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Thread: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!

Created on: 06/28/15 01:39 PM

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toledoUPSguy's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/03/15 9:19 PM

Grn14 just maybe if you acted on this forum like you do on zx1441r some of this extra BS might go away. You are definitely not the cause of this flowing of BS but you are certainly not helping it end. Please, everyone let's let this end.

Let's give Vic the benefit of the doubt that his test is valid, it was semi endorsed by "C" and it didn't come out positive. Then we have another on a Gen1 saying after the flash it no longer power wheelied. Nobody is crucifying him. why not? A oouple possible reasons, first he is happy with the loss or second he isn't carrying on.

Either way as I see it (and I'm a nobody) flashing has its risks. The difference is how the vendors deal with it. Rick Romans came out and publicly said there were 2 issues and he replaced their ECUs. Very classy. No matter whose camp you are in you have to admit that was the clsssy, professional way to deal with a problem. Gives other members trust.

Then there is Sebastian. Issues are showing up with his flash, big deal really cause stuff happens. The difference is he is now totally quiet, not a word. Before when he was touting his flash he venomously went after anyone who questioned his flash. Now he is quiet and members of the predator racing team are carrying the torch for him. You are happy with your C flash as most that have it are. That is great, it really is. I'm happy with my Schnitz flash after the 2nd go around since the first didn't take. There are issues with the flashes being done with the woolich software. Schnitz instantly answered my email and said send it back, 1 in 40 don't take. Was told not to worry they would make it right and even paid for my return shipping. Romans instantly and publically made things right.

This whole issue would probably go away if "C" not his buddies said something acknowledging the few mistakes in a much kinder way than he handled doubters previously. He hung a shingle as an entrepreneur, became a forum sponsor and trashed anyone who disagreed with him. It would be the classy thing to do, don't you think?

This is nothing personal against you Grn, your just a much more thoughtful and reserved poster on the other forum.

The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there.
2014 zx14r in nuclear sunset orange and black

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/04/15 1:28 AM

Wolf: "Alligator for example"

AAAAACK!!! Don't use my real name!!!!

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/04/15 7:30 AM

"This is nothing personal against you Grn, your just a much more thoughtful and reserved poster on the other forum".

Yeah...I suppose.I never thought about it.I may be in a minority here...but with my jabs at Vic at times...I'm not doing it cause I don't like Vic.I don't even KNOW Vic.Honestly...I think he's okay.I've really nothing against him.He's said things to me here that were 'out of the blue' and all that...but I'm not pissed.Name calling..stuff like that.Doesn't upset me at all...It's funny to me.I'm no hater...that's a fact.

On this forum..people say what they can't do that on every forum.One reason why I do say stuff here.But's ONLY in fun.I'm not out to harm anyone with any kind of talk.

People at times come up with these types of topics.Been here a long time.Been through some raging sessions.But I'm still here...and so are some of the others.This thread actually is pretty mild compared to some that've popped up from time to time.

This is probably the most open forum I've ever been on.EVERYONE here is okay.I've no axe to grind at all.Just a bunch of guys livin their lives and talkin about their bikes and all.

I don't take any stuff like this too seriously.Life's too short.

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/04/15 7:33 AM

"Please, everyone let's let this end" takes everyone to agree with this.Let's see who 'keeps it going'...that speaks volumes.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/04/15 12:11 PM

No one can take Grns word. Grn has had many flashes, and every time he says (along the lines) "this is the ultimate one it feels like a different bike and it could not possibly be better". Ok, how is this possible given he's had like 3 flashes and said the same thing about each? Do some searching on the forum, I read this the other day someone called Grn on this very thing. I don't mean this to be offensive Grn, it's just a fact. You're happy with whatever it is apparently as long as you pay money for it. Remember the late apex turning Grn, remeber the late apex turning.

Grn, Aegis, that all believe I'm some hate filled person. I'm not hate filled, I just have what is called objectivity. Start from the beginning of this thread and read. You all are the ones putting all these words in my mouth that I'm disappointed and want a refund. I've never said either of these things. Besides, even if I get a refund it does not change the test results! Seriously, I get a refund does that change that overall the bike is no faster accelerating in 3rd-4th gear roll-ons? No, none of that changes.

