Nothing like endangering others lives on public roads. No way you're in control of everything. Idiots.
I didn't watch the whole video, but a few seconds of it. I noticed there being some traffic in the few seconds I watched.
Yeah this is pretty stupid riding from what I saw. KAK there's the butt kissing crew on this site, and no matter what they're going to lick each other's asses. "You lick mine, and I'll lick yours." NO FUCKING THANKS.
That's not a team I ever want to be on, but I'm also not going to disagree with anyone because it's them and not some reason behind it. I know...I know...WTF?! Not being political?
But I'm not of the mindset that just because someone is riding fast, even triple digit speeds, it's really any more dangerous riding the speed limit.
Seems like most motorcycle deaths where I live are one of 2 scenarios. #1 is people out tooling (cruising) around the country side getting killed from old people pulling out of their driveway in front of them. #2 SQUIDs
Now, there's probably a lot more tooling around deaths than SQUIDs, because far more people are just out riding their bikes than SQUIDs riding 130+ mph. And no doubt, SQUIDs out there passing cars and double yellows at 100+ probably increasing odss pretty dramatically.
I was out riding recently and I like to play around. But I will only play on roads with no traffic. And no, I can't get my tires hot enough to show off pics on a forum. I don't want to piss off people in an area and start having these areas cracked down on. IE, I hope by having some sense about things, maybe just doing a few minutes of *fun* in some area (NEVER in neighborhoods but easily in noise range) for a few minutes and going away I won't have ruined one of the very few spots in my area that I can have a little fun at.
At any rate, the last time I was at one of these spots, no traffic, no kids, area inspected for debris/spills, etc., no nothing except all the sudden, a couple deer... Scared one good enough that it jumped a 8' or so fence like nothing. And you never know when a deer, or a pile of stones, or an engine blew up and spit oil all over the road, and at 100+ mph maybe I won't have to read stupid posts from that idiot again.