ATP turbo and was told pop off valve, which attaches to left air box intake, was set to about 6 PSI 'stock setting'.
I noticed at idle today fair amount of air coming out of valve. Not stuck but at adjustment of when I got the kit and installed, and seeming open, screw out, quite a bit. Adjustor nut was tight as when put on, so did not come loose.
Can tighten down and air flow at idel stops... but how far (in) to go - how to really adjust so is at 7PSI = to actuator PSI?
If this is bleeding off PSI - air flow was pretty good/strong outta there, I can only wonder what the bike will feel like with this tightened correctly to PSI. Adjust in all the way as air box is strong enough for a bunch of PSI, 22 and higher, and not to worry?