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Thread: Crashing a Motorcycle

Created on: 12/25/22 12:07 AM

Replies: 2


Detroit60's Gravatar

Joined: 05/29/22

Posts: 12

Crashing a Motorcycle
12/25/22 12:07 AM

I came across an article that may explain what happens when you and your Bike are Flying through the air after crashing and somehow you end up with injuries that defy explanation!
I'm sure this happened to me when I crashed a YZ 400 2 Stroke a number of years back while Off Roading.
Anyone got any thoughts ???
Dzhanibekov Effect
This was observed by a Russian Cosmonaut while orbiting the Earth in zero Gravity,
(Hence The Flying Through The Air Scenario) I don't know why the Russians kept it a secret?

* Last updated by: Detroit60 on 12/25/2022 @ 12:25 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Crashing a Motorcycle
01/10/23 6:38 PM

Guess I missed this. Going to be more like; 'that in motion tends to go in a straight line too. Impact is more an instant stop. If we were to spin on an axis, that would be the sky-ground-sky-ground and that spin scenario.

I'm think someone dives off a cliff, the axis does not override the diver. Car flies off a cliff, it more or less would sail without starting to rotate.

You more cartwheeled to get broken up. I think when the first time the impact happens, the body where hit meaning, is the damaged at that area of the body that absorbed the energy to slow you down. More hits, more hurt... Something like that.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Crashing a Motorcycle
07/01/23 10:56 AM

I'm mostly familiar with the "moment on inertia" from bowling. Bowling balls have a property RG, radius of gyration. This is the distance from the center of the ball of the effective center of gravity. Balls with a lower RG are easier for a bowler to spin but do not retain that energy going down the lane. While a high RG ball is more difficult to spin, but in turn retain that energy further down the lane.

This is same principal applies to a spinning figure skater. Which is interesting because in the case of a tumbling rider, while it seems most likely they would be better off maintaining an enclosed body position it might actually cause them to rotate faster!?

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