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Thread: Flash Request ...

Created on: 06/29/15 10:04 AM

Replies: 28


hagrid's Gravatar

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RE: Flash Request ...
07/16/15 4:48 AM

But exactly how will you collect this information?

It may or may not involve silicone penises.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Flash Request ...
07/16/15 7:14 AM

If you are saying $400 is live and learn, you are not about to sink more AFR/bung/weld/map my own bike and sink another grand+ into the tuning end, then yes, I have an unbiased set of meters for you. But what I've seen on your vid, I'm convinced I saw some grunt going on, that means rich is torque is one value, and the 13.5a map being on the rich side is only going to pump richer on throttle demand.

So bottom line, your assfactor is not feeling what the others are feeling. That makes me think you were just toggled a few $75 hits and no AFR was altered. And as simple as it sounds, I can simply plug in either ECU and the idle will move the needle or both remain even, it's so exacting is the needle acting to that action, I don't need to take it for a ride. I can open the mail in front of the camera, plug it in, show the returned envelope with a making on it, shove your ECU back in the envelope, no test ride. It's that simple, you see the same real time numbers as what Smoke showed with his photos. That's what I expect to occur.

Vid Debrief...
The more rpm demand shows; a rich condition. The lower the AFR number = Rich.
The less demand shows; the proverbial 'cut' condition. The higher the number = Lean.
When I lift/roll off the throttle, it's a single number going in is the constant close of the throttle position. So lean it goes to bring down the engine speed, still pumping in AFR, but lean spitting of fuel. There is no cut of the fuel per say altogether, just the timers shutting off sooner is flip to this flop speed cutting per say, or the flop goes astable = as opposed to monostable. So, generic is the move are two electrical flows-wink-wink.
No matter the needle flutter upon throttle apply, that valve closes on 14.7/760/1ATMO is the formula, 'we take measures,' and low and behold, here is 760mmHg is the 'method' [to my madness]. So here is where you separate the dannos not on the same page vs. the book diagnostics read between the meters.

* Last updated by: Hub on 7/16/2015 @ 7:16 AM *

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Flash Request ...
07/16/15 4:23 PM

It may or may not involve silicone penises.

I sure as hell hope so!

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VicThing's Gravatar

Joined: 07/17/14

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RE: Flash Request ...
07/16/15 4:25 PM

Hub I'll think about it...seriously. And no, I don't care enough about the particulars to put a $1000 into it to prove anything.

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