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Thread: need help broke engine mounting bolt

Created on: 11/01/11 12:24 PM

Replies: 4


jpzx14's Gravatar

Location: chicago, il

Joined: 06/15/11

Posts: 46

need help broke engine mounting bolt
11/01/11 12:24 PM

so i was triying to get my bended frame slider of and it broke indide the engine mount , well i took the pice that holds the engine to the frame, moved all the cables, and driled a hole in the middle to get one of those inverted tread kind of things to get the bolt out, but no that broke too and its hard to drill on it, i wonder if any one has any other way to get the screw out as its in there and really tight... and i dont like that the engine is just hanging there...

please help me out...

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jpzx14's Gravatar

Location: chicago, il

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RE: need help broke engine mounting bolt
11/05/11 12:12 PM

so after a week of working on it for about 2hrs a day going trough 10 drill bits, and about 5 easy outs and i lost count on the coursing... i gave up and decided to take it to a mechanic that i know by my house, well he had to drill the thing out completely and make a new tread in the mount as the old one was messedup, well it took him 2 days and $100 of my money to get it out, but well i finally got her back and went for a spin "around the block" to see if "everything was in good function"
and she es just amazinggg, as i get to know her better the more i love it, but the wife is getting jelous so no i have to give her some time, probably take her for a ride... lol

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Rook's Gravatar

Joined: 03/28/09

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RE: need help broke engine mounting bolt
11/07/11 10:00 AM

Glad you got that worked out, jp. Hey, a hundred bucks is a hundred bucks but for two days of mech work, that is a bargain. Isn't it the most awesome thing in the world to have people with that sort of knowledge on your buddy list? Very under-rated on the socioeconomic ladder but when we need one of those guys then everyone is ready to kiss the ground they walk on. If you can trust one of those guys to do GOOD work for you, they are worth their weight in gold.

...sounds like you must be pretty good with a wrench yourself. I bet you get some requests to help out (do the work while they watch and hold tools) a little from time to time.


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jpzx14's Gravatar

Location: chicago, il

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RE: need help broke engine mounting bolt
11/07/11 12:45 PM

u r soo rite brook, and thanks for the complements, but i just do it as a hobby, as i grew up in a familly that doesnt like to pay others for something they can do themself, as an example my dad is a doctor and he can pull an engine out take it all apart fix it an make it run better, so i got a little from him, and yes this guy i took her to is rite on the corner of my block and he is a great guy, he is polish and and has never worked on a bike but his son has an r6 and works with him, so he was the one doing the tap and tread stuff, and he comes out to play with us sometimes so i know him and trust him to do a good job when i dont have the tools or pacience to do it.

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Rook's Gravatar

Joined: 03/28/09

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RE: need help broke engine mounting bolt
11/07/11 9:39 PM

Lot's of hard working Polish folks down in ChiTown. I just love a polish sausage w sour kraut and caraway seeds. especially with a heap of perogies.

I'm up the road in beertown, BTW.


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