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Thread: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution

Created on: 02/04/17 11:53 AM

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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 11:53 AM

If you own a Zx14, or you are an enthusiast motorcycle rider, expert or amateur, rich or poor, despite what you may have heard, immigrants and refugees are welcome here regardless of your nationality and religion.

It is up to us to speak up in one voice of opposition and defiance. The words written on the Statue of Liberty read: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The United States of America Is A Nation Of Immigrants.


Donald Trump's executive order ban goes against the Constitution :

President Donald Trump’s executive order on refugees and noncitizens states that one of its purposes is to ensure that people admitted to the country “support the Constitution.” It’s clear from the rest of the order, which runs afoul of a number of constitutional provisions, that the president does not.

1. Equal Protection. This order raises discrimination concerns surrounding the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, singling out individuals for their religion and nationality by focusing on seven predominantly Muslim countries. Additionally, our immigration laws already forbid such discrimination in issuing visas.

2. First Amendment. The order raises religious freedom concerns, including issues surrounding the ban on government establishment of religion. The law suspends admission of all refugees but asks the secretary of homeland security to “prioritize refugee claims” by members of a “minority religion” in a given country. This effectively means explicitly deprioritizing Muslim refugees in majority-Muslim countries. As Mark Joseph Stern has explained, the apparent preference for Christians of the order itself as well as Trump’s long history of comments supporting a “Muslim ban” will not help the law’s success in the courts.

A closer look at the executive order’s origins makes it clear that it is a direct assault on the fundamental constitutional values of equal protection and religious freedom.


Trump immigration ban dismantled by government after court order :

"The federal government, honoring a court order, began dismantling President Trump's travel ban Saturday."

U.S. District Senior Judge James Robart issued the temporary restraining order Friday night that immediately lifted the ban that sought to block people from seven majority-Muslim countries, or any refugees, from entering the country.

The State Department said it was restoring tens of thousands of canceled visas for foreigners while the Department of Homeland Security "suspended all actions" for enforcing the ban and instead began standard inspection of travelers.

"The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment."

"We're going to keep organizing, working hard to push our local elected officials to protect immigrants, and we will continue marching."


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cruderudy's Gravatar

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 3:31 PM

So It seems you are still upset that Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie aren't back in the white house?

You really demean yourself by comparing what Trump has done in two weeks to a brutal dictator who killed 7 M people over a few years, dont you think?

Perfectly Set up '06 dead and gone
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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 5:31 PM

So It seems you are still upset that Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie aren't back in the white house?
You really demean yourself by comparing what Trump has done in two weeks to a brutal dictator who killed 7 M people over a few years, dont you think?

Forced federal registration of U.S. citizens, based on religious identity, is fascism.

Opposing Trump policies have nothing to do with Hillary. Not sure if any of you guys are paying attention, every day millions of people are protesting Trump policies worldwide.

In less than 24 hours, Trump threatened to use military force in Mexico, started diplomatic criticism of Australia, and put Iran on "notice".

He also ordered a black ops mission with no strategy, without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations which got an American and dozens of civilians killed, and now China warns of nuclear war if Comrade Trump camp doesn't back off?

As much as now people want to blame Obama for it, it was Trump's responsibility, as our new president, to ensure the mission was prepared. It was Trump that gave the green light (probably without double checking current intel on the situation).

I'm also thinking that this might be a good reason for our president to attend daily intelligence briefings instead of thinking that he's smart enough to not need to go every day.

You guys don't realize this incompetent buffoon bullying his way around the world stage is escalating a confrontation we simply cannot afford.


Trump has threatened to limit freedom of the press; promised to imprison his political rivals; encouraged violence by his followers; advocated for the United States to violate international law; proposed policies that violate the constitutional rights of Muslims, Arabs, Hispanics, Latinos and African-Americans; placed radical ideologues in key senior leadership positions; and fabricated a narrative of personal victimhood for himself (and by implication the United States) as a means of justifying his plans to restore “greatness” to the country and (white) Americans. These would be the actions of totalitarian mindset.

