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Thread: Eye Declare...

Created on: 09/04/13 11:27 AM

Replies: 24


Hub's Gravatar

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Eye Declare...
09/04/13 11:27 AM

... the bike is broken in. Dissected the oil filter this morning. Found so many pink flakes. Where you see thread locker, it's filling up the pleats and I cannot find too many shiny specs. Way less specs than if I hammered the bike from day one.

This time around, I wanted to play with the break-in procedure and followed book to the letter. One reason I stayed in low mode settings was for break-in. One way of finding out how well this bike broke in is to take a compression test.

173 ~ 261 PSI = R
149 ~ 228 PSI = 14

Say I spooled the 14 more than the R, we match about 3,400K miles that I have on it now. Say I would change the diaper [paper towel] catching the filter's spew. Say I cut up a plastic cup, cut it in half, then down the middle with the bottom having a hole the diameter of the hose. My little water bottle catch tank had a paper towel sitting around the hose, under the breather filter off some car. The ones they use for the pcv on top of the old style valve covers.

Now, I just find a drop sitting off the exposed filter. No cut up catch tank this time around it. I haven't filled the crankcase once since the first oil change or monitoring the original level. Buy this time, I was filling the crankcase up between oil dumps on the 14, and this was dumping the oil on average at about 2,700 miles.

That's when I found out how the pep was gone from the bike somehow? Keep it to yourself, but I said, let me check the oil level, something is not right? Sure enough, I had an oil tight engine and not a drop on the ground, sans the catch tank. And I was monitoring that puppy being it was soaked when Cody and his buddies wanted to come out and play.

So the daily spooling there of at least a T0N+ a few times, or at least once before she is sent in the stall all wet, the hard break-in, the loss of oil at the crankcase, the catch tank loss too, I'm about to set the valves. I come away with a cold check of 220-220-210-220 psi. Great numbers against the book, but at what oil loss is that hard break-in cost?
Segway to the R. No hammering like before. No tons but some you can count on one hand. No oil loss. The original rear tire is not even close to showing a flat spot it needs replacing. I don't know if the drops leaving the breather filter is from the 14 and that [old] oil is being pushed out out of the pleats, being at the angle it is at?

How could I compare if the hard break-in is any stronger than a book break-in? I can't. But the compression will tell me soon enough. And to mix it up a little, today's flavor of the pour into the crankcase is a little left of mobil syn 10w30, a quart of chevron 10w30, a quart of 36yr old vintage torco 50w racing, topped off with delo 15w40. Last pour was straight delo and clutch drag will not be as pronounced. Funny how that goes, but once I fumbled a shift, it's time to change the oil.

My point of this post and thread is to show me how both bikes are broken in as per hard and as per book. I don't know about you, but at plug change time, home he will see how book fares against the book. If I am 8 or 9 pounds off peak, I'll stick with book and stop topping off between rounds. Stay tuned.

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/04/13 12:31 PM

Sounds good Hub...I pretty much booked my new one as well...little variation here and there...when I felt things were maybe needing some 'more'.No oil burn here...mine is at the top line...has been that way for several thousand miles now...full syn 7100 Motul.My last oil length was approx 3500 miles...was running and shifting fine.Oil still looked flakes in that change either.Nothing.

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Short Sub Locker Story
09/11/13 9:53 PM

Smooth in F-Off, but not as smooth as subs in play: at certain rpm's. A down-side.
Buzzy Tone increases thru the bars in F-1. Somewatt supersonic of a harmonic? A down-side.
Shift apply has changed. A plus-side.
Chain whip slapping the swing arm, leaves that throttle on the twitchy side. A down-side.
Responsive throttle apply is ever so slight, but still, less drag equals a faster event. A plus-side.

Found a hiding place where a chippy hangs out on a ramp. Me coming off a cup handle ramp to the freeway. He is hanging on the other [straightaway] ramp waiting. The throttle squirting I was applying before I caught eye of him. Short is the story was too dark to know if he was coming for me? So slow was the rest of the run. No-fun.