Again for the umpteenth time I have to wonder how different this whole thread would be had simply the numbers been in CBlast favor? They weren't so they aren't. There's nothing I can do about it.

This was a technical review. It was an evaluation comparing performance differences. I've never once said I was disspaointed with the flash. That's all in your words and mind. What I said is I don't see the difference that justifies paying $400 to CBlast when apparently the same thing could be had with a $75 Schnitz flash.

CBlast advertises the bike sounds different - it doesn't
CBlast advertises your 14 will now rev like a liter bike - it doesn't rev any differently
CBlast advertises something about about being like an F1 car - I don't even know
CBlast advertises the bike will get better fuel mileage - it doesn't
CBlast commonly talked about "smoothing" - this turns out to be a dyno setting that most likely he misunderstood what it meant when changing that setting - my bike throttle response at any rpm, at any throttle % is no different. What's even more silly about this, Grn in this very thread posted a video that shows according to him how much more gnarly the throttle response ISN'T SMOOTH BUT RATHER ABRUPT! Which one is it? Is it buttery smooth or raunchily abrupt?
CBlast advertises his bike, with slip-ons, and his flash made over 212 hp - Even with some of the dyno based gains shown by people here, NO ONE HERE has hit 212 hp with a CBlast flash. Given most people with nothing in it rate a stock 14 at 189-190 hp, CBlast shows around a ~21 hp gain! I'm sorry, but you're going to feel and see a difference in times with those kinds of numbers, especially as advertised it's making 95% of the possible torque (or whatever) with the CBlast flash.

Most of you were around as I researched and learned about ECU flashing and the available options. Unfortunately most of what I based my judgement on was people's butt dyno ratings. "It pulls way harder", when well it really doesn't. Does the CBlast flash work as far increasing RL, retain TRC settings, and all that? Yes it does. Again, this is what a $75 Schnitz flash does too.

Why didn't CBlast come up and comment? ]"Hey, I'll look into it." "Hey this is bullshit." "Hey....(whatever)" He could duplicate my testing, maybe his results would be different. Maybe they wouldn't.

What does it mean if his bike is 2/10ths faster in the same testing vs. a stock ECU? That PROVES CBlast either does not know how to adjust settings he ask the flash buyer to send along with the ECU or he DOES NOT change them at all. Frankly, at this point, I think it's both. What does it mean if his results duplicate mine? Means C needs to go back to the drawing board, or change his advertising, or adjust his price... whatever.

Many of the more knowledgeable people here have alluded CBlast is someone purporting to have a much deeper understanding than he really does. All the actual evidence at hand supports this.

Grn and Aegis, if you guys walk around with smiles on your face all day long but really don't know why, that's fine with me. I don't expect you to understand testing, numbers, or objectivity. Me I walk around with a smile because I have an understanding of things that affect my life. Ignorance is bliss for you, knowledge is bliss for me. No wonder you think I'm hate filled!

* Last updated by: VicThing on 10/4/2015 @ 12:13 PM *

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aegisranger's Gravatar


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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/04/15 5:10 PM

Funniest thing so far... "I've never once said I was disspaointed with the flash." So if you're not disappointed, why the incessant whining? Why 18 pages of your bla bla bla??? I'd like you to get a refund just to maybe shut you up!(but I'm sure that wouldn't work either)

I haven't defended or supported the Cblast flash, or any particular flash. My issue isn't with a flash or lack of flash... it's just with you. You're a pompous ass who tries to prop up a faltering ego by bashing other people and name-calling. If that is your idea of blissful knowledge, you're pathetically deranged. Then your weak attempt at testing this flash... your method simply sucked. You act like your so much smarter than Sebastian, yet you can't figure out a better test than the one you say he suggested? Then bashing people that have actual success in a motorsport with a ZX14. You jump to huge, incorrect conclusions about people, then spew your ignorant comments. Is that your 'objectivity' in action?

