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Thread: Away from the snow

Created on: 11/25/22 09:31 AM

Replies: 2


Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

Joined: 04/23/11

Posts: 2672

Away from the snow
11/25/22 9:31 AM

So, it had been3 weeks since I had last ridden the 14 and I had a bad case of the shakes.
Poked my head outside and the weather looked good. Time for a scoot.
Threw my stuff into the Yukon and headed down the mountain to my storage unit. Dragged KNGKAWI out and prepped it. Everything checked out so I crammed my earplugs halfway through my brain and set off.
It was a beautiful day and actually fairly warm so I didn't plug my vest in. Headed South on Black Butte Rd to Wildcat Rd towards Manton. I had the road completely to myself. Excellent !
Got down to Long Rd and turned east with snow capped Mt Lassen in the background. Since I know you knuckleheads expect pictures, I stopped for a couple. Discovered that my camera app has developed brain damage and I could only get 2 pictures. Sorry !
Went back up the mountain on one of my favorite roads, Wilson Hill. Full of switchbacks and whoop-dee-doos. We're having fun now ! Got back to Shingletown and topped off the tank and got back to storage.
I have to say, I've owned this bike for around 12 years and still love it dearly. It now has 81 k miles on it and still going strong.
I'm looking forward to the next scoot.


* Last updated by: Maddevill on 11/25/2022 @ 9:33 AM *

Owner of KNGKAW.

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streetsweeper's Gravatar

Location: Lompoc, CA

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RE: Away from the snow
11/30/22 10:59 PM

Excellent Madd, you living the dream. thanks for taking the time to take pics and do a short ride report, i always enjoy the adventures. Do you ever still meet up with Charlie? Im not sure you can take him tho lol. Im also curious what you use to keep your chain clean and coated.

yo bike is looking good bro.

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

Joined: 04/23/11

Posts: 2672

RE: Away from the snow
12/01/22 9:02 AM

Only met Charlie once. Good guy.
I basically use Maxims Chain Wax. Once in awhile I wipe a rag with WD40 on the outside so people think
I actually take care of my bike.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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