: Rook on 4/1/2017 @ 7:58 AM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
04/01/17 4:10 PM

Thanks for the pic of the headlight assembly, I am missing some parts I see, I do not have the square thing in the middle, sorry I don't know what that bracket is called, I do have the upper fairing stay bracket tho. Did I a little work today, found that my left handle bar is loose so I am going to have to fix that found one on ebay cheap that I will be ordering. The Schnitz flash is 200 bucks when they do it for your filter and exhaust, the 75 dollar one is a little more basic. The led turn signals burn fuses? Just curious why that would be and thank you for the quick reply. I will get pics up soon of where I am at with the zx. It looks like a hot mess right now lol :)

* Last updated by: DjCrossbones on 4/1/2017 @ 4:31 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
04/01/17 6:33 PM

The led turn signals burn fuses? Just curious why that would be and thank you for the quick reply.

IDK--or maybe it is the clicker relay thingamabob----I remember reading that could be a problem with an integrated turn signal/tail light. You forget to turn it off it burns out. Sort of like when you have a burnt out directional light and the clicker runs twice as fast----that can burn the relay out. At least that's what I recall hearing.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
04/03/17 5:38 AM

Been looking at a few led flasher relay conversion kits, I have seen a couple that are even adjustable. I did note that the led flasher unit has to be rated for how many watts your led's are which is maybe why you have come across some that failed?. I order the voodoo exhaust this friday and in two weeks getting the ecu flashed, after that its the miscellanous items I need like the inner bracket that holds the headlights together and screws, I found a site where it's dealer OEM stuff and they have all the diagrams you need to help find parts very useful for me cause I am going to need some weird stuff, that wall I smacked was not kind to my bike or myself lol. Here is a link to the Kawasaki OEM parts, I feel that site was nicely done.

* Last updated by: DjCrossbones on 4/3/2017 @ 5:49 AM *

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
04/03/17 6:11 AM

Some crash shots of the bike and what it used to look like, the black with blue flames is going to be the new color, the flames looks slick in the sunlight, almost metallic looking.

* Last updated by: DjCrossbones on 4/3/2017 @ 6:13 AM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
04/03/17 5:04 PM


08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
04/04/17 9:28 AM

Yup, ouch is right, I am really lucky, thank god I had my helmet and leathers on or I am sure I wouldn't even be posting here.

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/07/17 7:06 PM

I finally got her done, and man is it a treat thanks for the pics on the front end, that was the part that gave me the most trouble.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/07/17 7:57 PM

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/07/17 8:57 PM

somehow you forgot to paint the shiny heel guards, but when you do ... Looks great!

Perfectly Set up '06 dead and gone
New BBW '14 14R

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/07/17 10:00 PM

NICE.Good job on that!Glad ya didn't need a brain rebuild;)...Have fun...she's a purty one.

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/08/17 5:53 AM

Going to purchase some anodized blue ones very soon, just trying to decide which ones I want to get :) and thanks guys, that was a lot of work to put her back together, runs as good as it looks, does power wheelies in 2nd now, wasn't expecting that lol

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ahhlou's Gravatar


Moncton, NB, Canada

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/08/17 3:28 PM

Nicely done.

Exactly how loud is the voodoo exhaust? I hate big exhaust and am looking for something small and moderately louder than stock but that looks painfully loud...

Although motorcycles have broken my bones, they have greatly improved my quality of life. A fair trade...

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/09/17 5:55 AM

That voodoo exhaust is extremely loud, myself I love it but it's not for most and if your looking for moderately loud this would not be the exhaust for you. Going to post it on youtube sometime today I will send a link in the comments later.

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ahhlou's Gravatar


Moncton, NB, Canada

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/09/17 6:23 PM

Thanks DjCrossbones. Enjoy your ride...

Although motorcycles have broken my bones, they have greatly improved my quality of life. A fair trade...

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/19/17 9:39 AM

Still have some work to do but there are the heel guards now in blue :) Waiting on my HID kit and going to install some more led's. Still working on trying to get video of the exhaust, need someone to stand back or the sound distorts.

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/19/17 9:41 AM

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/19/17 11:05 AM

looks good dj

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/19/17 1:22 PM

It was a beautiful ride today Grn14, rode about 125 miles today out to the reservoir, could not have been a better day to ride. Still have some work to do but the bike is running awesome, just some wiring and a couple tweaks, I am going to ixnay the windscreen, got pretty scratched up, my fault for leaving it in the back of my truck but oh well. lol just glad to have her back, best bike I have ever owned for sure.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/19/17 7:39 PM

If the windscreen is scratched up, you can polish that back to like new. 3M Scratch and Swirl Remover. They make a similar product that is slightly more abrasive if you need to use that first.

This stuff is very mild.

* Last updated by: Rook on 7/19/2017 @ 7:44 PM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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DjCrossbones's Gravatar

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
07/20/17 6:14 AM

Thanks Rook, I will have a look into that. Here is a better shot of the heel guard and I installed a new brake reservoir also as well as the fork and stem caps. Also as far as the led flasher is concerned I haven't had a blown fuse yet but I am still waiting on the rear turn signal led's which are 21 watts, I am not sure what the intergrated rear turn signal or the mirror turn signals are drawing but the flasher unit I bought said it would handle I believe a 50 watt load, I could be wrong though.

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RE: I need some serious assembly help!!!
03/09/23 4:23 AM

Thanks for the picture of the headlight assembly; I can see that I am missing a few components. I don't have the square bracket in the middle; I'm sorry, but I don't know what it's called. However, I do have the bracket for the upper fairing stay. I did some work today and discovered that my left handle bar has to be fixed because it is loose. I located a cheap one on eBay and will be ordering it. The Schnitz flash costs $200 when they service your exhaust and filter; the $75 model is a little more simple. The turn signals for LEDs burn fuses? I was just wondering why that would be, and I appreciate your prompt response.

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