So, with a break in the weather I decided to zip down to storage and drag the mighty KNGKAWI out for a romp. It has been sitting for almost a month and still has the fried tires on from the Track Day. But I figured, " What could POSSIBLY go wrong ???"
On startup it was rattling a little more than usual so I suspect my cam chain tensioner is on it's way out. I already have a manual one on standby.
We started out slow so we could both warm up but once on the south side of the mountains we upped the pace. The sun was warm and my heated vest kept me toasty. My knee is continuing to improve and I'm now able to get my toes almost all the way on the peg, but I'm still using the thumb shifter. We swooped down Wildcat Rd with a view is snow packed Mt Lassen on the horizon. Got down to Manton Rd in the valley and it was time to GIVE ER DA BEANS !!!
We roared North into the little town of Manton and stopped in front of the old Manton Market. Its under repair because they're turning it into a restaurant and coffee shop. Can't wait until it's open. On the way back up one of my personal favorites, Wilson Hill Rd, we stopped at the Wild Horse Sanctuary. They have herds of wild mustangs running free on 7000 acres. They may even have a few Camaros too.
Got back up to Shingletown and topped up the tank before heading back to storage. I can't believe I've owned this bike for going on 12 years and love it as much as the first time I rode it. I really needed this ride and am hoping I can squeeze a couple more in before the snow hits.
* Last updated by: Maddevill on 12/12/2023 @ 1:56 PM *