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Thread: Luggage rack

Created on: 10/03/21 05:06 PM

Replies: 4


Joined: 05/18/14

Posts: 52

Luggage rack
10/03/21 5:06 PM

After almost losing my beer, er,ahem, my cold beverages on a recent weekender, I came to realize I needed a better
system of attaching things to my motorcycle. I usually carry a universal rear seat bag with insulated cold beverages
and ice, sleeping bag, and small duffel. The ice and beer raise center of gravity and likes to slide around on slippery rear fender. It just doesn't feel sturdy and stable and the thought of no cold beverages after stopping cuz I'm sooo thirsty, is terrifying. Can anyone hook me up with ideas or first hand knowledge of some type of bolt-on rear, over fender, flat surface rack that I can attach my stuff to. I don't carry much, but I wanna keep what I carry.
I didn't see much after a qwik google-it.


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Grn14's Gravatar

Location: Montana

Joined: 02/25/09

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RE: Luggage rack
10/03/21 8:30 PM

Maybe check out sw-motec.They have a set on there that fit the 14 perfectly.Soft shell.MAJOR carrying capacity.No need for racks or anything.I have a set...VERY nice and stylish for that 'rugged' look..

MUCH bigger than this pic makes it look.Covers the whole tail.Pretty sure ya have to remove the cowl.But not positive.Maybe not now that I think of it.Think they show an installed pic on a 14r on their site.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 10/3/2021 @ 8:33 PM *

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yannih's Gravatar


Queenstown New Zealand

Joined: 11/08/12

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RE: Luggage rack
10/04/21 1:48 AM

Not sure if this helps but check out the below link.
Works a treat for me...

Bagster Spider

2012 Metalic Spark Black Kawasaki ZX-14R. Yoshimura carbon R-77 slip ons,Custom dyno ECU flash,Striker rearsets,Hyperpro RSC steering damper,HM Plus quickshifter,ASV C5 levers,Hel SS transparent red front/rear brake and clutch lines,Kawasaki/MRA vented spoiler screen,Carbon heel guards,R&G radiator guard,Powerbronze carbon rear hugger,ZX-10 front fender with fender extender,Yoshimura frame sliders,M-Factory rear stand stoppers,Escort Redline radar detector,Techspec tank grips and tank protector,Versys 1000 fender eliminator,Kaoko cruise control,Moto red oil cap,Oxford heated grips,Red magnetic oil drain plug,Red and black Bagster Spider rear seat bag (for touring only).

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Joined: 05/18/14

Posts: 52

RE: Luggage rack
10/04/21 10:54 PM

Thanks, guys, google search had sw-motec and bagster out of stock and not currently available. on yannih's review post and replies, 3 things hit home as to what I want. Reply post from wfozx14 thinks it will carry enough beer, er, cold beverages for a good time. Very important. But as Jim Gnitecki points out in his reply, lotsa beer, up high, is top heavy, which I noticed. But more importantly is Jim's issue about getting on/off. I'm old (and fat) with 2 knee replacement surgeries on arthritic left knee. Throwing right leg really high to get up and over tail bag is really sketchy cuz useless left knee needs to support it all. No center stand makes it worse. I'm really chikin that knee will give out some day and bike gets dumped on side. Besides damage, Im not even sure i could pick it back up any more.


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doubleD's Gravatar

Joined: 06/16/14

Posts: 396

RE: Luggage rack
12/19/21 10:29 AM

I step on my left foot peg and swing my foot over front of the seat so I don't scratch my bags.
Get a single wheeled trailer for those Beer runs.

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