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Thread: About time

Created on: 01/09/15 10:30 AM

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Grn14's Gravatar

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About time
01/09/15 10:30 AM


Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah speaks via video to his supporters in the southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, Friday Jan. 9, 2015. The leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah group said Islamic extremists have insulted the prophet of Islam with their terror more than those who published drawings mocking him. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)
BEIRUT (AP) — The leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah group says Islamic extremists have insulted Islam and the Prophet Muhammad more than those who published satirical cartoons mocking the religion.

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah did not directly mention the Paris attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo that left 12 people dead, but he said Islamic extremists who behead and slaughter people — a reference to the IS group's rampages in Iraq and Syria — have done more harm to Islam than anyone else in history.

Nasrallah spoke Friday via video link to supporters gathered in southern Beirut.

Nasrallah's Shiite group is fighting in Syria alongside President Bashar Assad.

His remarks are in stark contrast to those of Sunni militants from the IS group and al-Qaida who have called for attacks on Western countries.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: About time
01/09/15 6:22 PM

Seems like same old politics just like our politicians. Say one thing publicly then support entirely different agendas behind the scene. Unfortunate common theme among many people who believe it's the best way to lead. IMO same thing with Muslims in the US who publicly denounce the actions of the radicals, yet seem to do very little to actively curtail those same radicals.

Look at the September 11th murders, what 17 were from Saudi Arabia IIRC. How is it we didn't bomb them into the stone age? The whole thing wasn't really about the towers anyway, at best just more like an excuse.

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RE: About time
01/09/15 7:00 PM

One thing's not like politicians the Muslim world...saying something 'against'(as in him denouncing IS tactics)...could easily lead to a death sentence...with brutal proof to back one up.He made a very bold and brave statement actually...considering.You could even go so far as to say with his comments..he has 'probably' now been put on the 'apostate Muslim' hit list.Of which he's fully aware of as well.So his statements are really WAY more consequential than some Western politician talking rhetoric in his safe USA Country estate.

I don't agree with Violent Islamic views...whoever they belong to...but this guy deserves some props...hopefully more will step up and continue what he's trying to do.I'm sure millions of Muslims actually FEEL this way...but the hit squads are always around...informants everywhere.It aint like over here....not even.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 1/9/2015 @ 7:09 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: About time
01/09/15 8:08 PM

.hopefully more will step up and continue what he's trying to do.

I hope so. Even if it doesn't end terrorism, it shows the world that not all Muslims are extremists.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: About time
01/09/15 10:37 PM

Grn I would accept that if I thought the whole Al Qaeda and whatever the NOTD of those groups are were doing the activities because of their religious beliefs. My opinion is the leaders of those radical groups are just like our leaders - they get their followers to behave a certain way based on a belief system ("if you strap a bomb to yourself, walk into a grocery store, blow yourself up you'll get 72 virgins" for example, but those at the top are not acting out of that belief system.

I don't believe for a second that Osama Bin Laden believed in any of that crap. It was a tool for manipulating idiots to do their bidding for whatever the actual reasons are (my guess is somewhere in the pipeline, it's actually financial reasons), the same way our government truly acts out of financial reasons today (in the name of justice, or whatever BSOTD).

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RE: About time
01/10/15 5:41 AM

Well just today..this same guy explained what these groups are about...they have a name for em in Arabic.And won't end terrorism as Rook mentioned.But I think putting a voice to the unheard masses of moderate Muslims IS a good thing.I thought it was pretty good him saying today about these ideologies and 'judging' other MUSLIMS for 'apostasy'and outright murdering em...that really hasn't been brought out hardly at all.The ones who DO speak like this in their neigborhoods around the middle east generally get killed(where these IS groups are at).Fear...that's what that's about.Using fear to control.Shit...they steal food...kill kids...without hesitation.What would anyone do if they had a family and got confronted with something like that...and without arms or whatever to fight back.

Lots of people would probably say.."well,let em kill each other if that's what they want"....fair enough(though I personally don't go with this thinking).It is their choice for sure(the killers that is).But there's a LOT of Muslims that don't harbor hatred against the US or Western values.They have no safety in reality.To speak up and condemn it.You can't really blame em...they have kids and families....Although you don't see it very much in the news and all...there are a LOT of Muslims that truly embrace the US and others as friends...and not 'the Great Satan'.

(taken from news site)...Takfiri is a term for a Muslim who accuses others, including another Muslim, of apostasy. Hezbollah considers members of ultra-hardline Sunni-dominated groups like al Qaeda and Islamic State to be takfiris.

This MAY be a beginning of a change in how the Muslim world is dealing with others not of their faith.His statements again are VERY bold....considering.

I think the US and other Western powers(military and aid groups)have really tried(and are trying)to follow a 'win the hearts and minds' path in dealing with these other situations.But it goes so deep...the brainwashing of extremist groups.Worldwide.I feel for those that are trapped...I think I get it.It's easy to be here,safe,protected...and pass judgements on others.The brave men and women actually BEING there and trying...I KNOW they get it.And the ones they're helping...I KNOW they get it also.

