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Thread: California Superbike School

Created on: 03/19/13 08:40 PM

Replies: 1


Joined: 08/29/12

Posts: 32

California Superbike School
03/19/13 8:40 PM

For those of you looking for a school to improve your riding abilities, give serious consideration to California Superbike School. I went for the two day course and I can say without hesitation it exceeded everything I hoped it would be. They are professional and excellent teachers. Worth every penny! I will be going back for more training with that school.

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Joined: 02/05/09

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RE: California Superbike School
05/08/13 9:29 AM

What is different about Keith's schooling is nailing entry points. The discipline is to hit the X they tape down on the tracks. The other things are 'work up drills' if I watch a few videos of the school. It's not called that, but the same thing occurs.

Things like using no brakes as a drill. To me that says 'timing.' The other part is about basic entry point. And finding the X to ride over sends the message about basic moves. That brings you back to 'smoothing.' The point is, you want to ride slow; you don't want to touch the brakes; you want to break the habit of 'phantom blips.'

The video above is about zero brake use, engine brake for timing, thanks for the X but no thanks. It is all about YOU finding your [line], your late apex; use the lane as the track; find your own line of comfort zone. I like late apexing, because it slingshots straighter, puts a gulp in your throat, puckers the ass and the seat wrinkles kind of scare tactic, but it works.

What I see some do is sit the bike up too soon. That means they do not use the whole lane to butter it out. That's part of the smoothing is to butter the lane not stand the bike up coming out of the apex.

Dis is a dangeroushitty string of 'where am I going' lines? Too early an entry point; too many stand ups; winds up in the middle meaning; no standown of the oncoming; Three phantom blips at the end of the vid. You need some Koding, greenie. You lack a few fun due men till you see what a line means.

You clean up your act something like dis. Take a piece of paper and squiggle a line down it with a pencil. Right next to it, match the squiggle line so it now looks like a road. In the middle, draw as straight a line thru the road and note the apex you keep hitting. Get it? Then, get it together!


NOLTT about your excess throttle blips to knowhere is see wear out the engine hours go?

THE Car PIT is laid out so you be stepping on it, not my fault you not LTT.

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