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Thread: The Snuffy Syndrome Special

Created on: 12/29/10 08:05 AM

Replies: 9


Hub's Gravatar

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The Snuffy Syndrome Special
12/29/10 8:05 AM

That penis Dildoughslap is used for a reason you waste that tune money in the wrong direction is my way of thinking. You want more? I received a tool catalog for this shovelhead build. Guy wanted $500 to do needed valve guide work for only two guides to replace and cut. I said to buy the tools for less and let me keep it in house. So, that is the plan. Then I flip thru the catalog, see a piston being gas ported. They sell drills for said use. In my circle, I do not let a drill blow the compressed air out and down into the crankcase because it doesn't make sense.

Yes or no; Does said air remain compressed without hole, i.e., a more sealed setting.
Yes or no; Will said air help or run more in a resistance of the ring, when all of a sudden there is a relaxed ring on the way up and that closed chamber is now about to compress that [air] between piston to head. That air is now moving air thru that hole(s), both acting in that, 'for every action/opposite setting. So what happens? I think that loss of compressed air [weakens] the blow down, as it bleeds down the holes faster than it can push the back of the ring. Why open the door more? Orders are: Drill holes in the door I have a submarine tuning step?

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! << Icon

Yes or no. Did that drill enter the back of the piston = For every submarine door there is a drill in your future, Sail her! YOu think a $400 screwdriver costs a lot? Special tool an shit? We are sinking! Who is drilling the door!

* Last updated by: Hub on 12/29/2010 @ 8:06 AM *

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RE: The Snuffy Syndrome Special
12/29/10 10:24 PM

I can't tell what your point is....

Yes, it is a common practice on race engines to piston port. What this does is drill holes which direct some of the compression pressure against the inside of the top ring, with the obvious benefit of better sealing and hence higher horsepower.

If you are running high tension rings, you don't want to piston port, as it will create excessive cylinder wall pressures.

It is usually done when you are running low tension rings. I'll leave the discussion of when using low tension rings makes sense to you.

Living the Gypsy Life

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RE: The Snuffy Syndrome Special
12/30/10 2:50 PM

Lets try a mouth effect. Whistle. Didn't that take time to empty your lungs? It's a tiny hole or say it takes time to run around the roof of the ring groove

Look at the illustration. The author must have told the illustrator to press the ring down on the lower groove. What should have been shown was the hot gas under the ring as in a horseshoe hanging does the ring float in a bubble of gas at 3 points. Not the 2 areas shown.

Not only that, there is not "more pressure" if things remain a constant. YOu would have to run a fan in the hole to have 'more pressure' behind the hole. Now, what I mention is that drilled hole now has a place for the air to escape out both the hole port and if they drilled a half hole and not thru the piston like the oil control ring groove with the oil/air to dump out those holes.

But to say there is more pressure is a contradiction. It like saying you want to find the coolest part of the bulb if the temp is all even across the surfaces.

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RE: The Snuffy Syndrome Special
12/30/10 2:56 PM

Notice the dual holes. One is at the dome, The other is above the top ring land.

Same thing like objects being at room temperature. They just feel different to the touch, but none the less, each item is at room temp. No more, no less.

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RE: The Snuffy Syndrome Special
12/31/10 12:51 AM

I'll leave the discussion of when using low tension rings makes sense to you.

How come we have the same proportion of pressure if not you holed around a sealed area is the top of the dome. I would think you want less air to escape and if there is more HP, how did equal pressure over that dome sort of blow off and back out the hole = Of diminishing returns. Therefore, you more release the ring; adding more to the diminish are more holes to escape those tiny few degrees.

And where the air release begins to diminish times count the holes, it would have taken more time to relax without extra hole in the side of the submarine's [dome] door. Even if it is a half degree the advantage, we want to make as much sealing effect as possible-all the way down the stroke.

If I math that half degree times rpm, times feet, times lap, would the non-hole edge out, on what would be a hole in the roof, or submarine door. Take your pick. How more perfectly clear can I make it. Thus, your side/my side.

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RE: The Snuffy Syndrome Special
12/31/10 6:53 AM

The force of firing the cylinder is actually increased, because of better sealing of the ring.

The flow of gas is going to go between the outside edge of the piston crown and cylinder wall and try to push the ring down and in without the porting.

With the porting, some of that gas is going in the hole, into the ring groove, pushing the ring out.

So for high rpm and/or high compression applications porting lets you use low tension rings to reduce friction but get the benefits of high tension rings.

There is plenty of debate about port or not port, because any modification obviously has a downside. An example, if your porting is on top, many think if your tune gets a little off the ports will get plugged more easily than if they are on the side of the piston near the top, just above the top ring groove.

Living the Gypsy Life

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RE: The Snuffy Syndrome Special
12/31/10 6:19 PM

Privateer, Yes, very controversial. I want you to follow the air down the side of the dome. It now enters the compression ring at 3 areas. How does the scraper ring seal that oil? Did not that 3 way out the top-side-bottom of ring have a tendency to float in the middle of the groove so the air can run down and out to the next ring?

