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Thread: Ping Cooter

Created on: 06/26/12 10:21 PM

Replies: 2


hagrid's Gravatar

Location: pittsburgh

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Ping Cooter
06/26/12 10:21 PM

Talk to me bud! You're not puddle-jumping on that Ninjee while Debbie is peeing all over Florida are you?


Yoshis!! GO NINJEE!!!

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COOTER's Gravatar


South West Florida

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RE: Ping Cooter
06/27/12 8:14 AM

LOL yes I am my bike is my only transportation and im going to make a ride report on how the ZX-14 rides in a tropical storm!!!
P.S. I have also come to the conclusion that any thing named Debby is fat and lazy!!!!

* Last updated by: COOTER on 6/27/2012 @ 8:18 AM *

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privateer's Gravatar

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RE: Ping Cooter
06/27/12 8:18 AM

Cooter, will that include how flight-worthy a ZX14 is?

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