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Thread: VA Disabilty

Created on: 04/03/13 06:03 PM

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VA Disabilty
04/03/13 6:03 PM

One step closer to a more accurate decision on my VA disability claim, thanks to the Decision Review Officer hearing today.

He listened to my attorney's presentations on our four main contentions, and had some interesting statements which went on the record. The hearing was recorded, formal, and I was sworn in before it began.


1) The VA rater(s) erred on the bilateral hearing loss claim, by not taking into consideration the 1977 audiology tests at VA Medical Center San Francisco (3 months after discharge from service) in which the diagnosis was disabling bilateral hearing loss. Coupled with present audiology, the DRO stated that the Veteran Benefits Administration did in fact make a mistake in denying the claim, and pending an examination of the 1977 record by an audiologist he will grant the claim. Not big money in this one, most hearing loss claims are rated at 0% which still counts, but pays very little.

2) Hyperextended left elbow. My attorney presented medical records from West Point, Ft. Benning, and Ft. Ord which showed accidents while resulted in medical records showing injury to the left elbow, upper arm, and shoulder. And current x-rays show bone spurs on the elbow which are very old and clearly the result of muscle tears. Added to the induction tests done at VA Medical Center Martinsburg WV in 2010, which show nerve attenuation between the shoulder and lower arm, and I may get the denied claim reversed. It all hinges on my current Orthopedic Surgeon writing an opinion. So this is the most iffy and likely to get denied again part of it, since there is no medical record between "then" and "now" to show on-going problems.

Now, the heavy hitters, in terms of potential rating percentages...

3) TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) - the DRO says that he will grant service-connected status to the existence of TBI.

4) Chronic Severe Depression - the DRO says he grants the depression and makes it secondary to (caused by) TBI.

5) PTSD - the DRO says he grants PTSD and makes it secondary to TBI.

So with the two secondary, aggravating disabilities, the rating percent is probably minimum of 60% and might go as high as 80 or 90%. Combined with my existing rating, and the weight of the bilateral hearing loss if they find it currently disabling to any degree (it is, in fact, but getting VA to say so is not easy) I could conceivably achieve the magic number .... 100%. And maybe even "unable to work" forcing the Social Security Administration to give me SS Disability Retirement income.

Now, I have seen VA get this far and turn around and back track and issue confounding and contradictory decisions before, but this DRO is a senior rater with decades of experience who no longer works for VA or even VBA, so his job doesn't depend on them, and his word is law. Given how easily he put in the official transcript that TBI in the service occurred, that depression was then and is now diagnosed, and PTSD is diagnosed now, I am hopeful he will not do something 180 degree from what he said he would do.

Now need more medical exams, and an audiologist to read the 1977 audiology report, and a couple shrinks to write opinions sufficient to define the disabilities clearly as service-connected and causing life problems.

Its been since 2010 getting to this point. Another 4 months or so and it will be done. If I don't like the answer, I could still take it to Veterans Appeals Court but the decision would have to be really stupid before I'd do that.


EDIT: and the inability to remember a train of thought more than 15-20 seconds and so to wander while speaking and writing caused this edit, it is called cognitive disorder, and it is a symptom of TBI.

Maybe retirement will come a little earlier than July 2014....

* Last updated by: privateer on 4/3/2013 @ 6:10 PM *

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privateer's Gravatar

Location: [random forest]

Joined: 02/16/09

Posts: 3605

RE: VA Disabilty
04/11/13 7:40 PM

WooHoo I had my de novo hearing with a Decision Review Officer (DRO) who can unilaterally set my disability rating, and it was a formal, recorded, transcribed, legal review.

DRO listened to my attorney for 45 minutes as he laid it out step by step. Frankly my attorney rocked, because he actually managed to make the DRO like him and never pushed him in a corner.

At the end, DRO summed it up: VA service connects TBI, VA service connects Depressive Disorder secondary to TBI, VA service connects PTSD secondary to TBI, VA service connects Cognitive Disorder secondary to TBI. Rating to follow within 4 months, and I am ordering VA Medical Center to do 4 axis psychiatric workups on all 4 and to also reopen the bilateral hearing loss claim and use the 1977 VAMC San Francisco audiology report as initial point of claim and proof of service connected disabling hearing loss.

So, I am going to get 10% more on my ankle too, probably, and the psychiatric stuff will come in between 60 and 80% and that will push me over 100%. I'll believe it when I get a letter that says it, though.

When my Lowe's stock hit $40 a share a few weeks ago, I did a rollover into my State 401k into the Contract Pool which is almost as safe as gold. I have so fking much money in that account now it boggles my mind.

When I retire in July 2014, I will live on the 401k (State will administer it for free) at least for 4 years at which time I get full Social Security too.

But what is blowing my mind is if I do that 100% finally from the VA (it only took 10 years) then I will retire with a monthly tax free income of over $4,000 and I think I can ride around the country with a camping trailer on my Connie and go see all the folks in various Concours Owners Group (COG) areas on that.

The backpay on that will be about $110,000 ! So I'll pay the Connie off, buy my camper trailer, buy a simple pickup truck and bike trailer, and spend the rest on naked girls covered in tattoos.

* Last updated by: privateer on 4/11/2013 @ 7:42 PM *

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