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Thread: Am I doing okay?

Created on: 06/07/11 09:31 PM

Replies: 21


Grn14's Gravatar

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Am I doing okay?
06/07/11 9:31 PM

I know,odd topic title.I don't know how to put things into words..the stuff going on since I've been riding this new season.Something is changing...the way I'm riding.

I have this majorly intense motorcycle.Fastest thing on the road..stock.Performancewise...never skips a beat.EVER.From a mild city cruise,to this insane top end blast...

I keep saying to myself..."okay,let's just cruise now and enjoy the bike and life".Sounds good.Ya.But I get out there,rollin smooth and clean...and the curves start comin up....I can't seem to ride through em anymore at 70.Or 80.Or 90.I know I'm breakin the law....

I look down at my speedo...she's at 130,140.I'm leaned in,focussed.Bike's planted and driving itself it feels like.I'm only along for the ride."Just a bit more push on that left bar end.Ya...that's it....she'll yer tires.There...set up now,that right hander comin up.Look ahead,Not too far.Lean in and get up on the tank there.Lower...ya....lean over.Get yer torso off the side there,look through...lean.Push.Power out.Lefty comin're"re set,power in.Push.She'll hold.Just a tad more...there,now she's diggin.Perfect.140...set up now for that right hand sweeper.Ya...that's it.Lean in,let the frontend track...don't fight it...light touch...let up...light touch.Lean.Push.Ya....THIS is how this bike is supposed to roll"

Is it?How can it be so "right" feeling,when I'm doing so much WRONG.One patch of gravel.One oil spill.One Deer jumpin out.That's it.Over.Done.I don't know WHAT I'm gonna do.I love this machine.Never had this kind of joy in my entire life....never so brazenly broken the law consistently either.

I could never at this point be happy with a Cruiser.I've thought about it.But way.I love my sportbike...this badazz vehicle that begs to be opened up.I've no idea how to ride this thing.That's the truth.I don't know if I'm getting it right,or what.Going on my 4th year now with this "creature".It does seem alive to me.

I can hear the 600's out there...out on the highway here that goes through my city.Couple of 750's.Suzuki's.Two or three big highway arteries runnin just a ways from my house.

I hear em....windin out.WAY winding.They must think they'll be able to blast away here and never get pulled over.Maybe they won't.But they're here...REALLY openin em up...if only for "short bursts" and such.

There's one now...I hear him...over across town.He's haulin.That 600 or whatever it is....peakin out.

THEN...I'm out there's tomorrow already.I'm cruisin...thinkin about those 600's and 750's.Someone here mentioned about RPM levels and performance.Lately I've been runnin the curves and stuff in the upper rpm 7,8,9.Carving and rollin through the sweepers.My shift feel seems so much more "easy" when she's runnin "up there".Downshifts,clickin right in.No clutch.Too slow for what I need to do.Keep er settled.Stay smooth.8,9 grand.Downshift....gas her.Comin up on that sweet left hander again....I know this curve.Been here a bunch of times.This time.....faster...I'm gonna go faster.And I do.And just like that,I'm settin up again for that right hander...that open and LONG right hander.The one I used to feel unsure of as I hit the first part and she began to drift.That's not happening now.I'm confident about my bike.She IS carrying the apex...and she IS following my directions.Ya...okay....I'll dig a bit deeper.You know that's the key.Deeper.Stay on the gas.Lean.Get my body off the seat,lean.Looking through the gunsight of the fairing/windshield/mirror apex.Right there.That's the spot.Line that up.Dig in.Power through.Let er track,push a tad more...there,now yer set.

I'm asking for disaster.I am.NOBODY rides this way on the highway.WHAT is wrong with me?

The strange thing....I'm a VERY careful driver.I am.I pay attention to the other drivers.I give em the right of way....I don't try to "race" em off the line.I'm respectful while driving.I let em go ahead when they think they should.I don't tailgate.I don't try to "scare" em with my bike.I follow the city and small town speed limits to a tee.

