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Thread: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R

Created on: 07/07/24 09:56 PM

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/07/24 10:14 PM

After two years of no rding at all, I finally got on the new bike and took a ride. I thought I'd be intimidated but it was just like I never stopped riding. I kept the rpm moderate to midrange mostly between 3000 and 5000 rpm. I spiked it up to 7000 rpm a few times and I did lots of downshifting and engine braking. I used all throttle positions from just a crack to WOT. I ran the engine at 2500 rpm with very low throttle a few times and only briefly.

If you don't want to read this all, I'll sum it for you up front. Gen2 v Gen1, pretty much the same sport riding experience in all aspects. The 14R is more comfortable and a little more high speed friendly. We all know it's faster if you can ride it but you probably won't know unless you race Gen1 side by side with Gen2. The Gen2 has safety electronics so it is safer if you use them. The 14R improved a lot over the Gen1 ZX-14 but if your objective is power and speed, either one has more than you can handle on the road.

The completely stock 14R felt a lot heavier at a standstill than my 08 that had many weight reduction mods. However, as soon as I took off, I felt as confident on the 14R as I did on my old Gen1. It was like I never stopped riding it. I will be doing all the same weight loss mods on the 14R that I did on my Gen1 so I may be able to make a more objective comparison in the future. I didn't corner the new 14R nearly as hard as I used to corner on my Gen1 but I got her leaned over a bit. I imagine the exhaust and fairings of the stock Gen2 would be a lot more likely to touch down than my lightweight Gen1 but it would be the same between both bikes if comparing stock to stock. For now I can say with certainty, 80 lb+ lightened Gen1 v completely stock Gen2, equal in handling.

Feels the same as my Gen1. Maybe I'll notice the extra 20 hp after I tune and experience riding the Gen2 more. I should think an extra 10 ft lb of torque will be very noticeable at lower speeds which I do a lot more often. I hit 90 mph one time on my ride today and the 14R climbed up there in the blink of an eye just like the Gen1 does. I didn't do any wheelies on the 14R but that will probably be the best way I can compare the bikes' power. I did wheelies on my Gen1 pretty often. If the Gen2 will power up in first gear at less than WOT or lower than 8000 rpm, that will tell the tale. Without riding my new 14R to these extremes yet, we have to give this one to the 14R. We know it has more power whether you can use it or not.

Throttle control:
I did not notice the annoying low rpm, small TP hesitation in first and second gears that my Gen1 had. I hardly operated the 14R under these conditions at all yet but if the low rpm/fine throttle dead zone was there, I would have noticed. Even so, I can feel the 14R will benefit from some engine tuning like the Gen1 did. At WOT, I noticed a definite leap in power at 5000 rpm on the 14R. Based on the rpm, I'd say that was not the flies open response. Kaw must have smoothed the flies right out with the 14R. There is plenty of power below 5000 rpm with either the Gen1 or the Gen2. I'm sure the powerband of the 14R can be made as linear as my Gen1's became after it was tuned. My stock Gen1 had two plateaus in power before tuning, I only feel a single peaky spot in my 14R so far but I have not ran it to redline yet. It may be a little early to make the call but for now, the throttle response of my Gen2 seems quite a bit superior to my Gen1 comparing stock to stock, new to new.

Safety/rider aids:
The 14R has a slipper clutch, KTRC, power modes and ABS, the Gen1 doesn't. I turned my KTRC to lowest and power mode to Full for my first ride. I don't know how help they are yet but they're there. Obviously, this one goes to the 14R.

The 14R has upgraded brakes but I noticed no difference from my stock Gen1 brakes, front or rear. Hard braking is not my forte though so I'm not the best to judge. The feel of the brakes is equally good on both my Gen1 and my Gen2. All it takes is a light touch to drag the front brake and from there, I can feel how much brake pressure to apply with subtle movement of the lever. I would have expected the Brembo master cylinder of my 14R to grab with even less lever travel than the Gen1 brake but it feels the same as the Gen1 to me. Both the Gen1 and Gen2 have good brakes. I can't tell if one is better than the other. The 14R has ABS so maybe we will give this match to the 14R.

