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Thread: What Do You Call This??

Created on: 01/08/20 07:15 PM

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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What Do You Call This??
01/08/20 7:15 PM

A great Start

A few more of these results and maybe we can have some peace for a few years. Three cheers for the tank killing Hellfire missile!!

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/09/20 7:43 AM

You are looking at the politics of the culthink. You can't separate the two.

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Backinblack's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/09/20 2:36 PM

And the best the Iranians can do is shoot down a commercial airliner carrying their own citizens. This is truly what winning looks like, booyah.

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Maddevill's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/09/20 3:07 PM

I seem to recall a similar incident. Now, let me think..
Oh yeah. Our navy shot down a passenger airliner.
What was your point again?


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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/09/20 6:11 PM

And here come the brainwashed left defending these savages.They shot down their own citizens you dumbass.That jet had just taken off from their own airport. That airliner was at 7000 feet, thats my point.What in hell does what happened in 1988 have to do with IRAN SHOOTING DOWN A COMMERCIAL AIRLINER THAT HAD TAKEN OFF THREE MINUTES PRIOR? that wasnt a very intelligent statement on your part now was it? Hows that impeachment going for you friend? Its never too late to join the right team and come in for the big win! Maybe your just in your comfort zone being angry and ignorant, making decisions based solely on emotions. I understand, its ok, not everyone can be a winner.Keep hating your country, 2020 is comin!

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/09/20 6:57 PM

They had the flight list.Apparently no Russians onboard.Isn't that interesting.(but tragic regardless).

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 12:13 AM

Our USN did take down an Iranian passenger jet a long time ago maybe 92?? Big mistake by the USN

But if you consider they are all terrorist, future terrorist, breeders of terrorist or supporters of terrorists it was no big deal.

Usually libs like the Machiavellian end justifies the means scheme, guess just not when Trump kill terrorist it is a problem but with Osama Obama it was not problem man (drop the mic)

Maddog my point was its a good start - kill em all and send them off to those virgins and Allah

* Last updated by: cruderudy on 1/10/2020 @ 12:20 AM *

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 7:44 AM

Back-- the point I was making was you seem to be celebrating the killing of CIVILIANS. And the connection was to virtually the same mistake WE made in shooting down a civilian airliner. In times of conflicts, mistakes escalate. You don't have a monopoly on patriotism.
And the killing of these people included non muslims along with 67 Canadian citizens. Unless you just consider that collateral damage.


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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 8:51 AM

Nope not collateral damage - stupidity by the Iranians. Collateral damage, by definition would be dead non-combatants/civilians from the Predator strike. There were none.

I spent most of my professional career engineering and designing both space and airborne systems to help the services and "DOD" find and kill terrorist. I know about collateral damage and have designed and deployed system to actively minimize fratricide and collateral damage.

So unless you think killing a few terrorists with 1 tank killing Hellfire missile from 1 Predator UAS caused the Iranians to shoot down one of their commercial airplane with a Russian air defense system days after the precision strike.

Come on Madd Dog, you have to admit a few dead terrorist in bits and pieces of flaming wreckage in the middle of the street is a good thing. Right?

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 10:25 AM

Sure, I applauded Obama getting Bin Laden, but, like with Osama, we basically assassinated a guy on a 3rd country's sovereign territory, which has indirectly led to vastly increased threats to our military service members as well as continues the destabilization of the entire region. Do you think these are good ideas. And now since Iraq has demanded our troops leave the country, how do you think the fight against ISIS is going to go?
It's all very wonderful that you helped design a superior weapon system. But to recklessly use it without a coherent strategy is madness.


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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 11:15 AM

"which has indirectly led to vastly increased threats to our military service members as well as continues the destabilization of the entire region"...don't know how you're coming to this conclusion.It's much more stable now than it was before.Because Iran yells at the sky it's more unstable?They're doing what they've always done.You can't go blaming this country for their misbehavior.They're big boys.The media dare not show the thousands all over Iraq and Iran cheering this guys death.In the face of almost certain death from Iranian Militias.(which are roaming Iraqi streets and murdering citizens as we speak).The population wants us there.This sunni/shia deal has always been there.That's not the US's fault.
So the Iraqi Parliment wants us out.That isn't what the rest of the freedom wanting population says.FACT.
I think you're closing your eyes to these very real truths.You won't see it on the MSM.