But I can't seem to just "cruise" out there with this machine that just talks to me and tells me..."ya...let's carve.Let's give me my fun and watch what I do.I'm faster than you imagine.I can handle these curves and all....just trust me"

I know....sounds crazy.Maybe I am.Maybe I just need to grow up.But it's just me and my motorcycle and those sweet open curves and all.I can't resist rollin through em and feeling ALIVE.There will be a time when this will be over for me.No remembrance of this.

A smaller bike just wouldn't do it for me.She's PERFECT.Just right.Transitions great.Rolls dead on.Life is GOOD.

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matt1414's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/08/11 4:47 AM

I'm exactly the same mate, wouldn;t worry about it. That's just par for the course owning a bike like these, I bet alot of 14 riders experience the same - 130, 140 mph is pretty normal cruising on these isn;t it?

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/08/11 11:16 AM

Thanks Matt...Truth is probably closer to.."I think I'm somehow 'special',that I can ride however I want".NOT.

There was a post here a while back asking if getting a bike like this is worth it to just roll around at the speed limit all the time.I have to I did before...yeah,it's worth it.I never INTENDED to ride at 70 mph everywhere,every ride!Course,I never intended to be carving at 130,140 or faster either!That's what I'm saying.WHY are my riding speeds increasing?100 mph curves aren't as much fun as they used to be.(Well,actually,they are)...but why am I feeling a need to push the limits as I am?And I am pushing them.IDK.

* Last updated by: blue07 on 6/8/2011 @ 11:20 AM *

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Edgecrusher's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/08/11 11:45 AM

you are addicted. plain and simple. and like an addict you are chasing the high. only problem is every time you get it it dulls your response to it. so next time you have to push harder to get that same feeling. the scarey thing is I'm completely serious! you need to learn to restrain yourself or it can be deadly, hence the discussion about how these bikes can be killers. not that I don't think you can but it helps to be aware of it when the choice to press harder comes along.

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/08/11 12:33 PM're right.About the bike being a killer.If I intend to be riding at...70+ years old,I better chill a tad on my riding ways.In all honesty...I've been VERY fortunate.I don't really think I'm still here because of something I've done.I'm just dumb enough to NOT KNOW.."hey, can't DO that...yer gonna..."

* Last updated by: blue07 on 6/8/2011 @ 12:37 PM *

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COOTER's Gravatar


South West Florida

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/08/11 11:48 PM

Blue I do the same sh!t without gear just got a warning for doing 75 in a 45 cop did not give me a ticket because I did not runand have no tickets on my record.that was my wake up now I must slow down.

Team panda (ride safe ride sober)

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/09/11 12:11 AM

Now I've got er...Thanks again Dogo!Awesome!

I do think she had a couple more MPH left....but that curve was comin up FAST!!!!She was still winding up when I chopped throttle.

* Last updated by: blue07 on 6/9/2011 @ 12:33 AM *

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matt1414's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/09/11 12:59 AM

Nice vids mate. I can't believe how smooth and clean you're roads are. Our roads I generally ride on are just barely one lane wide each way with crumbling edges and patches on patches of repaired and unrepaired potholes. That looks like a racetrack to me lol. You must feel like heaven riding on those, I am very envious.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/09/11 1:21 AM

I try to take these roads often.Mainly...the roads here are pretty much like ya see.I am fortunate.I'm also an idiot for riding this way.That top speed run was from last year.I don't do those anymore.I really think I've got to start easing up on my rides.You know how this bike is....virtually impossible to ride the speed limit...70 mph.I may very well end up dead,or somebody else if I don't do SOMETHING.I mean...I "like" the power and speed and all.But when I look at these vids...I see just how reckless it REALLY is.I'm not happy about that at all.