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/11/13 11:15 PM

"Chain whip slapping the swing arm, leaves that throttle on the twitchy side"...too loose Hub...too loose..good report though...very;)

Decrease your freeplay at the grip...adjust chain.

"Buzzy Tone increases thru the bars in F-1"...go to F-Off.You won't need KTRC in normal riding conditions.IF that's what you're planning.That buzz may very well be your drivechain slack.I'd keep the subs....they do help smooth the power up transitions...and the shifting feel.(I think);)

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 9/11/2013 @ 11:18 PM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/12/13 12:05 AM

.too loose Hub...too loose.

You're right. Think about this. Say I had book loose. I'm going to guess no matter the slack you are going to get slap.

Decrease your freeplay at the grip...adjust chain.

Are you kidding me? I do not want any lag time between me and the crank. The chain is fine. Remember the title. It says I had so much slack at break in. I began to misshifts. I adjusted the same sloppy slack out of it now, no more misshifts. Just the opposite. I'm having some stout shifts. That's the pluside.

That buzz may very well be your drivechain slack.

How can it? My statement was smooth at certain rpm's. If the chain was the problem, it would be a buzz from the getgo, only worse as the speed increases. No such chain problem.

I thought you had your bike's subs flashed open? I thought you'd be in agreement? Then, you do not have the subs locked open per burn, yes, no?

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/12/13 12:36 AM

Romes, where are the sub flashers you burned? Even if that sub table shows 100% cells, I'm going to question if that really means full lock open? That means to flash that sub table only. Camera aimed at the sub-shaft with the cam rolling stock and burned to see the difference?

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/12/13 1:43 AM

Nope...not locked open.

"I adjusted the same sloppy slack out of it now, no more misshifts. Just the opposite. I'm having some stout shifts. That's the pluside"...yup..

"If the chain was the problem, it would be a buzz from the getgo"...nope...different torque values and HP at various speeds....add to that...the A/F and timing....Maladjusted driveline....things don't act as they should....Factory fresh...everything adjusted to factory spec....cha ching...smooth.Rid efor a while...things 'readjust'...breakin as you will...kapow...suddenly...loss of 'smooth'.Return to factory specs..cha ching...all good again.Ride a while....things wear bing...vibes.

I can REALLY feel when this bird needs attention....besides the motor.It's definitely not...'set it an ferget it"..nope...not THIS bike.Mind you...I have no actual 'this is how it is' concrete proof.Just my own experience(opinion) so far with my bike.Yours may be different.If may see it totally different with your bike experience.IDK.All those things you mentioned....I had all those.And corrected em by what I did.And in two bikes are ever the exact same from cradle to grave;)WE both know...she's quite complex...moreso that the gen 1's.And VERY sensitive.IDK what it is about this bike...but it's not the same as the Gen 1's.Not even.

"I do not want any lag time between me and the crank"...adjusting out(as in...virtually zero) freeplay at the grip is gonna get you this?

Adjusting chain is gonna get you...MORE lag time from crank to wheel?How so?I'm not following.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 9/12/2013 @ 1:54 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/12/13 6:47 AM

freeplay at the grip is gonna get you this?

Adjusting chain is gonna get you...MORE lag time from crank to wheel?How so?I'm not following.

This is one mod change. When you lift, then roll back on, there is this throttle cable lag. I have zero throttle play. My hand to crank is right there. The chain to crank slop is a given. For me to twist out any [initial] cable slack is time lost in wrist degrees to crank input.

If you are not sub-burned, you have no idea what I'm saying about the same bike. If you are 100% burned, it's the same as saying the subs are manually locked open. But are they? Big to subtle differences about that different speed event. I hear what you're saying about each bike being a snowflake, but still we are talking same bike, same parts, same output give or take.

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/12/13 7:58 AM

I think...mind you...I'm not 100% sure..that they are moving at different areas of the range...load...all that.Not statically open all the way all the time...if that's what you mean.Smoothing...moving.But at particular TP' all the way yes.Not sure what you mean by 'burned'.Locked open?I think you could adjust the ECU to do that?

