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Thread: Crash!

Created on: 09/19/09 11:55 AM

Replies: 6


voodoodoo's Gravatar

Location: Norway

Joined: 02/21/09

Posts: 60

09/19/09 11:55 AM

Had an accident on A1 close to Bremen on wednesday the 16. Pushed into cones separating the lanes by a lorry. Happened approx 0400 in the morning so it was dark outside. The lorry didn't see me and drove away. Luckily it was a low speed impact and i managed to keep the bike on its wheels.. The damage on the bike.... Colossal... Approx 8800,- euro to replace and repair the damaged parts.. Frame ok but most of front end and fairing incl. Exhaust smashed.. Luckily i'm okay, only beaten up by the high cones... I have full insurance so it will cover the damage. So not a happy ending of season 09 for me.. Its becoming winter in norway soon so there will be no more Rides until April 2010.. Se you on the road next year..

* Last updated by: voodoodoo on 9/19/2009 @ 11:56 AM *

07 ZZR1400ABS Diablo Black Metallic, PC3/flies out/custom map, Yoshi TRC, SW-Motech/Givi/bagster luggage.

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Location: South East, UK

Joined: 03/16/09

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RE: Crash!
09/19/09 12:04 PM

Really sorry to hear your news. The most important thing though is that you're OK. Passing lorries is always tricky, especially in narrow areas, especially at night. They just don't seem to care. In the UK it's usually cyclists that we hear about getting injured/killed on round-abouts. Hope you get the bike back together without any issues (bike wise or from the insurance co) and you're back on the road as soon as posible. Lets us know how things progress. All the best.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Crash!
09/20/09 7:08 PM

Good luck on fixing her up. It seems like if you need time to recover from an accident, winter is the time to do it. Glad you didn't get banged up too bad.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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jafo's Gravatar

Location: ireland

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RE: Crash!
09/22/09 9:21 AM

sorry to hear of your accident!
glad you are ok, bikes can be fixed!
take care out there, winter is a tough time for riding!

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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voodoodoo's Gravatar

Location: Norway

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RE: Crash!
03/29/10 2:17 PM

The bike is back.. Went to Lauenbrück last week and brought "her" home...
Its all fixed and ready for the season.. starting next week...

Visiting family in Belgium this week so it stays safe back home in my garage at the moment.
Still a lot of snow back home but it is melting fast...

Looking forward to the 25th of April and departure Europe...
Going to Brussels for a week and then to Nürburgring from 1-6 May...
Riding on the Nordschleife and in the surrounding areas...

See ya on the road :0)

07 ZZR1400ABS Diablo Black Metallic, PC3/flies out/custom map, Yoshi TRC, SW-Motech/Givi/bagster luggage.

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battleaxe's Gravatar


south shields. u.k

Joined: 02/09/09

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RE: Crash!
03/30/10 12:43 PM

good to read you are all sorted, better luck this time around

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Location: South East, UK

Joined: 03/16/09

Posts: 44

RE: Crash!
03/30/10 3:34 PM

Glad to here you're back up and running. Ride safe.

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