If we only had 2 air flows out the back of the ring, how does the middle ring receive the air? How is it that the ring would elongate the ring grooves if there was a constant pounding of a rind down on it's own land via two sides with gas and one side pounding down on that bottom groove. So, are you camped with chevy high performance and their photo abstract and the pressure on the ring is slammed down on the exit ring groove?

And do we agree we can 100%-change chassis and it's hangers; that interchange for all years? Yes or no?

And do we agree we can partial fit the-electronics, being the ECU is not compatible with other year injectors? Yes or no?

And did we agree we can partial fit the-injectors, being the ECU/injector are more matched between those [two] year changes? One will run fatter and or leaner and there is the difference. Yes or no?

See, I'm told my thoughts are not rational and I'm just trying to get back on the same page as everyone else. Do we agree with the bike trivia first?

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RE: The Snuffy Syndrome Special
12/31/10 6:49 PM

Now, I am going to use the holes alone as a filler. I will eliminate the circumference of the piston as the air entry point.

Those tiny holes, if you add them up, how big a hole is that surface like the circumference being a bubble filler? How much power down that hole will there be if we could seal up the circumference and rely on the dome holes for sealing. To me, it now does not seem too powerful a push if you had to match the open air all the way around the ring.

Now I am going to reverse the air moving from top ring air gap that is about to meet the hole(s). Imagine I have no pressure on any hole but all that pressure is down the side of the piston and only that circumference is being pressurized.
Here is where the air is pushing the top ring down. The next 90° turn is behind the ring. But then again, this is where the holes are placed right behind the ring so as to push the back of the ring toward the wall. If we follow that air, did not that air shoot out the most easiest path of least resistance and weaken the ring push? Yes or no?

Privateer, you have to think out of the box and hold your nose so the air HAS to move or step in one direction at a time. Do I see the push of pressure on top of dome and down hole? Yes, I do. Do I also see I can manipulate the air and let it step to the, "for every action, something is going to effect change?"

No, wait just a second. There is no change in effect if for every, is that not "equal reaction?" So, are we bouncing ring to flutter it is so tight a bubble or did we relieve a flutter? Only your piston drillers know for sure. So, can you answer the flutter is weakened out the hole, we do not find fluttering in gas porting?

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RE: The Snuffy Syndrome Special
01/01/11 7:42 AM

The compressed gas in a cylinder above the piston crown is subject to the laws of fluid dynamics. This tells us compressed gases exert pressure vectors in all directions simultaneously. It will move into whichever path offers the least resistance, all other things equal.

Look at how the Hoover Dam pulls off water flow to be sent down to the turbines. But, you say, this is water. Yes, a fluid, just like all gases are, at least mathematically. Come to think of it, thermodynamics plays into it as well, be it an internal combustion engine or a hydroelectric dam. But not enough to bother with at this level.

Knowing this, let me reel you in because you have gone way afield and wholly overthought it, my man.

The loss of compression from piston porting is negligible. There is no subtle magic to this, it is pure physics. Since the loss of compression is negligible, and the friction is reduced by being able to use lower tension rings, what is there not to like?

There are things. But going into mental gyrations about it won't explain them. LOL.

Living the Gypsy Life

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RE: The Snuffy Syndrome Special
01/01/11 9:13 AM

Come to think of it, thermodynamics plays into it as well...

I'll let the masters explain it. I just drop jaw and well, say I light a torch, pull the spark plug and blow that heat into the cylinder. That piston went nowhere in heating that thermo theory. But if you blow air or pressure into the cylinder, the piston now moves.

Heating your theory all up is to see we have more eyes than who knows how many want to know that trivia, is to have it right the first time. I am going to grind you a pound with the yes or nose and bye the way, to dis day, I checked last year, or was it yes tear day is to wonder what in the fuck happened over at the vette site, that manifold thread is out and out dead, KANE just had to bark up a tree about being very selective in choosing threads.

Now, you and I can argue till the moon and all that, I've seen a clean piston dome before I ever lit off my bike. I then watched the carbon build. Every fire made, you cannot clean those jet holes open enough to use said practical movement for street use. It will just close up in a few thousand miles is that coating on the dome.

But say we water inject to keep it clean is about the only solution. With the research I've made, my guy is not promoting submarine door kind of mods. His deal is to keep the ring away from the heat or it melts via the ring heating up the aluminum you raise the ring too high. Yes, if it gave a tiny bit of HP with drilling and for racing purposes only? I'd be a fool not to chase all the gain to make 1 hp over the next engine, sure.

I more see all the guys losing points they interchange this or that. For any of the ebay chasers, I would know my clutch basket to crank year. Other than that, anything in that case goes from '06 to '11. Any chassis part is full speed ahead is just a shaker can away you crash and burn blue to red she is all black and blue now. And now we come to the ECU-Injector clue is get it right, or I will point you way off the chart take it home, you have no clue how I'll out point you.

That restoring [side] is hard and if you bring piece, you just cannot bring an '06 frame with an '08 ECU and now your papered 2011 enters class as an original you want 100 points for said year. That was more my point on interchanging parts LOOK OUT [I'll find it]!

* Last updated by: Hub on 1/1/2011 @ 9:18 AM *

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