The 14R gearbox sure feels smooth with the engine shut down and the bike at a standstill. I can lop between 1st and 2nd very easily and finding Neutral between is no problem. With the 14R at a roll, there is no big difference in shift feel through the pedal compared to the Gen1. The Gen1 shifted smooth, the Gen2 does too. Of course, with the engine running, the 14R still has the old familiar clunk into first gear that the Gen1 has. The Gen1 clutch lever is a bit on the stiff side and it's no different with the Gen2. Engagement of the clutch with the transmission also feels the same with both bikes. Gen1 v Gen2 gear shifts, equal.

Like my Gen1, I felt bellows of hot air rise out of my 14R when stopped at a light. Get the bike moving even at moderate speed, the hot air goes away. For heat, both bikes are equal, they make a lot of it.

The 14R sure has a lot more info on the mutifunction meter than the Gen1 has. I should be able to give a better assessment of the instruments display once I figure out how to switch the display to "light background/dark type." I wasn't able to see it much at all while riding in daylight with the display set to "dark background/light type." The Gen1 multifunction meter has light background and dark type with no other option. Even it was hard to read in certain lighting situations. I expect the 14R LCD meter display set to light background/dark type will be no different, just with more info. As for analog speedo and tac, they are equally visible on both Gens while in an upright riding position. The dark background with light numbers of the 14R clocks look fancier but the good ol black on white of the Gen1 is easier to read. The jury is out on which instruments are better. I will have to become more familiar with the 14R meter functions before making that call.

Comfort, riding position, aerodynamics:
Between the Gen1 and the Gen2, I do not notice a difference in knee, hip and shoulder alignment while in the riding position. I don't think there's a lot of difference in wind protection between the Gen1 and the Gen2 while in the upright riding position either. However, you will find more room to tuck your head low on the 14R. That is a significant improvement for aerodynamics and it can be a plus for comfort and wind protection too. The 14R feels like it has a longer span to flatten down into while in a tuck. That also increases the amount of space for the helmet to fit inside of the cockpit and below the windscreen. There is more room to view the instruments while tucked down and more room to keep the back and butt low. This will help 14R riders with long torsos fit the bike for high speed operation better than if they were riding a Gen1.

The 14R seat is much more comfortable and ergonomically designed than the Gen1 seat. I seem to touch the ground flat footed without extending my knees as much while sitting on the 14R at a stop. The rider's butt stays planted on the 14R seat wherever the rider wants it. The forward slanting Gen1 seat was horrible in these respects.

The Gen2 takes it for riding comfort and sport/racing riding position.

I will probably have more to add in the future.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/08/24 6:02 PM

Interesting. I still have never ridden a Gen 1. I can imagine for an average street rider like me, given similar weights 14 vs 14r (both stockish) acceleration wise would probably come down to who got the jump. Pro rider, sure, they're going to be consistently faster on the 14R in the quarter (or people like Charlie, probably anyway).

A couple thing things to consider - IIRC on your 08 you had 200/55 and I assume 14Rs are still coming with 190/50. IMO, going to a 55 does make a notable difference as far as flickable feel. Whether this translates to actually being faster on a track or not, I don't know. If your bike has Metzler M5s or something similar on it, those were always considered to be a great tire but more on the mundane side of sporty riding. I've liked pretty much every time I've had better than the M5s mine came with, definitely favoring 55s after you all talked me into them. Also you dohave easy 20 lbs of exhaust weight to lose, and your 08 had been gutted weight wise. So it's not quite fair to compare weight/flickability to your 08 since it was a fairly rare example of the breed.

The seat is definitely money on the 14R.

As far as the Kawasaki clunk, bud, that goes way back. I rode an 86 Ninja 600 (didn't buy it) back in the day that had the Kawasaki clunk.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/09/24 7:41 AM

I assume 14Rs are still coming with 190/50.

I didn't check but looking at it brand new, I'd say you're correct. It looks very circular across the tread like the stock tire on my 08 ZX-14.