Some observers are shocked and surprised by the rise of Trump and his brand of American fascism.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 7:47 PM

Passed in 1952 and used by President Carter to ban immigration from Iran. Yes, it's original intent does seem to weed out undesirables who ARE criminals or pose some other risk to public health in our country, not to weed out immigrants based on national origin or religion. I do do not think President is far off the mark given the current situation just like Jimmy Carter in 1980.

8 U. S. Code Law 1182

(14 f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

Laws are changed all the time. If any change in 1182 is required, I believe it will change in favor of Trump's order to restrict immigration, not the opposite way around.


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 7:53 PM

Well..his 'order' got blocked anyway...that's what the protesters wanted,and a lot of people.So the law is still viable.That's good.I mean...I support Trump.He is my president.Maybe he does get some people riled up.Including world leaders,but that's not such a bad thing.It's NOT business as Usual anymore.That's what pisses em off.He means what he says,and says what he means.Saudi Arabia is doing the same thing.Wonder why?They obviously understand the danger in 'opening the floodgates'.Not everyone is angry with Trump.Not even.As far as China?They ALWAYS blast the isn't Trump doing it.We'll find out who our friends are for sure.It's all planned.You'll see.

I feel bummed a bit that some people got inconvienienced over this last week,but it not like the world is ending.They're being taken care of(travel-wise)as we talk right now.I doubt any of em starved or got shot at.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/4/2017 @ 7:59 PM *

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 7:58 PM

I believe there is something to the rumored warning from China but i could find no highly reliable news sources that reported that, not even among sources that have an anti-Trump bias. Any links from a good source? I'm not saying it's a pile of BS but all I could find was a story from early December in Popular Mechanics that seemed to allude to what you have said happened recently. Popular Mechanics is a great magazine but not where I would typically expect to find the most reliable current events reports. All other sources were pretty flaky.


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 8:04 PM

Talk about 'unconstitutional' about the trillions that Barack TOOK from the American people TWICE with his 'bail outs'...and,to whom did ALL that hard earned cash go to?Guess.Sure didn't do ANYTHING for the middle and lower class people here.Biggest heist in history...and we were forced to accept it.That just quietly went away.Nice.Among all the OTHER things that we had NO say in.Pretty amazing when ya think on it.

The Chinese Gov't is thinking it's somebody...they always have.It'll fail as just watch and see.All this commerce with them by us...that's probably gonna go bye-bye.Militarily,compared to the US..they aint nothin.FACT.And they know it.This stuff isn't new.Iran and it's blatant 'ICBM testing'?That's gonna be dealt with as well...THEY agreed to the rules.That's on them.I do believe Pres Trump is doing the right thing.US policy has been a mockery over the last several years.That's changing.I'm PROUD to be American.I love this country,with all it's goods and bads.I say...get on the winning team,get in the game.Greatest country on Earth.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/4/2017 @ 8:11 PM *

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 8:04 PM

...well let's say, "possibly flaky." i don't know the news well enough to know what flaky is but I know it enough to know there's a lot of exaggerated and nonobjective reporting going on. If i never heard of them, that's suspicious right away.


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 8:06 PM

Among all the OTHER things that we had NO say in.Pretty amazing when ya think on it.

We didn't go out and protest. What a bunch of dumasses we were.


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 8:15 PM

Well..his 'order' got blocked anyway...

That happened Friday. Wait until Monday.


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 8:19 PM

"We didn't go out and protest. What a bunch of dumasses we were" didn't vote for Barack...that was my protest.I don't feel a need to run out there and support "I'm a White heterosexual,and proud of it" either.Ridiculous in my book.But I understand the squeeky wheel gets the grease...yeah.Sa'll good.Trump's just started...when that naysayer gets a job with good pay and can choose his own medical plan,you think he's gonna credit Trump?Lots of hypocrisy in this country,tell ya that.When the people here get that job over an illegal,you think they'll be happy about Trump?Yeah,I'd say so.