I thought in the beginning of this thread that you were making an honest, yet weak attempt to quantify some results and reach a reasonable conclusion. I can accept the results that you got, but they don't come close to testing the full range of what a flash does, so it's not very useful information. You act like you're all about knowledge as if you use a scientific method of analysis, but your testing method is so thin... how can you seriously stand behind it? I've been repairing and testing medical imaging devices for decades for government, manufacturer, and private consulting agencies. I use actual testing standards and work with radiological physicists to quantify and analyze data. Bottom line is, I see right through you. You're a pretend intellectual, a fraud.

Because your ego demands that you always be right, you stomp on people. This stifles participation on this forum and creates a negative environment. There used to be much more activity, and disagreements were generally just ribbing each other in a fun way. Not so with you here, not fun at all. The tension you create is palpable. I'm sick of the drama. At first I thought it was just that you have a direct way of writing, but it's not. You're a dick.

For the issue of your flash... Why did you even get a flash when you don't even use the stock performance of the ZX14? And if you don't like it, get your money back and move on... But no. You need to hear yourself talk... bla bla bla.

* Last updated by: aegisranger on 10/4/2015 @ 8:52 PM *

After 3 seconds of full throttle, everything else on the road becomes 'Oncoming Traffic'...
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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/05/15 9:28 AM

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/05/15 5:59 PM

LOL aegis nice (but fail) trolling.

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toledoUPSguy's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/05/15 9:11 PM

Please Vic just let this thread die.

The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there.
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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/09/15 4:14 PM

Hey'my doin?

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/09/15 4:37 PM

"Please, everyone let's let this end" takes everyone to agree with this.Let's see who 'keeps it going'...that speaks volumes.

Hey'my doin?

Lol,,,,, Grn it looks Like reviving this thread was inevitable. Killing me,,,,, I needed a good laugh, Cheers

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/09/15 6:37 PM

Hi Romans, have a curiosity question if you do not mind. You are in Toronto per your location an I am in St. Louis Missouri which is about the middle of the US. In simple terms for dummies like me how do you figure out a fuel map for me? I can put my PC5 back on the bike and with what I had for add ons it was 180 on a local dyno.
If I wanted to add an AF meter what does one get that can get caught in the rain and still work?

Thanks -- Bobby

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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toledoUPSguy's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/09/15 7:32 PM

Doing great Grn

The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there.
2014 zx14r in nuclear sunset orange and black

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/09/15 7:33 PM

Y/W Okay then Toledo...can I restart the drama?I'm startin to get withdrawals

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 10/9/2015 @ 7:35 PM *

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/09/15 9:03 PM

It is a known fact amongst the G1 group that the G2 owners are Drama Queens.

Just Sayin

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/09/15 10:07 PM

Hi Romans, have a curiosity question if you do not mind. You are in Toronto per your location an I am in St. Louis Missouri which is about the middle of the US. In simple terms for dummies like me how do you figure out a fuel map for me? I can put my PC5 back on the bike and with what I had for add ons it was 180 on a local dyno.
If I wanted to add an AF meter what does one get that can get caught in the rain and still work?
Thanks -- Bobby

Lythin I have owned three of the Gen 1 ZX 14s. Send me a ping here and I will send maps to your email.

Y/W Okay then Toledo...can I restart the drama?I'm startin to get withdrawals

Want some Drama,,, what is everyone going to do when the New ZX10 shows up and kicks some 14 Ass Stock claiming 450lbs 207 Hp ,,, this bike going to be quick. Cant wait to see what the Aftermarket pulls out of her. Let the Drama begin lol

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/10/15 5:00 AM

We are going to depend on you to map a detune for it so we have a chance. May not be a good business idea but works for us everyday riders on the street.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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carabuser's Gravatar

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RE: CBlast Vs Stock ECU...finally done!
10/10/15 10:06 AM

2012 ZX 14R, Cblast ECU Flash, (RECOMENDED !!!!) 2 Brother slipons, ZG marc 1 windscreen, yosh fender eliminator, Pazzo Levers, Powerbronze hugger, heli bars, competition werks footpegs, Throttlemeister Cruise Control, CF Heel Guards,

Predator Race Team #14
1980 GS 1100
1978 GS 550
1968 CL 350
1972 TS 90
RM 125, YZ 250, CR 500. Taco 22 LOL !

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the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
Winston Churchill

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