Yessir, planning to change it out to an RS-11 very soon....
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Created on: 05/10/18 01:56 PM
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 7:35 AM
Yessir, planning to change it out to an RS-11 very soon....
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 8:13 AM
Hub, these tires start out with the classic U profile copied from Bridgestone's MotoGp tires. Very smooth and linear response to steering input when new and transitioning from edge to edge, giving great confidence. On the road though, unless we live on a mountain road, there are always more straights than curves. The rears tend to flatten in the middle and the fronts develop the classic V shape.
As these tires wear, the rear is trying to stay on the flat, straight up and down and the front V tends to want to fall into a turn rapidly, result is both ends of the bike fighting each other as they wear out, so handling deteriorates and becomes erratic in the turns sapping confidence.
When new, the round U profile rolls evenly into a corner, think rolling a barrel here. When the front V develops, think of a cement block balanced on it's corner. Falls in very rapidly with almost no effort but fights against returning to neutral upright position. No effort to tip in but hard counter steering input to correct and transition back to the neutral upright position. In our analogy to the cement block, the block easily falls off it's edge but has to be levered back upright with strong countersteer force.
That's the best way I can describe the handling on worn out tires.
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 8:29 AM
I think you might have gotten it backward, that's not me filming the action, I'm John, the guy out in front on the little green ZX-6R in both videos, the guy chasing me with the GoPro is Chris, on a Ducati V2 and he's the one doing the point and shoot 140+ mph on the straights trying to play catch up, I'm making all my time in the corners and cruising the straights waiting up for him, no more than 105 mph, 140 mph is way too dangerous on that road, too many private drives and such, I've warned him about that...
Oh, good! I was worried! Now, instead I'm worried about Chris! His riding makes me nervous!
* Last updated by: extrapolator on 7/19/2021 @ 8:30 AM *
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 11:01 AM
I could follow that, Kruz. I'm flat and stepped as well, and that toe-jam vid was getting close to the peg, but around here the turns are quick and short, so there is a lot of bar pulling and I really don't feel it at all. I think the road you were on are those high speed sweepers and slow upright transitions.
That's why I air mine like a puffer fish. Keep the round more V'd. I think I left it 43.9 F and 44.3 R if I recall? I just checked the one tire sitting and that was 20p since covid till now... give or take a week.
Yeah extra, I knew Kruz was on the 600. Kid sounds too young to take a lesson.
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 11:50 AM
Kid sounds too young to take a lesson.
* Last updated by: Rook on 7/19/2021 @ 11:51 AM *
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 12:00 PM
Oh, good! I was worried! Now, instead I'm worried about Chris! His riding makes me nervous!
Yessir, Chris has not wanted to talk to me since he shot that second video after I admonished him for doing excessively high speed on a very dangerous road. 105 mph is plenty fast on that road as there is no shoulder runoff in most places, just barbed wire fence or a ditch and restricted lines of sight. He regularly hits 140-145 mph on the straight sections, way too many private drive intersections on that road with limited time to take evasive action, not good!
Yeah extra, I knew Kruz was on the 600. Kid sounds too young to take a lesson.
Hubster, Chris is no kid and should know better, he is 40 years old and has a 10 year old son. He has never tasted asphalt like the rest of us and has no fear of going down at triple digit speeds. A buddy of mine in Wisconsin went down three weeks ago, he was not wearing his leathers, just light weight textile jacket and gloves and hit a deer at 70 mph. His 2008 ZX-14 was almost totaled and he got a lot of asphalt rash but no broken bones. He had been riding the ZX-14 for 13 years and never been down before but will suit up next time with full battle rattle! Experience is a great teacher but some never get a second chance.
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 12:03 PM
Haha, the guy in Wisconsin was Rook, don't know what I was thinking!
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 1:38 PM
Well, I was just being facetious seeing he has potential and doesn't see it. The schooling/self schooling is to take a sheet of paper, a pencil, close the eyes and draw a squiggly line from top to bottom. You then draw a matching line almost next to it so it looks like a road now. Then you take your best apex/racing line.
So as you both sit down for a break or lunch, draw the squiggle and let him take his best line thru it, and you sort of ignore his lines and take yours. You both discuss the difference.
And the slower the smoother is the ride. Smooth comes first, then the speed. Chris is smooth passing the cars. He's just confused where to setup to and exit from. The paper is like a drone shot to see where to improve the entry/exit/next setup/etc. Almost like a chess game from apex to apex.