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Edgecrusher's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/09/11 6:33 AM

If I'm lucky, every so often the powers that be will send a little message my way and hopefully I'm quick to realize it. Like just a couple days ago I was taking a new way home from work which is not a good time to be juicing it but I really wasn't. I had just passed a car doing just under the limit on that road (55) and was stretching my legs a bit to put some space between us. I let off and a second later I looked up and saw a sheriff passing me in the other lane. It was one of the new Black Dodge Chargers where all the lights are LEDs inside the windows just for the purpose of catching people off guard. Well I was doing a tad over 6o at that moment but I imagined he had me a lot earlier if he was paying attention. I turned a corner and got on it hoping a lazy cop wouldn't find me and just leave me alone then slowed back down to the limit and finished my ride home at 55. That made me realize I really don't need $100-200 ticket and a lecture. So I'm slower for now until that experience wears off and I need to get another.
Half the problem is there just doesn't seem to be many cops patrolling any more. If I saw more of them looking for speeders I wouldn't get so over confident. lol

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/09/11 8:45 AM

Man I've had the same experience umpteen times.Usually,it's you know...I'm rollin pretty good...then I'll slow up just for a change.Come around a curve and there he is,other lane, goes on by.JUST missed me.If he'd been a second or two faster comin down that'd be over.IDK.I cautch a lot of breaks.I don't know WHY.But I do.Course...when I FIRST started riding my 14....I DID get stopped SEVERAL times.And got some tickets.Been over two seasons tickets.Had a bunch of close ones though like I said.

The last one,last year,comin round a bend,just backed off of 130 in the sweepers.Deceling down,,,100,95,90,80.Just cleared the curve,there he was...comin in the other lane.Not good.I looked in my rear view...saw his brake lights comin I just happened to be comin up on this resturant/gas station deal,stopped there a few times before.So I pull off and drive around the back...I wasn't actually TRYING to hide...I knew the guy saw me,and probably was gonna write me up.Anyway,this little "driveway" deal is in the back,and it winds around to the main highway again with this like rest area right there.I pull up.Get off my bike.Take my helmet he comes,pullin on up.He stops right there next to me bike,rolls his window down,smiles real big like...says"you know,goin kinda fast back there"...
"Ya.....I'm sorry about that"..

"if ya hit a deer goin that fast,it's gonna be a mess"

"'re right...I'll slow down"

"Okay...have a safe day now"...and that was it.

There are some very cool Highway Patrol up here.And Police.And Sheriffs.You see the roads.Pretty wide open,and not a whole lot of traffic.I do try to be careful.But I do like to roll the big Ninja.Oh is what it is I guess.

Best bike I EVER owned.
There was a time here in the not too distant past when this was a NO SPEED LIMIT state.Before I got here.I've paid em a BUNCH of money in fines....I know that doesn't justify anything.Big fines.Not any 20 or 30 bucks fines.I don't actually ride that way everywhere.Not even.These vids were just that...videos(mainly for my rainy days here when I WISH I could be out).Not my everyday cruising up here.

* Last updated by: blue07 on 6/9/2011 @ 8:53 AM *

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COOTER's Gravatar


South West Florida

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/10/11 12:02 AM

Well blue I think your gut feeling is trying to tell you something SLOW DOWN your putting a lot of thought in to this listen to your gut feeling it can save your life but then again what the hell do I know im a 26 year old kid that rides in gods waiting room and rides without gear but no one on the forum wants to see you get hurt or worse killed you’re a big boy that can make big boy decisions.

Team panda (ride safe ride sober)

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Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/10/11 7:11 AM


I wouldn't want to be cornering at those speeds and hit a patch of sand or oil on the road. Maybe if I had already driven that section and verified that it was clean...

You need to do a trackday! -bg

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/10/11 11:36 AM

Ya...true BG.And Coot.My latest vid(shot yesterday)...shows a pretty good example of the roads I've got here.You are right though....sand or gravel...just like ice.Oil DOES happen here with these Diesels all over the place.NORMALLY...I have pre-ridden the for track days...shi^ tracks here.Nowhere!.I'd like to maybe do one...ya....but I really don't want to "prepare" my bike for one.

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COOTER's Gravatar


South West Florida

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/10/11 3:44 PM

nice video do you live in Colorado? you are a little crazy by the way You may want to invest in a steering stabilizer.

