Question, Dose Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's form over seas have the passing switch/button on them?
* Last updated by: Black1 on 3/8/2011 @ 11:22 PM *
Created on: 03/08/11 11:20 PM
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RE: Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's?
03/08/11 11:44 PM
Dunno black1 the ozzie one does what about the USA one too?
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RE: Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's?
03/09/11 9:35 AM
I picked up a Euro-spec flash-to-pass switch for my 94 Suzi and thought is was cool as hell. I was wondering the same for this bike...? Haven't seen any on Fleebay yet
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RE: Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's?
03/23/11 4:33 PM
What does it look like? The Canadian models just have a hi/lo switch, at least my 06 does.
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RE: Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's?
03/24/11 6:48 AM
These are pictures of my 2010 model, I'm pretty certain that having a pass (flash) switch function is an ADR (Australian Design Rule) requirement cause I can't recall ever seeing a bike over here without one. The Law over here changed about 15 to 20 years ago that Headlights are always on with the engine running I think that is pretty universal now, prior to that we used to have a headlight switch also.(might be out with my time estimation, the lsat bike I owned that had a headlight switch was a 1986 GPZ900r)
Obviously you operate the switch with your index finger and it only flashes the high beams when you are on low beams. If you are already on high beam the switch has no effect.
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RE: Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's?
03/24/11 7:08 AM
Australian Design Rule 46/00 - Headlamps
Appendix B – UNECE R 5/02
table 1. No lower limit is specified for the tolerance on wattage but the minimum
illumination values specified in table 2 of paragraph 8.8 must be obtained.
Table 1
Circular units of 180 mm
Circular units of 145
mm diameter
Rated voltage 6 12 6 12
Test voltage 6 12 6 12
Rated wattage and permitted tolerance
Driving beam 60 + 0% 37.5 + 0%
Passing beam 50 + 0% 50 + 0%
Driving beam filament only 75 + 0% 50 + 0%
Passing beam filament only 50 + 0% 50 + 0%
8.1. SB units shall be so made as to give adequate illumination without dazzle for the
passing beam, and good illumination for the driving beam.
8.2. The illumination produced by the unit shall be checked on a vertical screen set at
a distance of 25 m in front of the unit and .at right angles to its axis (see annex 4,
plates SB8a and SB8b).
8.3. The passing beam must produce a sufficiently
* Last updated by: Brenny on 3/24/2011 @ 7:09 AM *
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RE: Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's?
03/24/11 3:11 PM
The canadian models dont have a flash to pass switch,but the silver 14 has a flash pass mode,any of my friends I pass call it WTF blew by
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RE: Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's?
03/25/11 12:17 AM
My busa has a passing flasher. I almost never use it for passing. Seems like something that will draw attention better when approaching toward the frnt of another vehicle. I'm mostly a daytime rider and I doubt any one sees you better approaching from the rear in daylight. They stand a better chance of hearing a loud exhaust, IMO. But thge flasher is a good piece of safety equipment. Can't hurt--might help.
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RE: Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's?
03/25/11 12:59 AM
I sure the only difference would be the switch housing (and switch) wouldn't be hard for your local Kawasaki dealer to order an Australian spec switch assembly. Or maybe keep an eye on Ebay, if go to you limit your search to just Australia.
I think a girl on the back doing a boobie flasher would get noticed better in daylight
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RE: Canadian ZX14's an ZZR's?
03/25/11 5:17 AM
damn that's messed up Bren!
Rook, excuse me if I'm wrong but are you thinking a flash to pass is to tell other motors to pass you?
Ignore my comment if you already were aware of this, but there are places on earth where drivers are more civilized than North America and if someone comes up behind someone going slower, a quick flash of the brights tells them the intent to pass so the driver infront WILL quickly heed the way for the faster driver. The momentary-on FTP button makes this process easier than turning the high beam switch on manually then turning it back off which takes more time and can hurt people's eyes.
We really need to make this a law in the USA also with all the people who think it's perfectly ok to travel in the passing lane their entire trip down the road.
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