Also you dohave easy 20 lbs of exhaust weight to lose, and your 08 had been gutted weight wise. So it's not quite fair to compare weight/flickability to your 08 since it was a fairly rare example of the breed.

Yep, they feel like two different bikes sitting on them at a dead stop but surprisingly similar when cornering even with the extra 100 lbs the stock 14R has over the modded Gen1 ZX-14. Thiking back on it though, I wouldn't try some of the lower speed corners I did on my Gen1 with this bike. Low speed corners were where I leaned the hardest. I'm sure I'll be able to do everything I did with my Gen1 once I get the weight down on the 14R. Yes, the exhaust was over 39 lbs on the Gen1 and I think it's about the same on the 14R. Replace that with an 8 lb race exhaust!

Simply stated, if the stock 14R seems to handle similarly to my modded Gen1, the 14R could only get better after all the weight comes off.

* Last updated by: Rook on 7/9/2024 @ 4:16 PM *

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mokaw's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/09/24 8:20 PM

Hey Rook. I'm glad you finally went for a ride on your new bike. Super smooth isn't it?
I went from a 2006 ZX-14 to a 2012 ZX-14R. I like the 14R a lot more than I did the 14. My 2102 is a lot better on gas too. If I just cruise at the speed limit, the bike averages 48 plus mpg (53.2 one time with a tailwind).
Also, I love the increase in horsepower the 14R has over the 14. On the same dyno, which I think might read a little low, the 2006 14 made 175 hp. My 2012 14R made 195 hp. Obviously, you can tell a 20 hp increase on a bike. I let my nephew ride mine one day (who has the same bike as my 06, Brocks full exhaust, even the same color - red). He ran it to redline in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. When he came back and got off the bike he was shaking his head. He said that thing is unreal.
Anyway, I think you'll love your new bike. You gave a very professional ride report.
If it means anything, I have a Brocks Alienhead 2 on my 2012. I love that short pipe. It's kinda loud driving around and when you get on it, it sounds awesome.
Congrats again on a wise choice of a motorcycle.

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Impressions&#x3a&#x3b; Rook&#x27&#x3b;s First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/10/24 5:18 PM

I'm glad you finally went for a ride on your new bike. Super smooth isn't it?

Thanks mokaw! Yeah extremely smooth but I think I felt the KTRC intervene today and that was a surprise! I think it was in 2nd gear. I opened up the throttle fast. The bike accelerated hard for a second, probably to 6000 rpm. Then I heard the engine winding up and accelerate even harder. It was like pressing the pedal to the floor with an automatic transmission. It felt like I did a fast downshift at WOT. The bike couldn't have slipped a gear lower, I didn't hear the the gearbox slam or any bad noises. I just rolled off and decelerated to normal speed. As far as I remember, it was still in the same gear. I'll have to try to duplicate that again and take better note of what happens. The KTRC is set in 1 and Power Mode is Full.

Excerpt from my OP:
"At WOT, I noticed a definite leap in power at 5000 rpm on the 14R. Based on the rpm, I'd say that was not the flies open response. Kaw must have smoothed the flies right out with the 14R."

Come to think of it, I noticed the same thing on my first ride but this time, I was giving it 100% demand in second gear. IDT it's KTRC, it's probably just a hill in the stock mapping. I feel a surge at 5000 rpm. Same thing on my 2008 ZX-14. There was a surge at 2500 which was the flies and there was another surge at 5000 rpm. This feels a lot stronger though! If thyat's the extra 90 ccs working for me, I'm thrilled! I'd say we have some tuning to do on the 14R before it's perfectly smooth though. If I can get extra power below that 5000 rpm spot and smooth out the whole power curve, I'll take it! I'd love to tune it myself on the road like I did with my 08 but I'm not taking the risk again.

I have a Brocks Alienhead 2 on my 2012. I love that short pipe. It's kinda loud driving around and when you get on it, it sounds awesome.

I can't wait to get my Brocks pipe! I might have to wait a while because he's out of stock on the CT Meg.

