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Thread: Radar detector forum

Created on: 03/15/14 11:09 PM

Replies: 6


OpenRoad's Gravatar

Location: Santa Cruz, CA

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Radar detector forum
03/15/14 11:09 PM

Invitation for you to check out where we have a fair amount of bikers. Here you can learn how to avoid getting tickets on your bike as well as your car. I go by the same username over there. If you want to find out how to fight a ticket, learn about LIDAR and police tactics, and radar gear - check it out.

* Last updated by: OpenRoad on 3/15/2014 @ 11:10 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Radar detector forum
03/16/14 9:14 PM

just what I have always wanted! However, an awful lot to digest on top of all the other bike related info I try to keep up on.

BTW, lots of popo stops I saw this weekend. It's the time of the season, boys. Be careful!

* Last updated by: Rook on 3/16/2014 @ 9:15 PM *

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Radar detector forum
03/16/14 11:26 PM

Yup...passed SEVERAL on my last ride...thankfully I wasn't in warp mode....ya never know;)

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OpenRoad's Gravatar

Location: Santa Cruz, CA

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RE: Radar detector forum
03/17/14 2:01 AM

I have a scanner in my car and I was picking someone up at the airport today in San Jose. I heard CHP making a stop on a group of bikes, caught 3 of them going way over 100 (they were spotted by a California Highway Patrol helicopter), all 3 bikes got impounded. Not fun for them.

Lots of bikes out today in the Santa Cruz Mountains. As soon as I got back from the airport, I jumped on the bike for a 90 minute run.

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Maddevill's Gravatar

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RE: Radar detector forum
03/17/14 2:37 PM

Yeah, we did our regular Alice's loop on Saturday and it actually wasn't that bid. Traffic was relatively light and we dispensed with any hapless cars that were in our way toot suite. Overall our pace, if anything , was a little faster than usual. Oh yeah, tried out my friend's new/ used 2002 RC51. Very clean with carbon pipes and PC3 for $3800. It was pretty nice, but after feeling how stiff it was and how low the bars were I LOVED getting back on my ZX. BTW- he STILL couldn't keep up.


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OpenRoad's Gravatar

Location: Santa Cruz, CA

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RE: Radar detector forum
03/17/14 8:18 PM

The bikers that got snagged were at the summit of Hwy 17. I caught the tail end of the sting, so not sure where they started. Great weather Sunday. I'll have to catch up with you guys on one of the Alice's rides. I do it all the time on a whim, since I'm already in the mountains.

Back in the day, there used to be a Sheriff that sat in the parking lot of the deli, shooting radar at the bikes coming down the hill right before the intersection. Have not seen that in a long time.

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privateer's Gravatar

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RE: Radar detector forum
03/22/14 2:58 AM

Back in the 90s when I lived in San Jose, my buddy and I used to ride up to the ridge and north to Alice's on Sunday mornings.

One morning, we crested the last big hill before the one that goes down to the flat in front of Alice's and the strip mall, and we were flying. There was the Sheriff with his radar gun on the other side of the hill. He waved us over, and we complied of course.

Had his ticket pad out as he walked towards us. Says to me, "Son, I'd ticket you but you were 2nd over the hill so I can't prove the radar gun locked on you, but I know you were north of 100 mph. So your buddy gets to pay the price for you, since I have to cite him for whats on the radar gun."

My buddy gave me a grimace. About that time, the Sheriffs radio squawked about a big accident a few miles south. He looked at me, then my buddy, then his ticket pad, and said, "Its your lucky day, I don't have time to finish writing this ticket. Please keep it down and be safe!"

And he got back in the car and roared off down the road, gumball flashing and siren wailing.

My buddy chewed me out for a minute or two until we both broke up laughing.

Living the Gypsy Life

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