Had an accident on A1 close to Bremen on wednesday the 16. Pushed into cones separating the lanes by a lorry. Happened approx 0400 in the morning so it was dark outside. The lorry didn't see me and drove away. Luckily it was a low speed impact and i managed to keep the bike on its wheels.. The damage on the bike.... Colossal... Approx 8800,- euro to replace and repair the damaged parts.. Frame ok but most of front end and fairing incl. Exhaust smashed.. Luckily i'm okay, only beaten up by the high cones... I have full insurance so it will cover the damage. So not a happy ending of season 09 for me.. Its becoming winter in norway soon so there will be no more Rides until April 2010.. Se you on the road next year..
* Last updated by: voodoodoo on 9/19/2009 @ 11:56 AM *