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 2:10 PM
A buddy of mine in Wisconsin went down three weeks ago, he was not wearing his leathers, just light weight textile jacket and gloves and hit a deer at 70 mph. His 2008 ZX-14 was almost totaled
* Last updated by: Rook on 7/19/2021 @ 2:31 PM *
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 8:17 PM
Hubster, agreed, Chris has potential, he certainly has the balls to throttle up on the straights, like you said he just needs to figure out corner entrance/exit points and apex. I'll give him credit, he kept me in sight and was reeling me back in on the straights but was losing everything he gained in the corners. I noticed when he got to the gas station, he was breathing hard, I'm guessing he was riding way over his head and knew it. Five years ago I rode that same ride with two expert road racers with similar results, I was losing ground in every corner but compensating with stupid straight away speed, scared me half to death but I was determined to keep them in sight. My takeaway from that experience was to focus on increasing my corner speed so I could basically cruise the straights. He'll learn but like Extrapolator pointed out his riding was making making us all a bit nervous, taking way too many risks. You have to learn to ride smooth first, speed will follow.
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 8:23 PM
Rookster, break it down to bare bones and take a hard look, it may not be as bad as you think. My guess is your engine, forks and frame will be fine. I have a brand new pulsar cover and gasket in stock, I ordered one years ago but never used it, you're welcome to it. Long term project but it will run again I think.
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RE&#x3a&#x3b; My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 8:29 PM
Here's what I have Rook, the pulser cover 14091 and 92055 gasket.
* Last updated by: Kruz on 7/19/2021 @ 8:32 PM *
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 8:42 PM
Hmmm, 2006 PN is 14091-0627-11E for the cover, 2008 shows 14091-0896, gasket part number is identical both years.
Maybe Hub has the answer to this change and if the part number is interchangeable....
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/19/21 9:03 PM
Here's what I have Rook, the pulser cover 14091 and 92055 gasket.
I don't know what pulser cover change was made for the 08 but I'd bet it would fit. Mine looks just like the one in the drawing.
There's a pic of the bike here. I think it will run again too but it's going to need a lot of work.
* Last updated by: Rook on 7/19/2021 @ 9:04 PM *
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/20/21 8:31 AM
I think Hub is correct, color change only between years. I'll see if I can get my hands on the cover, I bought it in 2010 and have moved three times since, so I have a lot of boxes to dig through.
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/20/21 8:53 AM
No rush, I still have to look in the engine. Even if some gravel did get in there, that compartment doesn't go directly to the crankshaft. Some dirt could have been carried up to the top end by the timing chain but even that doesn't seem real likely. I think it flipped over onto the LH side pretty soon after it left the road.
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/20/21 3:18 PM
Rook, I really think you may be overthinking this whole gravel thing, I'll bet it's clean in there.
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/20/21 9:03 PM
It's got a tipover sensor in there,yes?It stopped running as soon as the angle was right,probably before it hit the ground. I know that was quick,but the sensor is well,sensitive.I think I'd call her done and get another full bike.Salvage what ya can.The seat looks okay .Maybe some bits and pieces of your aftermarket buys.Rims...chain.Sprockets.Maybe the forks and rear shock.
* Last updated by: Grn14 on 7/20/2021 @ 9:04 PM *
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/20/21 9:32 PM
It's got a tipover sensor in there,yes?It stopped running as soon as the angle was right,probably before it hit the ground. I know that was quick,but the sensor is well,sensitive.
I think I'd call her done and get another full bike.Salvage what ya can.The seat looks okay .Maybe some bits and pieces of your aftermarket buys.Rims...chain.Sprockets.Maybe the forks and rear shock
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/22/21 9:35 AM
Rook, listen to Greenie, it may be time to inject some new excitement into your life with a new 14R or 2021 Hayabusa. New bikes and new girlfriends tend to do that....
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RE: My Sportbike Ratings Preference
07/22/21 10:45 AM
I have only heard minor gripes about the new busa, no rave reviews about the improved performance yet. The latest is that the helmet hook is plastic and it's located on the bottom of the passenger seat instead of a steel one on the frame inside the seat compartment. If you have the hump (another gripe--hump only sold separately) you have no helmet hook. Still no word from Moore Mafia about quarter mile improvement but he did prefer turning wheelie control and traction control off for launching. Between the two, I'm pretty sure the pick is the Gen2 ZX-14R. ...but I could have that engine in the 14 I already own and I would have about 60 lbs less weight. I actually would be more inclined to buy a used Gen1 like I have and still put a Gen2 motor in it.
I think a good used 600 cc track bike would be the most prudent buy. I still have no plans for fast street riding but I'm not so afraid of crashing on a track now. Hopefully I wouldn't get knocked out too much! Mike Tyson got knocked out 3 times and he's still normal--for him. No joke, though, I really don't want that to happen again. I was probably out cold for a few seconds at least. I think I remember crawling away from the bike incase it caught fire but then I was just laying there like I was asleep until the kid said my name.
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