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Thread: 14 of the month contest?

Created on: 05/21/11 09:33 AM

Replies: 49


Edgecrusher's Gravatar

Joined: 02/22/11

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 6:28 AM

If we start mandating what type of content we have then this forum will be just like every other forum and then what have we got? Nothing special IMO. Just let things happen the way they happen and if you don't like that there isn't a thread for you, then start your own, plain and simple. I'm really getting offended that people come along with a post counts under 100 and gotta complain about how the site is when they arrive. I don't want you to feel unwelcome, but what the hell do you have invested in this that you got a right to bitch right off the bat. People like that are the EXACT reason I am here and not on No hard feeling towards the people complaining ATM, but just think for a minute. To say that this forum is dead is ridiculous, it's evidently just dead to people with your outlook. There are plenty of people lurking and if that doesn't seem true to you just check out the 'what age are you' thread. Lurkers unite!

And, BTW BG, I am very impressed with your ability to restrain yourself at times like these and let things play out. Shows you are a very good Admin who only gets involved when it's necessary and doesn't take sides. Kudos to you!

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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Joined: 12/30/10

Posts: 70

RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 6:52 AM

People just trying to help attract more members. quit bitchin it was just an Idea.

People with less than 100 post, suggest things that they want and other new members want so one day they can have more than 1000 post.

06 ZX-14 "MR. Smiley"
BMC Race
Full S/S Muzzy M10
Scotts Damper
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16t sprocket
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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 7:46 AM


I'm a high percenter hi-techen check'in chicken shithe fuck you saying? I don't go to websites and peg the board with a "my-my-it's all about me" are my posts. You'd think it would be me, but you better check around. I do not enter a lot of threads if I go looking for tech on a bike.

Look at the top of the page. That's the bike show. Your post counts should be on par with ROOK's post counts. IMO, that is the website I rather show up at. Not that the candy and the hard work is not ignored but recognized, yes, that counts big time.

But why do you want to work BG's time all up with a straighten up. Let it ride. No one is stopping you if you want to start all over again, "Go shred." Let me ask you something. How many dyno How-To's you got for us? You want candy, and I want to LEARN FROM YOU besides you want something like if I'm WONGot none, tell me.

That sort of said in the hubbish; Say, is your dick showing up as a post count? You come here, look around, oh there's one. And all of a sudden your zipper comes down, you're still hunting for it to flop out the velocity stack kind of stack up the posts for a ladder look at my she wing gears hanging!???

I'm counting on you, Dusty. Rusty-Dusty off the dyno. We need post counters:

Who says they are the rez'Revv'EAR @ 1320?
Can ROOK Cook a How-To?
Kruz Deplete HA FLEET?
Blue camchain'inn your advancer?
Dusty _______ Spot..... Do we sweep up a spot or WOT?

Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time

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Edgecrusher's Gravatar

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 8:30 AM

just when you were startin to lose me, Hub, you crack me up again.

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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Edgecrusher's Gravatar

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 8:42 AM

BTW we aren't worried about how many users we have. We have a handful of people who get along and post regularly. Every once in awhile we pick up another, like Cooter for example, and sometimes even their start is rocky but if they are smart and like what we have to offer and we like what they have to offer in return it just meshes and everyone is happy. But if suddenly it was just the handful of us left and no one else I don't think we would notice much less care. We keep trying to 'esplain this to people but they don't want to hear. So don't think you can threaten us with leaving when you just got here. lol Oh well. Just go where you feel at home or people at least can tolerate you which is what I Also this is not bitchin this is schoolin some people who think they are entitled. There is nothing to enforce here. This is mob-rule, just a different mob than you're prolly used to.

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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Edgecrusher's Gravatar

Joined: 02/22/11

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 8:47 AM

damn why do i even bother?

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 8:54 AM

Those are called, LAPPED! I feel like not a day has changed [right BG?] Meaning, you go out, get faster each time you go out and you look back and it's you not the bike that's holding you back. You are just getting older and speed is relative.

Which comes back to a smaller club. If you are laughing ass I speak the closed loop, makes sense to wind that flag up in the air, you're still checking your air on the grid. Guy is about to throw the green glad you made it to the line.

Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 9:03 AM

And, BTW BG, I am very impressed with your ability to restrain yourself at times like these and let things play out. Shows you are a very good Admin who only gets involved when it's necessary and doesn't take sides. Kudos to you!

Thanks, Edge. I should have left out "Deal with it" in my post about Hub, though. That stirred 'em up.

damn why do i even bother?

I dunno, but I'm glad you do. -bg

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privateer's Gravatar

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 9:48 AM

ROFL. I agree with Edgecrusher's last post so completely it could be my own.