"I have zero throttle play" play here as well.I do believe this drivechain is beefier than the Gen 1's.I noticed mine does not just 'freely' roll on the links...I's somewhat 'snug'.Everything is okay...but it's not as 'bendable' as my other chains that I recall.This could be what is being felt possibly when you say..."vibration".It is contacting the top run on the swingarm...that could be it?

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 9/12/2013 @ 8:04 AM *

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/12/13 12:03 PM

IDK, greenie, that chain is link tight. HP robbing links! But I push on it, she moves all flat again. Nope, still not some vibe off the chain. She is quiet as a mouse spinning in a cage. Flies out enhance a few things. You might be missing it? Then again, you might be missing the subs vs. 'The Twitch.'

Yes, burned, locked open. Maybe Cblast played with it? 100% open cell blocks: will be my first burn to find out?

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/12/13 12:16 PM

I'm gonna leave my subs in there on this one.My first 14R...I took em out....had the Brock/Guhl flash in was strong...but also a bit buzzy.The throttle response was quick...but my now bike is just as quick responding...and the buzz is gone.Plus...she feels a lot stronger lower down.Just an overall better rideability.Fuel mileage is very good.Temps...just a shade higher...but acceptable totally.(only when idling and not moving).

"But I push on it, she moves all flat again"...yup...mine too.Probably even 'less tight' once the temps climb.

I know for sure though that the chain slack and lubing have a real effect on the driveline/chassis 'vibrations'.Very noticeable when things aren't right.

BTW...after my last(recent)tire change...I checked the 'clunk' noise...gone...IDK what it was...but it's gone now.Checked the spacers inside the hub...all wear marks anywhere on the axle.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 9/12/2013 @ 12:22 PM *

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/12/13 3:34 PM

Yes, burned, locked open. Maybe Cblast played with it? 100% open cell blocks: will be my first burn to find out?

YUp! Smooth up to 2400, then, all locked to the stop WIDE THE FUCK OPEN. :)) makes for quite the ahhh... BRISK acceleration. I am with you on the ZERO free play in throttle cables. I like none. Straight solid connection between hand and crank. Then I recommend the rifleman 1/5th! Give that snap WOT and that connect. Add in the big power. Add in that STP 100%. Add in that £.ft. :))) with the flash giving maximum leverage to ur throttle hand...

The scorching of all is kinda what she feels like.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/29/13 6:50 PM

As wild as it looks, one zip-tie for the wires, a nut and rubber grommet for the box, a few disconnects, I should be able to plug the box into the usb port in the computer room and download the runs.

See if I have this right?

1. Brown Wire Top Toggle - This brown wire needs to be made hot direct. I have direct 12v w/fuse and toggle so being on is now being recorded. Toggle off, the 02 keeps running.

2. Orange Wire - This is sent to #1 spark stick, with the common white/red (-) wire being used.

3. Yellow/red stripe Wire - This is a 0-5v analog reference off the TPS. This is considered analog 1.

4. Gray Wire - This is analog 2, but do some of you use this one, or should I have used gray off the where?

5. Red Wire - Hot from box with fuse.

6. Black and Black/white wires both tied together as one ground.

Thanks for any box reader tips.

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/29/13 9:34 PM

3 days waiting for the glue to dry. 2 days trying to figure out do I crimp, solder, or both? 1 day left and all the dials swing, the toggle powers on, the bench test worked. I just rolled the bike out, flipped a switch... Nada. Screw it. I took a 30 mile ride for dinner, came back, walked away from it. There's always tomorrow.

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/30/13 9:18 AM

Bad fuse holder. When I zip-tied the wire bunch, the 'old style' housing buckled under the pressure, lost that spring tension off the fuse.

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RE: Eye Declare...
09/30/13 1:53 PM

Are you sitting down? Man, I thought I had the 14 pegged at 15.3 AFR when I was messing with some mileage. The R is smacking 16.5 in cruise mode, and if I'm in say 3rd @ 4,000rpm? = 17 AFR. If I accel, I see the needle swing to 12 AFR.

No wonder why you flash wankers are wooha'ing it up. What a slag of a bike but still underneath some hidden ponies.