They're already putting people on planes.Those countries that were affected...they already have people in the air as we speak.AND reinstating the 60K or so visas that were affected.Sa'll good.The vetted ones are arriving right now,have been over the last day.

"It is up to us to speak up in one voice of opposition and defiance. The words written on the Statue of Liberty read: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
'The United States of America Is A Nation Of Immigrants'.Yeah...back then we NEEDED people here.Times have changed my friend.It is what it is now.Plenty for us here now,taking care of each other,now.That's NOT being cruel.And others will ALWAYS be welcome...that hasn't changed because some regulation was determined recently(and rescinded).Honestly,Governments that engage in straight out genocide and create these things need to be brought to justice.THAT's a fact right there.(ASSAD).And the rest like him.Don't forget,many times America has been referred to as 'the great satan' by Governments who plan our destruction.That's VERY real.Nothing wrong with serious vetting.It NEEDS to be this way now.Sad as that is.This ISN'T a product of AMERICAN doing.Yet we have to try and deal with it.Think that's fair?Don't forget 9/11..and the other ones in this country.Oh hasn't gone away.

I predict the honorable TREY GOWDY will be our NEXT president;)People are tired of business as usual in Government.It's a new path...we need to be on board!

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/4/2017 @ 8:43 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 8:51 PM

Gumball video. No-Go zones. Jobs.


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 9:37 PM

.Go to 31:12.....bout says it all.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/24/2017 @ 10:57 AM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/04/17 11:21 PM

Amen watch 31:12 to the end.

* Last updated by: Rook on 2/4/2017 @ 11:22 PM *


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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/05/17 12:58 AM

Go to 31:12.....bout says it all.

Amen watch 31:12 to the end.

After leading the Benghazi fiasco investigation, four years and millions of tax payers dollars wasted, Rep. Trey Gowdy is the last person that should be involved with any future government investigation.

We should be outraged that the video released by our government to prove Donald Trump's deadly Yemen raid was successful, is a decade old and available online. As is typical with our new administration, now they are being accused of "spin", and the government account of the botched mission is left with lingering questions. Maybe Rep. Trey Gowdy should create a committee and lead a congressional investigation to find out what happened in Yemen.

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/05/17 10:04 AM

'After leading the Benghazi fiasco'...yep...fiasco because hillary never would admit any incompetence.dodged every effort to bring clarity to what happened so it wouldn't be repeated.had she been forthright and pro active with the congress,she'd have gotten more support from the honest people in this country,and shown that lives are the number one thing in any endeavor.she totally threw all that good stuff away trying to save face.commander in chief? I think not.Neither did the voters.

The military already came forward and admitted that video was NOT the bengahzi raid.They said they somehow released that video not realizing it wasn't the one.There's plenty of examples of things going wrong in almost all of the covert raids that go on.This isn't a sign that they were 'botched'.Life is full of unexpected happenings.It would be ridiculous to believe that Obama's ordering of increased missile strikes didn't kill any civilians.

"Yemen raid was successful"...according to the military,it WAS successful.They compared the info gained was at least as 'big' as Bin Laden's raid.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/24/2017 @ 11:04 AM *

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/05/17 10:26 AM

The military is not griping about Trump the way it did Obama. HAHAHHA I think Sarah Silverman's suggestion that the military remove President Trump from office is the funniest thing she ever said. If they didn't haul Obama out, they sure aren't going to touch Trump.


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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/05/17 11:49 AM

"Yemen raid was successful"...according to the military,it WAS successful.

It was successful? It has been reported that plans for the attack was decided after having dinner with his inner circle, Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, and his national security advisor, Mike Flynn, who, by the way, was fired by Obama for incompetence at the Defense Intelligence Agency.

And where was president Trump, the man with a "secret plan to defeat ISIS" during the raid? He was trolling the New York Times on Twitter, not in the situation room.

