So, it had been3 weeks since I had last ridden the 14 and I had a bad case of the shakes.
Poked my head outside and the weather looked good. Time for a scoot.
Threw my stuff into the Yukon and headed down the mountain to my storage unit. Dragged KNGKAWI out and prepped it. Everything checked out so I crammed my earplugs halfway through my brain and set off.
It was a beautiful day and actually fairly warm so I didn't plug my vest in. Headed South on Black Butte Rd to Wildcat Rd towards Manton. I had the road completely to myself. Excellent !
Got down to Long Rd and turned east with snow capped Mt Lassen in the background. Since I know you knuckleheads expect pictures, I stopped for a couple. Discovered that my camera app has developed brain damage and I could only get 2 pictures. Sorry !
Went back up the mountain on one of my favorite roads, Wilson Hill. Full of switchbacks and whoop-dee-doos. We're having fun now ! Got back to Shingletown and topped off the tank and got back to storage.
I have to say, I've owned this bike for around 12 years and still love it dearly. It now has 81 k miles on it and still going strong.
I'm looking forward to the next scoot.
* Last updated by: Maddevill on 11/25/2022 @ 9:33 AM *