* Last updated by: Rook on 7/10/2024 @ 5:56 PM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/13/24 11:11 AM

When you get to TC off and full power riding fun and get on it hard coming out of a corner in 2nd or 3 rereport back .... your results may very

Perfectly Set up '06 dead and gone
New BBW '14 14R

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/14/24 7:11 AM

Yes, right now I can't turn the KTRC off. I dont think it's KTRC though, it's the stock fueling. I'll get a flash and see what that leads to.

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Fordtech's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/25/24 2:42 PM

Glad to see you are riding again and on a 24!! Model!!
Curious what color you bought? I read through your impressions of the bike. I agree with everything you said.
I doubt I will be replacing the whole exhaust assy. I am seriously considering Scorpion Parallel Serket slip ons(No Repacking!) Lifetime limited warranty. Carbon Fiber cans.
Ride safe brother!!

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Impressions&#x3a&#x3b; Rook&#x27&#x3b;s First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/25/24 5:22 PM

I got the 40th anniversary edition. I'm pretty sure that's the only color for 2024. It was what I asked for when I contacted the dealership and they had it so I bought it. The scheme didn't strike me so well at first but after looking at it a while, I like it. It's very different from my other two bikes. I might paint the green a scarlet red someday and keep the blue and white. I think I'll get a carbon fiber pattern vinyl for the frame and grills and a few other CF touches. For now, I'm enjoying the green!

* Last updated by: Rook on 7/25/2024 @ 5:26 PM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/28/24 5:55 AM

Rook make sure you're final decision is with KTRC off. I don't know why you can't turn it off, unless it's something Kaw did in software. (if it's still 0-3) Even KTRC 1 will have a feel to it, and it will cut the throttle/fuel, even on 100% dry/good grip conditions. I suppose this bike might really spin the tire slightly under heavy acceleration and it might be unperceived by us (although sometimes we DO feel wheelspin), but it is detectable by the TRC system?

I normally ride with KTRC off, which is the best part of my flash that I don't have to reset all that crap every ride.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/28/24 10:36 AM

Well shit, that sure was easy! LOL I didn't even know I could turn the KTRC off! I now have the power mode at FULL and KTRC OFF. I'm about to take a little ride in a short while.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/28/24 3:20 PM

I normally ride with KTRC off, which is the best part of my flash that I don't have to reset all that crap every ride.

Yeah, LOL not only did I not know it was possible to turn the KTRC off, I see it automatically turns itself back on every time you shut the bike down. LOL I stopped to get a gallon of gas and ended up taking my ride in TC level 1 again! I really didn't notice any sudden zing in power although I didn't quite go WOT this time. Didn't redline yet either. Took another quick sprint up to 8000 rpm and gently rolled off. I think I'm getting up the nerve to touch the rev limiter in third gear. The bike has 150 miles on it now.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/30/24 4:08 PM

If it's wet I'll run TRC 3, but obviously don't ride in the wet unless I have to. It's not that big of a deal to reset it every time, BUT it is stupid when you stop for gas. At least on my 13 you also have to best stopped to change TRC. But I got pretty proficient at it. I barely remember how to even get into the settings now.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
07/31/24 9:22 AM

LOL it will be a while before I get a flash so I'll just have to remember! It'll be interesting to note any differences I feel at various KTRC levels and power levels. After trying out the three power modes on my busa, I never took it out of A mode. Traction control does seem like a wise precaution if you ride in poor conditions though. I always have checked the weather before venturing out and I don't ever go far so my riding has been virtually rainless for the past 8 years. Of course, I didn't ride for the last two but if I did, it would be the same, check weather take a 30 mile sport ride.

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Fordtech's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
08/09/24 1:56 PM

Hey Rook
I had wondered what color you bought. Low and behold the 40th anniversary edition.
That is a seriously sweet looking bike. Buddy of mine had a ZX7R those colors and it was
a really sweet bike.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Impressions: Rook's First Ride on the Gen2 ZX-14R
08/10/24 11:45 AM

Thanks Ford! I'll be going for a ride later this weekend. It's getting to be about time to change the oil and put her up for the winter. There's no real reason to ride past August here. I went into December the first year I owned my 08 but there's no sense in that.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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