Women and children were being gunned down -- a Navy SEAL, Chief Petty Officer William "Ryan" Owens, was being gunned down -- while Trump tweet-raged at The New York Times because the paper keeps crushing his deeply fragile ego. So, not only was the raid botched from the word "go," but the incompetent who authorized it didn't even bother to show up inside the Situation Room to monitor the crisis.

Exacerbating the administration's incompetence, Spicer, during a press briefing on Wednesday, revealed the name of the wife of the slain SEAL Team 6 member, leaving her and her three children vulnerable to retaliation.

How apoplectic would the GOP be right now if this had been either Barack Obama or, worse, Hillary Clinton? The demands for impeachment would be (no pun intended) fast and furious. All we need to do is rewind to the Benghazi situation to know how the aftermath would've played out. We're talking about endless investigations, possibly culminating in articles of impeachment this time.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/05/17 2:53 PM

Sounds awfully familiar. These stories are repeats that strike me as something very close to tabloid journalism. Reportedly, Obama didn't miss his golf game to address the Berlin terrorist attack nor a few other serious situations that happened in our own country. He divulged the names of killed special ops to the media. I suspect these events were being reported in the worst possible light by biased/questionable sources with Obama and now the same is happening to Trump.


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/05/17 4:53 PM

"After leading the Benghazi fiasco investigation, four years and millions of tax payers dollars wasted".Yep,wasted because Hillary lied continuously about what she KNEW and didn't know.That's public knowledge now.Not conjecture.Like she lied about sending classified docs over her private server(to an outside individual who should have NEVER been in the loop to begin with).She SHOULD have been heeding the pleas of our service people over there and sent the required help.She had ample time before the attack to arrange the needed security.Months.You can't blame anyone for what she did or didn't do.She's supposed to be the top dog.Shame on her.Imagine her as Commander-In-Chief.With the lives of Americans at stake.No thanks.

"It was successful?"...again,the military SAID is was a success.The winning of WWII was a success for the free world.How many died in that?War is war,people die.That's the price Americans(and others)pay for freedom.Willingly.And I would guess that service member that was killed felt the same way.Surely you understand what I'm saying.I doubt if he could speak that he'd be crying about getting killed for his Country.I seriously doubt he was shot in the back running from danger.Let's not disgrace him(and others)by assuming(speaking)that they didn't choose to be a part of the solution.

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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/05/17 10:30 PM

"After leading the Benghazi fiasco investigation, four years and millions of tax payers dollars wasted".Yep,wasted because Hillary lied continuously about what she KNEW and didn't know.That's public knowledge now.Not conjecture.Like she lied about sending classified docs over her private server(to an outside individual who should have NEVER been in the loop to begin with).She SHOULD have been heeding the pleas of our service people over there and sent the required help.She had ample time before the attack to arrange the needed security.Months.You can't blame anyone for what she did or didn't do.She's supposed to be the top dog.Shame on her.Imagine her as Commander-In-Chief.With the lives of Americans at stake.No thanks.

I think you missed the part where the House Select Committee on Benghazi led by Rep. Trey Gowdy, after four years was unable to find any evidence on Clinton. In other words, those were four years wasted (according to Rep. Trey Gowdy) to uncover no new evidence that contradicts the key findings of the previous bipartisan and independent investigations. No evidence of cover-up or gross negligence by Clinton.

In addition, the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton's emails by FBI Director James Comey found no evidence of a crime being committed.

Since this Clinton email thingy keeps coming up, here is something I've read the other day:

Trump Staff Using Private Email Server :

Senior Trump administration staffers, including Kellyanne Conway, Jared Kushner, Sean Spicer and Steve Bannon, had until Wednesday active accounts on a Republican National Committee (RNC) email system, Newsweek has learned.

The system is the same one the George W. Bush administration was accused of using to evade transparency rules after claiming to have “lost” 22 million emails.