SHOULD we be 'trying'?I think so.How would WE feel if some idiots came next door and murdered our neighbor's kids for some stupid reason(or any for that matter).And not just ONE neighbor...but an entire suburb of our neighbors.It really is horrible.I think we HAVE to step in since we can.Muslims or not.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 1/10/2015 @ 6:04 AM *

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: About time
01/10/15 8:12 PM

Good and fair points Grn. I generally distrust that level of leadership, and to be fair it's well deserved. It's like the other thread about Cosby, the Catholic Church denounced and judged homosexuals for 100s of years (probably even executing people for it) yet their own priesthood is full of homosexuals and pedos. Cosby has portrayed himself as an icon for young black inner city youths to look up to and mimic and be what they can be. But it turns out after 40 years of this pristine image, the guy might be a serial womanizer (I say remains to be proven).

Yes, there are people that denounce the radicals and pay the price. But those are the nobodies like you and me. Those are the Randy Weavers, that nobody misses if their taken out. The reason those people are taken out is they represent the genuine belief of what is going on is wrong. If Bill Cosby is actually guilty, maybe someone under his employee warned him at some point in his life about his activities. Maybe Cosby pulled his strings to shut him up, firing him and promising to ruin him if he you know fucked with him, or paid him off, etc. Or maybe he's privately paid women hush money or something, at any rate this is taking them out as a threat.

When a leader such as this guy is reported to be speaks out, it could be propaganda and not genuine. Or else to say, the reason it's being said is to get you (both the literal and figurative) to believe that not all muslims or islams are radicals and want to cut off your arms and legs and throw you in the middle of the street for people to watch you bleed out.

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RE: About time
01/10/15 9:05 PM

Not all who are Muslim follow the teachings of Muhammed.He says it's fine to smile in the face of your enemy...and secretly plot their destruction.So yes...being able to trust clerics and such that know the Koran...and to take their 'peaceful' words is hard.But the general Muslim population probably doesn't even KNOW the Koran...just as most 'Christians' couldn't recite anything more than "The Lord's Prayer".It's these people that can actually 'benefit' from someone like him saying what he has.They look up to guys like him...It can't be covered up anywhere...this slaughtering of innocents by these radicals.The mainstream Muslim people don't feel the way these 'jihadists' do....they're as appalled by the violence and bloodshed as much as any one.Us getting OUT of Afghanistan...and Iraq....two of the best decisions ever made.Now it's totally on they react...which so far...hasn't been very good....and the world's watching...they can't blame us anymore.

Radicals are pulling this shit all over the east.It's on them.When the Muslim world stands up for itself...and actually lives the intent of the Koran...then maybe there will be a change....they say..."God the Merciful" it I say to the radicals that claim to KNOW 'Allah".

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 1/10/2015 @ 9:10 PM *

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: About time
01/11/15 5:36 AM

I've never read the Quran so I don't really know the basis of their radical idealism. I'm sure it's probably like the Christian Bible which has the whole eye for an eye and stone people for this and that and other types of instantaneous judgements.

It's important to understand the difference between how and why Muslims believe and modern Christians believe

I don't know if you're Christian. But generally when a modern US Christian states "oh yeah, God is #1 in my life" they really mean behind themselves, behind their family, probably even behind money/job/possessions. That's because Christianity experienced a Renaissance. This wasn't always the case. There were times Christians would execute their own friends and family because of an act.

When a Muslim tells you their religion is number one in their life, they mean it is number one in their life. There's no fucking around. If their 10 yo daughter does something that warrants death according to their religion, the father will perform the deed himself. Same thing with a lot of the bizarre things they do, apparently it's ok for them to fuck camels and molest children and stuff...nothing I've really looked into but it happens over there, and it's all okey dokey by their religion.

Most muslims seem to take their religion pretty seriously. Even in the US, at Muslim temples they go through the same rigamarole as those in the middle east, hours of chanting and things on rugs. Some employers have even acclimated Muslims with prayer rooms and accept that the Muslims have to go off an do their chanting stuff for a couple hours int he morning and afternoon. It's very important to understand Muslims have not been through a Renaissance-like period. For most Muslims, the truth is their religion comes first and when they say that they mean it.

It's just important to understand the difference in degree of what we typically define as a radical, and what they consider a radical. For us, someone that chains himself to a tree for 5 hours is pretty radical. For them, someone that sets off strapped on dynamite bomb in a supermarket is a radical.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: About time
01/11/15 5:59 AM

Same thing with a lot of the bizarre things they do, apparently it's ok for them to fuck camels and molest children and stuff...nothing I've really looked into but it happens over there, and it's all okey dokey by their religion.

May be true. I saw military drone footage showing ICiS guys apparently giving livestock the hot beef injection. It's on Youtube.

It's just important to understand the difference in degree of what we typically define as a radical, and what they consider a radical.

I'll bet the spectrum of moderate to extreme spans the whole gamut. There are plenty of Muslims who are no more zealous than the typical American Christian. Their sheep can sleep well and without rubber boots on their hind legs.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: About time
01/11/15 8:53 AM

A most disgusting group of scumbags with money. A sick-sick society and perps against humanity. No way to call them animals and insult the species. No way to call them human and insult the species. Say close to shit on the ground you can't dis ting wish one from the other.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: About time
01/11/15 9:22 AM

what if the 72 virgins are a flock of negligee wearing sheep?

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RE: About time
01/12/15 11:14 AM

Religion has been the cause of more pain and suffering than anything else I can think of.....and my grandfather was a minister...
Just my .02


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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: About time
01/12/15 12:52 PM

Perverted Payback upon one generation after the next.

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