Team panda (ride safe ride sober)

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privateer's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/10/11 4:45 PM

They call it Big Sky Country? Talk about wide-open roads, the only thing I have like that has 100,000 cars on it every day.

My mountain roads I'm lucky to get to 100 on before its time to brake for the next turn. And the turns are like 2nd and 3rd gear turns, except for some sweet 4th gear sweepers.

In 3 years when I retire, maybe I can get out to a place like you ride in, just to experience it.

Nice vids, blue, thanks!

Living the Gypsy Life

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Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/10/11 7:10 PM

.but I really don't want to "prepare" my bike for one.

Not much preparation required. Remove the mirrors (5 minutes) and tape up headlights and tail lights (20 minutes). Might need to change coolant if you use any of the nasty kinds.

How far are you from Salt Lake City? I drive 5 hours to get there (to Miller) and it's well worth it. -bg

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/10/11 7:56 PM

I'm here in Montana.Salt Lake?....not sure.Maybe several hours away?That's not much preparation for your bike...I like that.You don't wire up the oil plug or anything like that?Okay...and how many runs do you get to take?If it was just a wouldn't be worth it for me to head on down.And how many a row?

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/10/11 8:07 PM

Thanks Priv.I'm only gettin this "out of my system" now....I don't do this all the time.I don't try near as hard when I leave the cam at home.These vids(new ones)are my typical places to ride.I wouldn't be doing this IF I hadn't ridden these same roads NUMEROUS times.Like I said....NORMALLY,I'm actually pretty sane when it comes to fast riding.This isn't my normal style at all.You damper.NEVER had an issue with fork slap.She hits holes at times..there's a couple of good jolts in that last vid...leaned over...bam.But she ticks a bit,but nothing like going off track and slapping.I don't grip the bars like I was holding on for dear life either.I'm actually barely controlling the frontend.I'm not muscling it around at all.I found(for me anyway)that 'to a point',the LESS force I apply to the steering head/bars...the better she turns in and is "adjustable throughout the curve".

There is another very cool thing....IF I look ahead...maybe....70 feet or so...not REAL far out there....she'
ll follow right where I'm looking....if I focus too close...she gets finicky.There IS a sweet spot for looking ahead.If I look too far out in front...I loose my perception of steering accurately.My apex'es will wander....not good on these fast sweepers.

A side note here....just because....

The lens on my cam is a 170 degree wide angle.It WILL distort images at certain points in the field of view(like the disclaimer on the fisheye lenses on cars..."objects are....".There would seem to be not much room when I'm passing cars...there's LOTS of room.Also,most of the vehicles are travelling at 65 mph.When passing,the lens shape will make it appear that I'm REALLY FLYING past em.I'm not.Same with looks sometimes like I'm waiting till the last minute and then hitting em hard.I'm not.So the vids are cool,but they CAN give a "false" depiction of certain things.This camera lens actually will make things APPEAR closer and faster than they actually are.You know being there and riding...things do appear different.Very different sometimes.It may look like there's "blind stuff" ahead.In reality,I can see a long ways down the road...I wouldn't be hitting the curves like that If I couldn't see what's coming up.

* Last updated by: blue07 on 6/10/2011 @ 8:32 PM *

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Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/11/11 3:40 PM

Apex Track Days is having a couple of Friday evening -- all day Saturday track days at Miller coming up. Best part is you get to ride one track Friday evening and the other on Saturday.

One is July 8 & 9, the other is August 5 & 6. Two days makes the drive more worthwhile. Friday evening is 4 ea 20 minute sessions. Saturday is 7 ea 20 minute sessions, I think.

Safety wiring not required. -bg

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/11/11 4:22 PM

That actually looks pretty cool.Not tearing my bike apart is VERY nice.I may look into this .Thanks BG.Looks decent and "rideable".Got any vids or pics of you rollin there?If so...what WAS your top speed?

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Am I doing okay?
06/11/11 7:53 PM

If you're mostly interested in top speed, the full track or the perimeter track (used for the World SBK races) would probably be better for you. The front straight is almost a mile long.

For me, track days are all about the corners... -bg

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