Making use of separate political email accounts at the White House is not illegal. In fact, they serve a purpose by allowing staff to divide political conversations (say, arranging for the president to support a congressional re-election campaign) from actual White House work. Commingling politics and state business violates the Hatch Act, which restricts many executive branch employees from engaging in political activity on government time.

But after then-candidate Donald Trump and the Republicans repeatedly called for “locking up” Hillary Clinton for handling government work with a private server while secretary of state, the new White House staff risks repeating the same mistake that dogged the Democrat’s presidential campaign.


"It was successful?"...again,the military SAID is was a success.

If you believe everything our government says, I am happy for you. Our military said Pat Tillman was killed by the enemy in Afghanistan. Instead of telling the truth, admit that he was killed by friendly fire, they manufactured a false narrative to cover up their mistakes. Remember Jessica Lynch? The military lied about her capture too. That is public knowledge now.

The winning of WWII was a success for the free world.How many died in that?War is war,people die.That's the price Americans(and others)pay for freedom.Willingly.And I would guess that service member that was killed felt the same way.Surely you understand what I'm saying.I doubt if he could speak that he'd be crying about getting killed for his Country.I seriously doubt he was shot in the back running from danger.Let's not disgrace him(and others)by assuming(speaking)that they didn't choose to be a part of the solution.

No one here is disputing the sacrifice of soldiers and their families, including the ultimate sacrifice American soldiers make to keep all of us safe. You just reminded me how Trump belittled the Muslim family of Capt. Humayun Khan, who died in Iraq serving in the Army. Trump didn't even knew what a Gold Star family was.

I guess in Trump's "alternative facts" world, it is ok to insult and disgrace the family of a dead American soldier since they are Muslims.

And don't get me started on how Donald Trump has the galls to insult our vets by claiming he sacrifices as much as fallen soldiers; how our military is a disaster and in shambles; and McCain is not a war hero because he was captured. This from a guy who had five draft deferments, one of them for having bone spurs in his heels. lol

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/06/17 3:28 AM

"In addition, the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton's emails by FBI Director James Comey found no evidence of a crime being committed."

Kofla, I don't mind opinions being stated but I do draw the line at peoples intelligence being insulted...

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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/06/17 5:39 AM

Kofla, I don't mind opinions being stated but I do draw the line at peoples intelligence being insulted...

Just for the record, nobody said Clinton is a saint; in my opinion, they were both uniquely corrupt candidates.

FBI has found no criminal wrongdoing in new Clinton emails, says Comey :

On 28 October, only 11 days before the presidential election, Comey sent congressional leaders a letter informing them that agents had discovered emails “that appear pertinent” to a prior investigation, into Clinton’s use of a private server while she was secretary of state. It was later reported that as many as 650,000 such emails were in question.

The move, so close to an election, proved tremendously controversial. In July, Comey had announced that Clinton and her aides were “extremely careless” but that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case against them.

“Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation,” Comey wrote to Congress on Sunday.

“During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state.

“Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton,” he concluded. “I am grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time.”

The FBI has determined that a new batch of emails linked to Hillary Clinton’s private email server “have not changed our conclusion” that she committed no criminal wrongdoing, FBI director James Comey told congressional leaders in a letter on Sunday.

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/06/17 8:03 AM

"after four years was unable to find any evidence on Clinton". LOL...there was PLENTY of evidence.They couldn't find 'intent'...which Trey Gowdy was infuriated about.Had she been indicted,she'd be in jail right now.That's what saved her.The questions of intent were NOT delved into in the hearings.

"“extremely careless” ...ya think?How many OTHER decisions were "extremely careless"...plenty.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/6/2017 @ 8:07 AM *

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Maddevill's Gravatar

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RE: Donald Trump's Executive Order Ban Goes Against The Constitution
02/06/17 8:29 AM

Grn you do realize that Obama's bail out with the TARP saved YOUR savings and the entire world economy?
And as far as Trump being a man of his word, all I can say is BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! yeah, right...
Hey Kofla, us "Left Wing Loonies" are with you.


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