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 1:23 PM

like with Osama, we basically assassinated a guy on a 3rd country's sovereign territory

Almost correct, we assassinated a terrorist leader not a guy

which has indirectly led to vastly increased threats to our military service members as well as continues the destabilization of the entire region. Do you think these are good ideas. And now since Iraq has demanded our troops leave the country, how do you think the fight against ISIS is going to go?

I disagree with your premises, so can't address the strawman you want to set up. I do think it was a good idea and right move at this point in time. A small group of Iraqi politicians who are of the tribe that supports Iran passed a non binding parliamentary resolution to expel us - vote was 100%, not to be believed. No problem with the JV team ISIS, we can kill them from carrier battle groups in the Persian Gulf, Med or air bases in Kuwait or just let the Israelites have at the few rats left, would be good target practice and training for them.

But to recklessly use it without a coherent strategy is madness.

There is a strategy, referred to Peace thru strength. Note today the USG increased the economic sanctions against Iran. Good Idea or not?? You may disagree with it but my experience suggests it works. Here's a question for you Mad; Do you think Kim Jong Ill more or less likely to launch a few missiles into South Korea after this demonstration of Peace thru strength?

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Maddevill's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 3:16 PM

You comment that " the region is more stable than before" then state that the citizens who are " cheering the guys death" who are now facing "certain death from Iranian militias".. Do you see any confusion there?


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Backinblack's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 6:47 PM

ItS tRUe Cuz CNn SEz It iz

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 7:22 PM


I do agree, I see confusion everywhere. ALl politicians lie it's a requirement for the job Trump Obama Bush Slick Willie all world class.

I dont trust what any politician says at this time, they all have an agenda, all of the media has an agenda. There is no reporting or news anymore. We go back and forth between CNN and FOx to see what each is not reporting to try and determine what may to close to true.

The next few months will be more of the same lie after lie after lie on impeachment to damage el Presidente.+

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/10/20 9:34 PM

Well mad.When I say cheering,I don't mean those forced to attend a funeral.I mean the ones that are in outlying cities not directly visible to the militias and such.Iraq's a big country.So is Iran.Since we helped ruin ISIS over there for a large part,it IS more stable.Now if the militias take off,it'll be even better.Their the ones causing havoc between the sunnis and shias.Unfortunately,Iraq has allowed Iran to bully em.Claiming to 'help' Iraq against insurgents.While they did help get ISIS,they still intend a shia majority.

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/11/20 7:26 AM

Crude I agree 100% about politicians.
grn- ISIS is still around and now will have a chance to regroup. This isn't the end of them. And, unfortunately, the militias aren't going anywhere either. Because of influence of religion and the mullahs things over there are going to remain unstable.


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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/11/20 9:37 AM

Well I didn't say they were fine and dandy.But Iran's on notice big time for maybe a LONG time that the US aint playin.This president has saved a lot of lives over there with his strike.More to come...

And you say 'assassination on foreign territory'.How about 3K+ over here from foreign terrorists.Let's never forget 9/11.And the others.

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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/11/20 10:11 AM

ISIS is still around and now will have a chance to regroup

Military would refer to this as a target rich environment. ISIS wont actually regroup because of it.

I predict Iran does a "Pelosi" and goes quiet after this major fuck up for a while. So we won't be seeing any more pics of dead terrorist in flaming wreckage until after Trump reelection in Nov.

