Rook, think about it. I'm riding in the wind and 145 is moving air at 45 degrees. I slow down if not creep in traffic and the temp rises to 172.
Now the thinking begins. Kurt never mentions an overheating issue. You missed the numbers. The thermostat is not stuck if it follows the ambient. The big think now is, I have an air temp sensor before engine takes a gulp and that means fueling up at a colder degree. Kurt never makes mention about bad running, equipped with pc or not, not to mention heat is HP.
Not to mention sitting next to a 5 or 6" thermodynamic theory book. If I took the ambient and those numbers, flip thru the pages to find the formula, how much do you want to bet the manu took the same book, and formula says, not one 14 after its long production run, has an overflow design problem ever, and I mean I never saw one on here except yannih's.
Would you conclude, I date/write these numbers and ambient. Next few degrees either way a week later, think it will remain at the 45 degree number it spit out now? So I'm up against ambient, no bad running, no overheating, no stuck thermostat, no spinning water pump blade to stop flow.
Don't go Brandon on me, Rooksteer.
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