Some of the stuff that gets posted, would never be said to the person(s) face (though testosterone will protest otherwise). Its called hiding behind the keyboard and dates back to when netnews aka usenet was in heavy use.

In, there used to be Harley Davidson VS Rice Rocket wars, and some felt free to say bad things to and about people they disagreed with, or who took issue with things they posted.

In those days, we could Ignore by posting name, by IP address, and by keywords. So people that couldn't remain civilized found their newreaders to be very lonely places after a while.

Those of us who experienced that from the beginning, learned the value of ignoring stuff even when you know you are right, simply to conserve bandwidth. Because back then, bandwidth was scarce.

I don't find the lack of a large number of posts and pictures an issue, I find it to be conserving bandwidth for other posts which actually help us or amuse us, or lead to chances to meet each other, etc.

* Last updated by: privateer on 5/25/2011 @ 9:49 AM *

Living the Gypsy Life

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Hub's Gravatar

Joined: 02/05/09

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 9:57 AM

Dusty-Bust-His-Shop-Piss'Inn... Then quit crying and bring the goods. Did I; A-B-C the goods? Did that also say sub-?? Under those X to Y you Z you are now looking in the abyss and wonder who did who to what side are you on?

Dusty? If you're not using that wheel buckleruin my delicate Springeedingee Peezzz-BEE-Quiet-Setter... Wait for the rack.

I have to wait for my rack to go live ShiTearDay! Yes, live hot the rod valve adjust the 3-Way Angle. Show it before I blow it... YOu know with Cody the CockSucking coder decoder!

I've seen some museum/some trophy a class [quote' I walk up to talk bike/walk the 360°/forward slash close quote]; Now, the sad part is, I know this guy's MO. Over and over this guy trophies and the judges award a non-functioning-clutch assembly.

He may have put time in the paint and a look and you've seen the bike on TV. When MeShellshow Boating Those Frontal Plumages you want to run your cheeks into and slob beer all over those I'll show you missy. HOw the WOW did those judges award the better build-ALL-Function or a "Gear Rage Queen" that sits and still needs to start even.

If I told you no one wanted to enter the class I judged; because I had to follow rules. They had to follow a bike out of the box; period piece. So, these are like pre-Rookrapissing what the fuck you bringing this to the field for! Did you see the exact bike next to you? How's that for a restore. And you want points for a non-working clutch? YOu lost 1st place. [Quote-he didn't see the other shit I saw on 1st Place Is bike say nothing is how you play that game.

Too easy a score card you come up ask me you matched that bike and I 360°The fuck you did! Scored you to go home and fix it ticket. Come back match for match the bike neck! Nice bike. Oh lQQK! Zip-Tie, did you period that pee weed out the zip-tie on some 1903 Hardly.

Oh look! It's Dusty Bin been think'inn he be losing his dick about now. Who do you think I'm holding in my videos, bucklelips?

Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time

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Edgecrusher's Gravatar

Joined: 02/22/11

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 10:07 AM

good point, Privy, and on that note on with the show.
Maybe in the future, I'll just paste a link for people when they give me the urge to go through this all over again and leave it at that. I'm still working on that filter lol

good example of thinking about what you say before you say it and how you sound when you don't

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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Edgecrusher's Gravatar

Joined: 02/22/11

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 10:30 AM

Some friends just don't understand why you left em in the weeds, but then that's the whole reason it happened in the first place. Life ain't fair. Ya deal with what the gods gave ya. Cry and you'll be giving the winners rides to the contest. And people will start to not hear you anymore because you're left sitting on the curb crying about blue instead of red when it was really just black and skip-to-mylou-me darlin!

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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Hub's Gravatar

Joined: 02/05/09

Posts: 13729

RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 10:44 AM

She ip 2 me loon me dare... wing... If be it a twos is stroke or the choke on my cough fee it's cost me again coming her with food or drink... YOU YOU USED BIKESmokes!

Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time

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Edgecrusher's Gravatar

Joined: 02/22/11

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/25/11 10:48 AM

I feel bad for trainedkilla, he was just asking an honest question and here his thread all turns to sheet.
So in an attempt to make up for it. I offer boobs!

and for the ladies...

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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trainedkilla's Gravatar


Fort Mitchell, AL

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/26/11 6:05 PM

lol @ "post count"

If you think your post count entitles you to something on the inter webs....then I have some swamp land in florida I would like to sale you.

This forum has less than 25 active posters on it, it appears. Sure, you 25 guys may take some pride in that and may even like it. But that is retarded. Why would you not want to expand your membership and activity on the forum?

Like I said before, I just offered an idea to help this place out, if you don't take it...oh well.