It's time to start the video process. Stay tuned.

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RE: Eye Declare...
10/01/13 10:23 AM

Was I surprised to see that number.
3 hacks in, 3 to go. See if we can preflash some fuel trim with a little hackage packaging or it was a waste of time.

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RE: Eye Declare...
10/02/13 6:35 PM

Why *ride it like you stole it*, when you BOUGHT it?


I am pulling for your results to show a noticable difference in favor of the by the book breakin...........

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RE: Eye Declare...
10/02/13 8:48 PM

MAN64, Just now watched the dailies. I see a fluttering needle and swings towards and past that book number... I need to slow the needle down. 2 hacks, 2 failures, 1 direct short. Back to the drawing board.

The 1 short was calling techline at powrcommdr. I said, where are we putting analog 2 wire? I suggested the IAP for a 5v reference, right? He says, 'a 5v reference is a reference' is what we agreed to, thinking that sounds logical, right? Wrong!

I was so lucky how I found the short. Long story short, the IAP reference kills the engine. I may have (+) sided it. Tomorrow, I'll wire it on the (-) side and that might where my mistake lies? Either way, I'll figure out another reference soon enough. Another thing is, seems [for now], the mode drops are not fuel related. I'd have to set the gop in front of the crank window, watch her change that way. I saw no change at the AFR. And the thing with that is, the engine pitch changes. Cool chemical reaction change vs. ign curve change.

I'm going to try and send a mic under the rubber boot, over the valve cover, switch to normal, then try the macro and amp it up some. I had my cut down [same] mic wedged under my helmet next to my jaw. I have to lock it there or it falls out. I was looking for a new road, found it, and the sun [going down] began killing my lines. I couldn't tell which way the road was going to turn, plus office sir cherry top coming around on this main road thru the canyons was another light cruising mode.

The road I wanted my have been fenced off? I was looking for a paved road and seems to turn into a dirt road. I know F-(|)ff made my ass puck her being the question, when are you going to kick in? That was the other day. So late afternoon when I turned the gop on, I was off to the side of the road on a nice stretch of dirt. I had it on L-3 so we begin to climb the modes from there. I squirt away and she is making all these moves and before you know it, I'm on the road. I don't know if that will be picked up? This is where I have to climb into that sadass movie making program, find slowmo, c/p, save and tube it.

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RE: Eye Declare...
10/04/13 7:43 PM

MAN64 can concur with me, today was quite windy. Took the bike out because, well because! I'm an idiot. Dodging broken branches on the ground, being blowing off line, avoiding blown paper skating across or in the air heading for me. WATT else?

They're working the road so I usually whip thru this combination in one tight arch. I'm running a little under the speed limit because of the work and I don't know what's behind that turn? So a lady is pushing her kid in a stroller, I abort aiming right for her, being the setup out of that corner.

I change my line, slowly setup to get back in the groove of that blind turn. When I entered that turn, I begin to drag this big black hose. It first catches the mirror. The shit that went thru my mind that second I saw it. As usual, I kept moving rather than stop and let it sit on the bike and me.

It felt like such a long time, something happen already. I'm still thinking this thing I'm dragging is a down line and I'm hooked to it. The bars are going to come out of my hands I find the end of this, let alone WATT it might do I'm not dead yet.

Then I feel this smack to the side of my leg, the mirror is bent down from the drag and weight and I guess the snap off? I'm still thinking it out now, wondering if that hoop off the mirror was the smack at my leg, or maybe on the arm when the left mirror collapsed?

I may have found the end of the rope was the hit at the leg? I never looked back, nor turned around to find out. Someone lost a power leg or a call, I don't know? Maybe I was dragging a ground cable? I felt no tingle. I was more worried for the bike's electronics to take a hit. The shit going thru your mind even though that cable being hot should have sent something thru me. I have no rubber on the pegs, but rubber to the road.

Maybe I'll go back there, see if one of the workers [I only saw one] caught that move? If he saw me dragging that cable, then it was something to talk about to the others. Eye am still here to annoy you mo dare her hump hers.