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/11/20 10:40 AM

I gotta disagree Crude.This was NO mistake.No 'major fuckup' in their eyes.Another victory to them.They got to kill and get away with it.Ukraine is our ally.Iran fired 12 missiles at an airbase.No one hit or killed(they could have easily targeted US personnel)They nailed a drone in the Gulf.They shoot one missile at a HUGE passenger plane,at 7 K feet just after takeoff,and kill everyone on board.They're betting this President will show restraint.Which he has.It was a calculated deal,IMO.They've got Russian equipment and Russian trainers that schooled those operators.They don't 'make mistakes'.Not like this.Sadr said 'were okay now'...meaning NO reprisals from the US.Course,he's very wrong.I imagine a very short lifespan for this piece of trash.This deal was no mistake.

Iran is counting on the international community to give em pass.Which they so far have.This is exactly why these things have continued over the decades.I'm not saying we should go in a attack Iran.But the world needs to actually take serious action on this.It'll happen again if they don't.Guaranteed.

The shia leaders in Iran and in Iraq are no different than the Cartels in mexico.NO DIFFERENT.The world needs to come together on this country and do something serious about the regime.

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/11/20 10:54 AM

@ Mad..." cheering the guys death" who are now facing "certain death from Iranian militias".. Do you see any confusion there?What's confusing about this statement?People HATED that killer.Iran knows it.Now they've risked their lives to celebrate something that needed doing.I'm not confused?You?The militias answer to Iran's mullahs.Of course they're gonna go after those that rise up.But honestly,there's guys in those militias that're glad he's dead.That's how it works over there.Being in a militia is a steady paycheck.Doesn't mean they all agree with what's happening to their people.Course those guys aren't gonna say anything.Unless they totally defect.Which many have.Look it up on the net.
Those militias aren't killing to protect Iranians.They're killing to protect the regime.Whomever gets in the way,they're done.Shia OR sunni.Or whomever else.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 1/11/2020 @ 11:01 AM *

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/11/20 12:02 PM

IDK GRN, pretty twisted logic even for Iran military. More likely the fog of war?

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/11/20 1:16 PM

Well...I can't say about the 'fog of war'.I think this shootdown occurred after the President appealed to Iranian regime to get to the table and talk.They know he doesn't want to attack Iran.And he doesn't.They keep pushing.I think even though yeah,these are seemingly really stupid moves by Iran.It tells me they simply believe Trump doesn't want war.They aren't the 'idiots' in that sense to not know what they're doing.Gambling?Yes.Just cause they're in the middle east doesn't mean they're a bunch of dummies.That's what's hard to grasp.WHY would they move like this?It's not only to murder people connected to the US or our allies.It's something bigger.They want Trump to act like Bush did.The high ups feel safe.They think they won't be targeted or they'll slip away.Trump's trying to tell aint gonna happen like that.Solemani(and others)are in yer face reminders.It's on them.I feel for the iranian people being put in this position.It's terrible.Anyone that just puts a blanket condemnation on the Iranian people and call em all America Haters is really not very bright.Most Iranians wish this regime was done.They're sick of being pulled around by these leaders.
Over here people are used to being able to march and criticize and everything else pretty much.Over there,you die if you speak up.BIG difference.They don't have the ability to overthrow the Govt.If they did,they would have by now.

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Maddevill's Gravatar

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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/11/20 2:23 PM

Grn lets not forget that almost all of the terrorists on 9-11 were from Saudi Arabia, a county that still supports a lot of anti US activities. Why not go after them ?


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RE: What Do You Call This??
01/11/20 7:02 PM

"Students called for the resignation of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, with one protester holding up a banner that read, “F--k you & your mistake," at Amir Kabir University, the New York Post reported. The banner also showed the names and photos of 16 students who died in the crash.

Crowds of students chanted for the Revolutionary Guards to “let go of the country!” and also mentioned deceased Gen. Qassem Soleimani, saying that he “was a murderer" and "his leader is too!” President Trump had ordered the drone strike on Solemani and declared the world a safer place following his death."

This is the reality.

As for Saudi Arabia,I can't say.But I haven't been hearing over the years they're sending out militias and such to kill people.OR terror attacks.Or getting Nuclear weapons.You?

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