I don't get my feelings hurt by dudes behind computer screens so don't feel sorry for me. I appreciate the boobies though.


2010 Special Edition Black/Titanium. Muzzy M10 Full System, PCV, F.A.I.C Map, NGK 9EK plugs, Vortex Shorty Levers, Vortex Rearsets, Vortex Rear Sprocket (43T), SpeedoHealer, EK ZZZ Chain, K and N Air and Oil Filter, Fender Eliminator, Smoked Rear Turn Signals, Galfer SS Brake lines (front and rear), Carbon Fiber Ram Air Covers, Custom Airbrushed Front Cowl, Driven Grips, Secondary Flies removed , blocked PAIRs and LC frame plugs.

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DogoZX's Gravatar


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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/26/11 6:37 PM

Wow... this thread is just full of fail, isn't it? WTF?

TK, w/o moderators, something like a BOTM contest is gonna be up to you (or someone else) to organize and execute. Personally, I like the idea... and the BOTM (and Evan, lol) are the two things I miss about "the old forum". I think a contest would encourage lurkers to speak up, show of their bikes, and get involved. I like this forum a lot and consider most active members friends... but the place needs a shot of new blood. JMHO.

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!” HST

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Romans's Gravatar

Location: Toronto,ON

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/26/11 6:44 PM

I'll cast first vote,,,,,, ya ya it's your bike dog, Well done.

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Romans's Gravatar

Location: Toronto,ON

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/26/11 6:46 PM

So in an attempt to make up for it. I offer boobs!

Works on me. Remember, Pigs are people too.

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DogoZX's Gravatar


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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/26/11 8:10 PM

I'll cast first vote,,,,,, ya ya it's your bike dog, Well done.

I appreciate the vote, Rick... but so as not to seem biased in my opinion, I withdrawl from any contest.

On the first page Edge called my bike "inspirational"... well a lot of my inspiration came from the old BOTM... Shit, zxbob's bike used to be the wallpaper on my computer.

My vote goes to Romans' '07 turbo.

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!” HST

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/26/11 9:44 PM

old BOTM...

yeah, that was cool. I was intrigued by the whole modding thing. 4 years later and I could finally participate in a BOTM. I never thought I would have a bike like this.

* Last updated by: Rook on 5/26/2011 @ 9:44 PM *


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Location: New York NY

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/27/11 1:28 AM

I have to agree with Romans DogoZX bike is it that's my vote or my

Great JOB!!

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Romans's Gravatar

Location: Toronto,ON

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/27/11 8:30 AM

My vote goes to Romans' '07 turbo

ROFl,,, What Turbo,,, I paid in full back in April and got Zero, Nada, Zip, Nothing, Sweet F-all to show for it. I'm still holding out hope I will get what I paid for but right now all I can see is Red.

OFF Topic, My Bad.

I have to agree with Romans DogoZX bike is it that's my vote or my

Now, if we can just a super charger stuffed into that sweet little Gem of his,,,,, Na, he wouldn't or would he ?

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Romans's Gravatar

Location: Toronto,ON

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/27/11 8:34 AM

Edge this thread is hurting the back of me Brain. I can't scroll fast enough past Jacks tits rofl.

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Edgecrusher's Gravatar

Joined: 02/22/11

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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/27/11 8:52 AM

Sorry Romy.

And trainedKilla, nothing was directed towards you coming from me so I'm glad you don't care.:)

Like I said, if you want it start it. It don't matter your post count for that. I won't complain. It's really not my job to tell you what you can or can't do. If you need something special done just PM BG and usually he will help out. Now I don't know what he's got against putting pictures of speed beagles on his banner but hey who am I to complain?lol wink wink

and just to give Romy some more motivation to get past Jackie...

RIP 08 Special ED ZX-14
2004 Electra-Glide Classic Peace Officer Black, Rineheart true-duals, HID with Hella headlight bucket, Goodridge SS brake lines, saving for DJ PowerVision FI controller and K&N large cap. kit.
2004 Suzuki Katana 750 (wife's but doesn't ride anymore) (fo sale), Hindle exhaust, K&N air, Dark metallic blue w/ blue led accent lighting.
1983 Suzuki GS750ES under construction(perpetually)

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DogoZX's Gravatar


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RE: 14 of the month contest?
05/27/11 10:29 AM

Now, if we can just a super charger stuffed into that sweet little Gem of his,,,,, Na, he wouldn't or would he ?

You know I already RSVP'd for that party.

I can't scroll fast enough past Jacks tits rofl.

Hit the space bar as soon as you click on the page... you'll get to the bottom before it downloads. lol

just to give Romy some more motivation to get past Jackie...


"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!” HST

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