* Last updated by: Hub on 10/4/2013 @ 7:48 PM *

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RE: Eye Declare...
10/05/13 11:49 AM

Here is my first outing with the gpo, and an AFR read I didn't need to glance over to watch anymore. This was also a new road for me, but highly traveled. I had a small pickup come around a corner, positioned over the line in my lane. That woke me up that I'm not the only one trying to straighten out the road. So I cooked it where I could, but short shifting it, because this was not a WOT run to see where the AFR spiked next?

It's been nature's way of blowing the leaves off the trees around here, so that same road might really be sanded in a few more places. I corrected for one collection of stones in the middle of the road and the other was a car about to mess my line up so I aborted. This was my first time on that stretch of road looking for a side road. Looks like it turns into a paved dirt road eventually? I couldn't find it so I turned around.

When the wind dies down, and if I ever find that [dirt] road, I'll mode switch/gpo that turf at the rear wheel, speak into the mic to say which mode did watt? For now, I'm watching how lean this bike is running, how short the accel mode is? The vac gauge needs a step-down-plug, borrowed from a manometer tube line. See if this will slow the needle down?

This is close to a base tune out the crate. No modes to the bike at this time:

Locked open subs ~ If we cruise, the same AFR number. If the sub was at WOT, same AFR = No harm, no foul.
Stock exhaust
F-3 Mode
Zero codes

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RE: Eye Declare...
10/06/13 10:44 PM

Well, the wind finally died down after 3 typical days around here. I've been gluing up and extending the camera mounts, trying to get closer over the AFR meter. I have the 6-locker and N-lock toggled up for grins. See what the AFR says about those 2 puppies? I'm going to yank a wheel signal, see what that does?

So if all goes as planned, I'm looking for this dirt road to mode switch the verbals, then aim the cam at the back wheel, letterip! I'll ABS the rear wheel alone, then the front, then both. See how much that clutchatters in the dirt?

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RE: Eye Declare...
10/06/13 11:42 PM

THAT is one of the top craziest stories I've EVER heard...hitting and dragging a downed power line.You sure that's what it was?Geez...YOU ARE LUCKY Hubster...thankfully;)Sheesh.Maybe a tree branch or something?IDK...crazy.Glad yer okay;)I'd bee more worried about having the end of it catch something on the bike and Ba Boom...on yer ass you go....not so much getting electrocuted...but that could happen also I suppose.Sheesh....what a ride you hadLOL!!!

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 10/6/2013 @ 11:44 PM *

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RE: Eye Declare...
10/10/13 11:40 PM

I'll file that with the time a wooden panel of a baby crib came flying off the top of a station wagon. I was on my X-6 actually. That's how far this goes back: that's how big that kind of baby crib was. I saw the one panel fly up in the air, and when it came down, I was more a frozen spectator timing it down. As it came crashing into my forks and handlebars, she shattered to pieces, and I just experienced a motorcycleventhell was that? Hell, you're just as lucky being here: spleened off the road for half a day and lived to tell about it.

Cheeze... The way you guys talk about your bikes, I couldn't agree more is more, it's more likeffortless is this bike. It's one of those bikes that keeps showing how this puppy handles oh so smooth. The air brakes [subs] are not in play, so the compression is more slowing me down on lift.

See if you can tell when the bars snap back to center? That hinge steers heavy, but in a sticking point you send it off center. That's the beauty of the handling. The 14 would lock back to center and it would be mildly violent. I think they changed the neck to wrinkle out that little sitseation. This is a more pleasant snap to return to center, a little less robust you might say.

Don't get me wrong, both steer the same smoothly. Ahhh, no they don't. They steer different but say the snap is still there. So no, they did not go backwards at any stage. They need to "BRING IT."

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RE: Eye Declare...
10/14/13 9:26 AM

The side of the road has rocks to keep the dust down? I turn around and see a car coming so I nailed it. When I looked in the mirror, that dust blew right on that car. I left a trail and this thing goes nowhere when K-skidding. I then get a taste of my own medicine up ahead.

* Last updated by: Hub on 10/14/2013 @ 9:59 AM *

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