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Thread: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.

Created on: 11/30/11 01:44 PM

Replies: 12


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RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
11/30/11 1:44 PM

RIDE are planning a big feature on the 14 sometime in the near future. They have some owner reports but are seeking more. This can either be by asking for a questionairre or simply sending your views/story/picture to RIDE's Kevin Raymond at:- (he lives in France)
If Jafo Mike aint on his travels again I hope we can see his experiences, which we all know are many, some time soon.

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
12/04/11 1:44 PM

hi Geoff, hope ur keeping well?
didnt know about the upcoming feature so thanks for the tip! i look forward to it! :)
any trips planned for next year?

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
12/05/11 1:15 AM

Hi there Mike, I gather the date for the 14 feature is not cast yet but will be sometime early in 2012. I said to the RIDE guy that your pictures alone would be enough for a 14 feature but he wanted to widen it out a little!! If I hear the month I will post it here.
My lot, Keiths old club, are planning the usual Scotland run I guess to include Applecross, a long weekend in North Wales and at the end of September an 11 day run into Spain via Santander. Unless things change there will be the usual day runs from various points depending who is to organise and lead them. Over here money is definately in much less supply so we will have to see if anything changes compared to past years plans. If your wheels touch down enough maybe see you on a ride here??
A gaggle of the Irish lads were over for the NEC on the second Friday/Saturday but I wasnt there. Were you one of them?
I keep up with (and you!) and hope to do some of there meets and am p***ed I never made the Ace Cafe gathering.
Ride safe.

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
12/05/11 2:46 PM

hi Geoff,
im only an amateur compared to some guys haha but cheers for that!

i emailed kevin and he's sending me a questionnaire so i'll do that anyway.
i did a last minute trip to the nec on thursday but was on my own, enjoyed it anyway and got a bargain or two, sat on loads of bikes and decided i still have the best haha!
my next years plans are all on ice due to an upcoming baby but maybe a short visit would be possible, maybe do the kawasaki day at the Ace? id love to go to applecross, believe its beautiful there?
let me know when the dates are set and i'll try sneak a trip :)
theres a couple of the zx14 uk guys on facebook too if your into that sort of thing?

take care

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
12/08/11 2:59 PM

Hi Mike,
All the best to you and Mrs. Jafo with the baby. I gather you can get leathers for even the smallest now. :)
Once we have a calendar I will stick something up here and hope you can do a trip with us. If a short one is most likely then maybe the mid/north wales one via Holyhead might suit? Anyway, best wishes for Christmas.

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
12/09/11 12:14 PM

Kevin Cameron tells me the RIDE feature on the 14 will be the late Feb/early March (2012)issue. If you dont get RIDE over there tell me how I can send one on (without posting your address here!!)

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
12/11/11 2:32 PM

awww thanks Geoff!
we get the mag here so i'll keep an eye open for it!
maybe i'll catch up with you at kawasaki day at the Ace?

and best to you and yours for Christmas!

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
12/16/11 5:25 AM

RIDE Magazine tell me they have had an excellent response to the note I posted both here and on the UK site. Requests are still coming in for questionnaires from owners in several European countries but as the feature is closed and will be out mid/late Jan (called the March issue!). they tell me there is no point them sending out further forms. RIDE have asked I pass on thanks to the two sites I posted the note on to thank everyone for their help. JAFO is gonna be even more famous!!!

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
12/18/11 3:37 AM

haha thanks Geoff! look forward to the mag

wishing you and yours a very happy and safe Christmas!
just heading out into a frosty morning to do a toy run for the childrens hospital!

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
01/10/12 7:54 AM

ZZR1400 article will appear Jan 18th 2012 (Feb issue).

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
01/21/12 9:52 AM

Well RIDE did their best with our cickle then. I suppose if you discount the rusting fuel tanks, the risk of a broken frame, a clapped out shock before it ever left the factory,fairing fixings that risk falling into the air intake, discs that need to be changed alternate weeks, then we may have a half decent machine. I have been big K for 36 years this year and run a 2010 14, I must be lucky, in ten thousand miles it has, like all my other Kwaks, never missed a beat. Long live the big Kawasaki's.

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
01/21/12 10:15 AM

God! how could I have forgotten. A cam box cover oil leak that even the dealers find hard to fix. Have I missed any more? Mike you should know with the mileage you have covered.

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RE: RIDE magazine feature on the 14.
01/22/12 8:40 AM

Hi Geoff,
I was a little disappointed in the article overall, it seemed to focus on the negatives without stressing the ride ability and reliability of the bike. We're they the same testers that raved about the bmw GT...mmmm?
Had the leaking gasket but sorted it myself with a little gooo!
Yes my downpipes are a bit rusty, my paintwork is a little tired....but u should see my 12 month old Ducati!!
It rattles a little on start up but apart from that it works brilliantly, my blackbird went through 2 cam chain tensioners in 25000miles!
No frame issue despite plenty of use! :)
My engine is as brilliant as the day I rode it out of the dealer in Miami! (maybe even better!) :)
Don't be fooled into thinking this bike has been mollycoddled, I look after it mechanically and cosmetically but it gets ridden pretty hard on mostly twisty bumpy back roads!
I've never kept a bike this long and eventhough ive had 2 other bikes at the same time, cant see myself getting rid of it anytime soon!
Yes I love my zx14! :)

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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