Vic comes across like his parking lot tests are scientifically valid. Something about his lab research on a parking lot showed better results than on a dyno. Whatever he was ranting back then.
Created on: 08/15/23 07:43 PM
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/09/23 9:20 AM
Vic comes across like his parking lot tests are scientifically valid. Something about his lab research on a parking lot showed better results than on a dyno. Whatever he was ranting back then.
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/09/23 9:23 AM
Vic comes across like his parking lot tests are scientifically valid. Something about his lab research on a parking lot showed better results than on a dyno. Whatever he was ranting back then.
* Last updated by: Kruz on 9/9/2023 @ 9:25 AM *
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/09/23 9:50 AM
Max 61 degrees lean angle on The Dragon while setting a lap record, not 62 degrees as I earlier reported. This has to be on slicks.
* Last updated by: Kruz on 9/9/2023 @ 11:31 AM *
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/09/23 11:49 AM
That was a very long time ago but as I recall, you ordered a $9 Frapuccino,YOU AND TRUMP ARE JUST ALIKE always making shit up . that's my nice way of saying DAMN LIARS .
* Last updated by: Badzx14r on 9/9/2023 @ 11:51 AM *
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/09/23 11:54 AM
Ever do this Hub / Kruz / Vic?
that be a 10-4 good buddy . i did it in a tee shirt threw a barb wire fence .
* Last updated by: Badzx14r on 9/9/2023 @ 11:57 AM *
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/09/23 12:48 PM
YOU AND TRUMP ARE JUST ALIKE always making shit up . that's my nice way of saying DAMN LIARS .Maybe it was just a $5 Starbucks Latte.....
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/09/23 6:14 PM
Wait till your playing in a corner and a Subaru goes around you.
playing seems like the wrong word to us here . the right word should be parked
* Last updated by: Badzx14r on 9/9/2023 @ 6:16 PM *
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/09/23 7:25 PM
$2.00 medium cup of decaf in a dixie cup?
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/09/23 7:30 PM
I been passed on a back road exactly one time on a sportbike by a 4 wheeled vehicle, it was a Porsche GT-3 that caught me napping on my 959 Ducati coming out of a corner and I was unable to repass but he was cheating and using both lanes in the corners, foul play!
* Last updated by: Kruz on 9/9/2023 @ 7:30 PM *
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/10/23 6:24 AM
I been passed on a back road exactly one time on a sportbike by a 4 wheeled vehicle, it was a Porsche GT-3 that caught me napping on my 959 Ducatitwo Italian pieces of shit passing one another on a zx14 forum . no man card for you
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/10/23 9:32 AM
two Italian pieces of shit passing one another on a zx14 forum . no man card for you
Uhhh 1Bad, I believe Porsche is German, not Italian......
* Last updated by: Kruz on 9/10/2023 @ 9:33 AM *
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/10/23 9:38 AM
Getting too quiet around here, time to put the YouTube video back up and stir things up....Vic....
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/10/23 9:45 AM
Mr Bad that was years ago with the scooby which was country road that I did not know the layout like the scooby did plus that little crapper went around me in a blind corner. I could easily catch the scooby in a straighter road except that part of the road never came up. By the time straighter roads came into view that scooby was long gone. I have already admitted that I am a cruiser with cornerphobia and not a professional road racer like the rest of you seem to be but I have my fun the best I can and not going to attempt to go over it and be a statistic that we read about.
No matter how one looks at it I was a little embarrassed that day.
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/10/23 10:43 AM
Lytnin, don't pay attention to any of us, just ride your own ride and enjoy it! Stay safe!
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/10/23 11:44 AM
It seems like you always have to prove something to someone. So here is a little evidence of way over the hill when starting out. Late 20's, early 30's I was on a mission. Couple of championships brings sponsors.
This is a borrowed set of leathers and first time out on my H2.
This is a photo used by some club in Nevada. Taken from Motorcycledealers magazine back in the day.
My exit ramp speed for grins so far is 165mph. But I hear others have a 1, an 0 and some 7 in some sort of reference code. Probably a one time shit me pants and can now brag about it. Kind of easy on this bike all day long. But then again, some can handle the whole package and still come home where all is safe.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to piss out my Latte on someone's pee raid.
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/10/23 12:55 PM
I still remember my 1st get off at age 17. Nothing major body or bike wise and looking back at it now I have to laff. I did the rookie mistake of going where I was looking which was the other side of the road and not the corner. My 1st attempt at leaning which I failed at miserably.
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/10/23 1:55 PM
Uhhh 1Bad, I believe Porsche is German, not Italian...FACIST OR NAZI all stink the same.
i'm turning Japanese i really think so Your text to link here...
* Last updated by: Badzx14r on 9/10/2023 @ 2:01 PM *
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/11/23 10:06 AM
Vintage patina H2 Hubmobile Mach IV Triple Two Stroke 750, circa 1972-1974 aka "Widow Maker".
This was back in the day before traction control, fuel injection and fat rubber, when men were men and ladies knew their place.
Tires were skinny and powerbands were even skinnier, it took a real man to hustle one of these things around a racetrack without a ride in an ambulance. This was long before even 1Bad's era.
Hub we salute you!
* Last updated by: Kruz on 9/11/2023 @ 10:16 AM *
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/11/23 11:50 AM
1Bad, just sent you a PM with my cell phone #.
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RE: Changing of the Guard Hubster?
09/13/23 6:36 AM
Hub I went against your advice and bolted the parts bin stuff onto my Ape, the stuff when it arrived, looks more like orange/red. The Mothership calls it "Lava Red".
* Last updated by: Kruz on 9/13/2023 @ 12:58 PM *
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